This Department Presents An Introduction to Our
Advanced Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Programs
Review of Our Natural Healthcare Education Opportunities
As explained previously, Lonnie Willoughby is the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health. Over a period of 15 years, this South Carolina Corporation owned
and operated a complex healthcare and wellness store in the Greenville, South
Carolina area. Lon managed this business, and he worked with our assistant store manager to provide special natural healthcare and wellness concepts services to our health-conscious customers.
The healthcare and wellness store portion of our corporate business in Mauldin, South Carolina was closed permanently on April 24, 2014. However, ABC of Health continued in business at a private office location by specializing in the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education portion of our previous health store business, as explained in the Home department of this Introductory Website.
Lonnie Willoughby (Lon Will o bee) has researched, discovered, and studied many natural healthcare and wellness concepts and protocols over many years, beginning in 1970 (at age 34, more than 48 years ago). His initial interest was in trying to learn how to take better care of his family's health - his wife, two young sons (ages 11 and 9), and his own health.
Over his years of continued healthcare research and study, Lon eventually realized that practically all American adult citizens need to learn some of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he had learned. He then began to develop practical, responsible, and sensible healthcare actions that American citizens can take to improve their ability to protect their precious natural health. Lon had learned that their are beneficial natural healthcare and wellness actions that can help protect natural health and also improve longevity potential (the potential to live a healthier and longer life).
WOW! Over a period of 48+ years of ongoing healthcare self-education, Lon was very successful with his diligent research, discovery, and study of natural healthcare and wellness concepts . He evaluated many natural healthcare and wellness concepts by various authors. Since year 2000, he discovered, developed. and copyrighted more than 50 natural healthcare and wellness concepts for exclusive use by ABC of Health. Some of those healthcare concepts present revolutionary breakthroughs in natural healthcare and wellness maintenance concepts and protection concepts.
Lon understands that these very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts can
greatly improve the potential for many American citizens to enjoy a healthier life than would likely occur without our very helpful education about these advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
Our Corporation currently owns the copyrights for many advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets so we are the only company in America that can legally promote and teach these incredibly important and valuable advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts in the easy to understand and learn way that Lon Willoughby has developed.
He believes that most ordinary American adults can be taught how to develop a lifestyle
that can be more enjoyable, more productive, and enable them to become more successful. Lon understands that ordinary Americans (not various types of healthcare practitioners) will need additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in order to accomplish those very desirable objectives.
Consequently, Lon has spent a lot of time and effort developing advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education techniques that can be used to help ordinary people a lot.
During the early months of year 2010, our ABC of Health personnel worked with Lon to develop power point video type presentations that could be used in a classroom setting (using a digital projector) to help Lon introduce audiences to some of our advanced natural healthcare concepts.
Unfortunately, this Free natural healthcare concepts education program was not effective in 2010 through 2013. We learned that there were two primary reasons for this disappointing situation:
1. Most of our health store customers had busy lives, and they did not want to take time to attend a class in our corporate classroom (in our healthcare and wellness store facility in Mauldin, SC). Our classroom could seat 30 people when we used six feet long folding legs type tables as desk tops. We could seat about 50 people when the chairs were placed in theater style (without the tables).
2. Lon gradually learned over the years that most customers erroneously believed that they already knew about all they needed to know about very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts. Consequently, most of our customers did not want to attend a Free class that would introduce them to some of the very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts that Lon had developed.
Most of our health store customers apparently believed that they were doing just fine with the natural healthcare concepts knowledge that they already had. They apparently believed it would not be worth their time and effort to attend one of our Free natural healthcare concepts classes.
Over the years, Lon gradually learned that there were several other reasons for most customers not wanting to attend one of our natural healthcare concepts classes; those reasons are explained in a separate department at this Website. Our Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs department presents a very important and interesting report about the six myths that Lon discovered over the years - myths that have become very dangerous beliefs for millions of Americans. (Probably very harmful to most American adults.)
Lon learned that some of these dangerous myths caused harmful beliefs that were helping many adults in our local area to carelessly ignore the importance and great value of our Free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes. (Scheduled weekly and advertised locally many times during a two-year period of time.)
You should have visited our Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs department prior to getting to this department. As you now know, that department presents very important and very valuable healthcare and wellness education information that all American adult citizens need to review. We encourage all American visitors to carefully study that revealing report because it presents very important healthcare related information!!!
We provide a convenient link to our Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs department right below so American visitors can conveniently review that department again if they want to do that. They use their Back Arrow Function to return to this exact location.
Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs
Welcome back to this Healthcare Education department. Let's continue.
In year 2010, we spent a lot of time and money preparing a very good classroom area in our health and wellness store in Mauldin, SC. We also advertised our Free natural healthcare concepts classes in a variety of ways (several thousand dollars in advertisement costs). However, after two additional years of our responsible efforts in trying to help educate our healthcare and wellness store customers, and tens of thousands of nearby local homeowners, about very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts with our Free education classes, we finally stopped all advertisements for our Free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes because our customers and the local public had repeated demonstrated that they were not interested in attending our Free education classes.
Lon Willoughby eventually concluded that a home-study type advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program would likely be more acceptable to busy people. He believed that Natural healthcare and wellness concepts education would be much more convenient for busy people if they could study our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts conveniently at their home or residence, rather than having to attend a series of classes at our health store location.
This home-study situation would enable our education clients to schedule their study sessions with our home-study materials whenever it could fit conveniently into their busy time schedules. The home-study education program could also be more comprehensive than a few classes could provide.
Married couples could also study together at convenient times and teenage children could also participate. Lon understood that some of our potential client families would have teenage children, and a home-study program could provide the flexibility of allowing older children to participate in some of the parent's natural healthcare and wellness concepts education sessions at their home or residence.
Furthermore, unlike an education program that uses only local classes, a home-study education program can potentially be leased to "qualified" education clients in many locations in South Carolina. This would be a big improvement over the classroom education program that we had been trying to use because it was limited to interested people that lived within our local commuting area.
It was clear to Lon and Janie that a home-study type advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program could be much more helpful (more comprehensive natural healthcare concepts study materials) and could help many more "qualified" clients than we could have helped by using only the classroom session type education program that we had offered in previous years.
Unfortunately, Lon was already working 80 to 90 hours per week in the ABC of Health "healthcare and wellness store" so he had no time available to work on developing a very good home-study type advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program.
Lon understood that his healthcare education efforts could help many more people improve their natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge if he could develop several somewhat different home-study type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs - for different categories of qualified education clients. (business owners and managers, executive personnel, regular employees, retired people, etc.)
Our ABC of Health healthcare and wellness store had been losing money each month for a long time due to extreme competition for selling nutrition products with deep discount prices at numerous large Internet sales companies and also deep discount sale prices at local discount stores such as BJ's, Costco, Sam's Club, Target, Walmart, etc.
ABC of Health also had to compete with the huge buying power of many local chain type grocery stores and also chain type pharmacy drug stores because most of them were also selling a selection of nutrition supplement products at discount prices.
We also had to compete with numerous network marketing companies (friends selling to family and friends, etc.), and there were eight GNC Nutrition Stores in the Greenville area, plus two very large chain health food store (Earth Fare and Whole Foods), plus ten independent health food stores. Even the numerous mini-market stores were selling some nutrition supplement products.
There were just too many places for people to purchase nutrition supplement products and many of those had deep discount prices. We simply could not make any profit because we did not have the wholesale buying power of the big Internet Nutrition Stores or the big multi-million dollar chain stores. It was clear to Lon and Janie that ABC of Health could not compete with those deep discount sales prices for nutrition products.
Due to our continuing financial losses monthly over a period of many years, and the fact that our natural healthcare concepts classroom education program had not been successful in bringing people into our store, Lon and his wife Janie reluctantly decided to close their healthcare and wellness facility.
They knew that people needed the natural healthcare education that we had been striving to provide for many years, but we could not continue losing about four thousand dollars each month.
Lon had been working long hours for many years (80 to 90 hours per week), and our store closing action would allow him to have some time to work on the development of natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study type education programs that could be used to educate local business people and their employees. Our healthcare and wellness facility was finally closed on April 24, 2014.
Actions Due To Our New Natural Healthcare Education Program
Lon spent hundreds of hours over a period of many months making a large number of major changes and additions to our multiple Websites, and multiple departments at each Website, to show that our natural healthcare and wellness education services had changed dramatically due to our closure of the ABC of Health healthcare and wellness store in Mauldin, South Carolina.
Lon also spent hundreds of hours over a period of months developing a new Website that could educate visitors about the new three phase (Levels) Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Programs that he was already working on developing for lease to "qualified education clients."
Visitors can use the convenient hyperlink below to make a quick detour to that special Website and take a quick look around to review the information that is available at that Website. Be sure to scroll through our Client Qualifications department to see what is presented in that department. You can use your Back Arrow Function slowly until you get back to this exact location.
Lon had started developing our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs. Fortunately, his wife Janie could help him with this complex project because she was a professional educator with more than 35 years of classroom teaching experience. Janie is exceptionally capable of helping Lon develop our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs professionally.
Lon and Janie began working together as an education team in developing very good natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs, realizing that these programs would be able to help many "qualified education clients" learn how to get on the fast track to better healthcare maintenance and protection actions.
Lon and Janie had concluded that they would need to develop more than one advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education program. They would develop our best Deluxe natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program, and also develop lower cost programs for people who might not be able to afford the lease cost for our Deluxe education program.
Lon and Janie initially planned to divide our Deluxe Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Program into
three phases (Levels of education) to make it easier for qualified clients to
complete their natural healthcare concepts education in easily managed phases.
A "qualified education client" will receive one phase (or Level) of education at a time. When a "qualified education client" successively completes our Level One education phase, they will be qualified to advance to our Level Two education phase (for their selected education program), and the intermediate portion of their healthcare education program will be shipped to them at that time.
We will price the lease cost for our remarkable advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs way
below their real value - the real value for our healthcare education programs
can be enormous. Our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs will be life-changing for all clients, and they will present potentially
life-saving advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts for many of our "qualified education clients."
Our Level One education phase will be introductory information about our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts. This will be a very important phase of our education
program because it will contain basic and fundamental natural healthcare and wellness concepts that everyone needs to
know. This initial phase of education will also contains some very important and valuable advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts
that will enable our "qualified education clients" to quickly improve their lifestyles to
help them achieve very beneficial healthcare results.
We want our "qualified education clients" to get on the fast track to making important improvements
in their lifestyles. Clients will see how easy it is to make
major lifestyle improvements and achieve results that they
can understand and appreciate, and also feel healthier rather quickly.
Our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs will be BIG BARGAINS in natural healthcare concepts education. One of these remarkable natural healthcare concepts education programs will help our clients see multiple opportunities to make major improvements in their healthcare actions and improve their long-term health potential. (health potential = the potential to improve the health of body cells and develop a healthier body that will likely provide a longer life)
Some Features and Benefits of
Our Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Programs
Our education programs will introduce our "qualified education clients" to advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts
that people do not generally know about, or even consider in their
routine daily life. Consequently, it is most unlikely that Americans will
understand the importance of our proprietary and copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts because people have never heard about most of these special natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
Lon understands that almost all Americans are missing out on the very important and valuable natural healthcare advantages that our advanced natural healthcare concepts can provide for them daily for the rest of their life.
Damage may be done to trillions of body cells each day because of a lack of vital natural healthcare concepts knowledge. These damages may continue day after day, week after week, month
after month, and year after year. This can occur because most people have not been taught how
to avoid these ongoing damages daily - to trillions of body cells and
vital organ systems throughout their bodies.
you ever considered that your long-term health may be damaged
repeatedly each day simply because you do not know how to minimize this
ongoing cellular damage? In most situations, this type of damage can be minimized easily and economically, but clients need to learn our advanced natural healthcare concepts to understand how they can easily accomplish this important objective daily.
Protecting yourself from cellular damage daily is very easy once you learn what you need to do, or learn what you should avoid doing each day. These practical and sensible healthcare actions can quickly become a habit, just a routine part of your new lifestyle, just like when you got used to
brushing your teeth daily - nothing to it once you learn how (and understand why you should take this action).
A Very Important Natural Healthcare Concept: People do not know what they do not know. How can a person understand an advanced natural healthcare concept that they have never heard about or have never thought about before? Obviously, they can't. But our healthcare education can make a big difference and do it very quickly; it is just a matter of reading and learning about special healthcare concepts. It is just that easy - nothing to it if one knows how to read the English language.
Our Level One advanced natural healthcare concepts education will
enable our qualified clients, for the first time in their lifetime, to understand very important and valuable natural healthcare optimizing concepts that are easy to
understand and easy to use to improve their lifestyle. This will also work well for the clients who initially thought and believed that they already had a very good healthy lifestyle.
The Level One natural healthcare concepts education can also enable people to see and understand advanced natural healthcare concepts in a new light for the first time - a light that opens their mind to comprehend very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can enable them to think more intelligently and more responsibly about why they want to develop a healthier lifestyle.
This remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education
can enable our "qualified clients" to begin taking very important natural healthcare
maintenance actions and protective actions that can help them move up to a much healthier lifestyle than
they realized was possible for them.
As stated previously, Level One is the Introductory Phase of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program, and it will provide exceptionally
important basic and fundamental level natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
Please understand
that this initial introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts education phase will help our clients get off to a fast start toward a much healthier lifestyle. However, this introductory phase will not teach them everything they need to know to fully understand and utilize all of the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that the total program will provide.
That is why we will also present Level Two and Level Three advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education. We understand that it will be important for our qualified clients to learn our copyrighted and proprietary advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts in a logical progression. In this manner, we will make it easy for clients to learn and begin using our advanced natural healthcare concepts in
a logical and progressive manner that easily improves their lifestyles.
Our remarkable natural healthcare concepts education
process will enable our qualified clients to benefit daily in the
short-term, the medium-term, and for the rest of their likely extended lifespan.
WOW! Think for a moment about what this advanced natural healthcare concepts knowledge can do for our clients during the remainder of their lifetimes. The healthcare benefits can be astounding! And that is why our advanced natural healthcare concepts can be so incredibly valuable to our clients.
Does it make any sense at all to try to go through a lifetime of actions and experiences without the many advantages that our advanced natural healthcare concepts education can provide for our clients? NO! It really makes no sense at all, once a potential qualified client learns that this kind of advanced natural healthcare concepts education program may be available to them. This is especially true when one realizes that they may be able to get started at a very affordable monthly lease cost.
Level One and Level Two and Level Three Natural Healthcare Concepts Education
Quick Summary of Their Combined Potential Education Benefits
of our clients will be surprised to see how easy it is to greatly improve their
lifestyle for better health, developing more energy, having more vitality,
enjoying clearer and better thinking, and also likely develop a much better
attitude about their job responsibilities and their family
responsibilities, their goals and their ambitions. These very important lifestyle improvements can truly
help motivate our qualified clients to meet the challenges of each new
day with renewed confidence and courage.
This is very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvement education that most American adults need, even if they have a dietetic science degree (dietitian), a nursing degree, a nutritionist degree, or even if they have a medical doctor degree (M.D.).
However, please understand that we will not lease our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs to American citizens who are our competitors in some respects (acupuncturist, chiropractors,
dietitians, medical doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and any other type of healthcare
practitioners) because healthcare in America is a very competitive
Think about this for just a moment and you will understand that it would be very foolish for us to help educate our competitors about our very important and valuable proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are our corporate trade secrets. Those healthcare practitioners would likely begin using some of our very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness corporate trade secrets to compete against us.
Those unfair and unethical uses of our copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts could result in fewer numbers of potentially "qualified education clients" applying for a lease of our remarkable advanced natural healthcare and wellness home-study education program.
Yes, we could lose a lot of business due to those unethical actions, but the major problem here is that those potential "qualified clients" would likely believe that they did not need one of our healthcare education programs, and they would therefore miss out on 90% to 95% or more of what our education program could have taught them. WOW!!! What a terrible loss for them in remarkable natural healthcare and wellness benefits for the rest of their lifetime. Obviously, we must not share our super important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts with other healthcare practitioners.
We would actually like to somehow find a way to have other healthcare practitioners help us spread the word about the major healthcare benefits of getting educated with one of our education programs, but we do not see any good way to do that at this time.
Severe Penalties For Not Knowing And Using
Our Very Valuable Natural Healthcare Concepts!
As related previously, people die by the thousands each day in America (about 50,000 per week on average), and our Level One phase advanced natural healthcare concepts education could have helped most of them a lot. Unfortunately, those people did not have access to one of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs. (not available for lease yet and most of those Americans did not live in the upstate area of SC - with a residence Zip Code of 296 _ _ ).
We are convinced that the special natural healthcare and wellness concepts that our remarkable home-study education programs can provide will be able to help many sick people begin benefiting and enjoying a much healthier lifestyle.
However, we also understand that most people will be helped much better if they have access to and begin using our special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for several months, or maybe a year or so, before they would have otherwise become aware of their serious health problems.
In other words, it would be better if qualified education clients got started with our natural healthcare education program before they realized that they were sick; they could have likely learned how to reduce and minimize their potential for getting sick and diseased.
Unfortunately, our experiences with lots of people over the years indicate that many people will likely choose to wait too long to get started with our natural healthcare concepts education program.
It is obviously too late for us to help the people who have already died, and that tragic situation will repeat itself again and again, week
after week, as Americans die by the thousands each week. As
stated previously, about 50,000 people die weekly (about 2.597 million people died in the USA in 2013).
Now you can understand the sense of urgency that Lon and Janie Willoughby feel about developing truly revolutionary advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs
for qualified Americans. Lon has learned how to improve typical health a lot, and he also knows how to slow down the
normal aging process substantially.
He has also learned how to use special
nutrition supplements products to improve health in remarkable ways, including improving brain chemistry
for more brain power (enhanced learning ability, memory, and recall
ability with better positive attitude management). Lon is optimistic that these remarkable affects can help many Americans minimize potential brain problems like dementia.
knows how to help our qualified clients obtain better emotional control and
stability on a regular daily basis in a dependable manner. This very
valuable advanced natural healthcare concepts knowledge can help our clients understand how to minimize anxiety, nervousness, and depression.
Some of our more advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts will be presented in our Level Two education phase and then more natural healthcare concepts information will be presented in our Level Three natural healthcare and wellness concepts education phase.
Our Level Three advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education phase brings all of these
advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts together into an easy to utilize advanced natural healthy lifestyle concept. This final level of education will summarize the overall
remarkable natural healthcare potential of the three phases of our natural healthcare
concepts education.
The remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that we will teach are copyrighted and are our corporate trade secrets. Consequently, we are the only company in America that can legally teach our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts in this easy to understand and learn format.
There are a number of important advantages to our Deluxe Education Program compared to our lower cost education programs. We would like to see every client choose to lease our Deluxe Education Program, but we understand that everyone cannot afford to lease our more expensive education program. However, one of our lower cost education programs will provide an outstanding value and can help our qualified education clients more than they can imagine being helped.
Please understand that we will not be educating any of our qualified clients to attempt to become our competitor.
We have invested a tremendous amount of time, effort, study, research,
and healthcare work experiences with more than a thousand people
to be able to develop these advanced natural healthcare concepts into a very convenient and very effective home-study type education program.
is illegal and criminal (a serious federal crime) for any of our qualified clients to teach other people any of our proprietary and copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts (except
for their spouse and their dependent children who live with them in
their primary residence). We do allow a spouse sharing situation, but the spouse must also contractually agree to comply with our Copyright Conditions and Terms of Use conditions - as stated in those departments.
If one of our education clients wants to help some other people learn about our advanced natural healthcare concepts,
they can do this legally by simply recommending that those people visit this Introductory Website and
learn about our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs. We have already done all of the difficult work of presenting this information for our visitors.
Those people can also
learn about and obtain the very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts that we provide for visitors at this
Website for Free. Please understand that several of our accessible departments provide very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are free to review for our American visitors.
In addition, several additional departments are accessible to our AQV's and CQV's because they have contractually agreed to use our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts in reasonable compliance with our Copyright Information department conditions and our Terms of Use department conditions.
Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Programs
As stated previously, we will have more than one advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education program (our standard education programs and our Deluxe
education program). We will not sell these natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs outright because we
have chosen to lease all of our home-study type education programs.
Leasing our education programs will enable us
to maintain much better control over the actual distribution of our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs. We fully understand that we are developing exceptionally
important natural healthcare concepts education programs, and we do not want these education programs to get
into the hands of the wrong people.
Lon understands that there
are hundreds of millions of people on Planet Earth (perhaps billions of
people) that have been raised and trained at home and also trained at school to despise and hate
Americans. Those people likely want to harm the USA and Americans as much as possible
at every opportunity (always remember September 11, 2001 and the terrible twin
towers disaster that was caused by religious fanatics that hate America and hate Americans).
We do not want to educate any kinds of fanatical
people, or groups of such people, by enabling them to gain access to any of our exceptionally important and valuable advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs.
In addition to those people, we do not want to educate criminal-minded and evil-minded people,
and we do not want to educate any of the millions of American
citizens (yes, American citizens), and people abroad, that routinely strive to gain more
control and dominance over our good-hearted, hard working, and trusting American citizens. We understand that there are many bad people who do bad things for their own
personal advantages and their sinister self-serving financial, political, and social objectives.
You may not understand
much about these situations, but Lon Willoughby knows a lot about these situations. His
education about such political issues
began in the mid 1970's in a serious way, and he has continued that important learning
for 40+ years.
Our natural healthcare concepts education programs will contain an important citizenship component because we understand that our clients need to know about the very important historical and governmental situations that we will teach all clients (reminder information for many clients).
Are You Likely Qualified To Lease One Of Our
Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Programs?
For the reasons explained briefly above, we will initially restrict the leasing of our remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs to natural-born American citizens who are also permanent residents of South Carolina (citizens), and live in the upstate area.
Our AQV's and CQV's have already visited our special Website that contains a Client Qualifications department with detailed information about our protective security requirements for leasing one of our healthcare education programs.
As a brief review of those security requirements, we will ask a few questions below to inform visitors about some of our security requirements. Below the questions, we will provide another convenient link that will enable our AQV's and CQV's to make a quick detour back to that special Website if they want to take another look at our Client Qualifications department.
If an AQV or CQV chooses to make this detour, they can use their Back Arrow Function to return to this exact location. Remember to select that function slowly multiple times until you arrive back at this Healthcare Education Programs department in this Introductory Healthcare Education Website.
Are you a natural-born American citizen? Do you have a driver's license in S.C.? Are you registered to vote in South Carolina? Do you vote responsibly in all elections? Do you have a permanent residence Zip code of 296_ _? Are you a patriotic-minded American who has a responsible sense of allegiance to our traditional form of government? America is not a Democracy, as many people erroneously believe. Our form of government is a Republic. Do you understand the differences?
Welcome back. Let's continue.
As you probably know, we still have very important and very valuable freedoms
and rights that our founding fathers and mothers helped establish for us at great danger and costs to themselves personally. In addition, millions
of Americans (male and female) have sacrificed in many ways (including several hundred thousand tragic deaths) to help
defend and protect those rights and freedoms for the present and future generations of Americans.
Are you willing to act
in a courageous and responsible way to help defend and protect those rights and freedoms for our generation of Americans and for the next generation of Americans?
People who have no sincere interest in these historical and patriotic issues will not be able to qualify to lease one of our remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts
education programs. If a potential client can truthfully answer YES to all of the sample questions listed above,
they may be able to qualify
to lease one of our advanced natural healthcare concepts home study education programs.
If an AQV or CQV cannot qualify to lease one of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs, they can still benefit a lot from visiting this Website multiple times because we provide some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are Free for all AQV's and CQV's because they have already agreed to honor, respect, and comply responsibly with our Copyright Information department conditions and our Terms of Use department conditions).
Options for Viewing Additional Information
you want to learn more about our South Carolina Corporation and review
some background information about how and why we are developing these
remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs, stay with us at this Website a little longer and read some
more of the interesting and potentially helpful information that is provided below.
At the appropriate time, we will provide another convenient hyperlink that will enable you to detour over to our special Website that was developed to provide some detailed information about our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs.
However, if you are in a hurry and want to skip the overview and background information down below for now, and take the detour now to our special Website and review our remarkable natural healthcare concepts education programs, you can use the convenient link provided below to go directly to our special Website and obtain more information about our Major Breakthroughs in natural healthcare and wellness management and protective actions.
Background Information About the
Development of Our Natural Healthcare Education Programs
At first thought, you might feel like you don't really need to know
about this background information, but we suggest that you be patient and stay with us
because this information can actually help you substantially.
When Lon Willoughby was working in our health and wellness store for 14 years, he tried several different
ways to help educate our health store customers about some very
important and valuable natural healthcare concepts that he had learned over a period of many
Lon understood that these natural healthcare concepts could help our
customers understand how to greatly improve their lifestyle, and thereby
improve their short-term health and substantially improve their long-term health
it was difficult to help most customers very much because many of them
were very busy people, and they were usually in a hurry to get into the
store, purchase nutrition products, and get on their way as quickly as
possible. How do you help people learn important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts
when they are always in a hurry and do not want to take time to listen for more than
two minutes to what you want to share with them?
second major problem that Lon saw over and over many, many times was
the situation where the customers wanted to believe that they already
knew about all they needed to know about natural healthcare and wellness concepts and developing and maintaining a
healthy lifestyle.
Most customers felt like they did not need to hear anything that Lon tried to share with them for two reasons: they were too busy to listen to Lon, and they really believed they already knew about all they needed to know about health and wellness and a healthy lifestyle.
Unfortunately for them, those two conditions applied to most of our health and wellness store customers most of the time.
Consequently, most of our customers had no serious interest in
attending a free class about very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that could
help them improve their lifestyle substantially.
Healthcare and Wellness Store Closed
As explained previously, we closed our health and wellness store permanently on April 24,
2014, after 14 years of operation. This situation enabled Lon to stop working 80 to 90
hours per week with the operation of our Health and Wellness Store.
That closing action also enabled him to have some time to begin developing and providing other
types of natural healthcare concepts education programs, such as conducting
healthcare education classes at companies for management personnel and some of their employees. Lon
wanted to develop natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs that could really help
people a lot.
was passionate during those 14 years about wanting to help people
learn how to improve their health potential, and he is still passionate
about that because he
understands that most of the health deficiencies, suffering, and
disease conditions that millions of Americans have to try to cope with
daily are unnecessary because most of those health conditions were avoidable "healthcare problems."
has good reasons to believe that most of those "healthcare problems" would
not have occurred if the many millions of Americans involved had known
how to use the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that
he had developed over a period of many years with a lot of diligent work (thousands
of hours of research, discovery, study, learning, and actual work contact with many health
store customers) and at great expense (more than 1.7 million dollars
cost to him and his wife Janie and this company, ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health).
Lon's Very Successful Natural Healthcare Concepts Studies and Work
in the 1980's, Lon had enjoyed good success with helping improve a complex
healthcare issue that several medical doctors did not understand
adequately and had been unable to help Lon with in a significant way. He
eventually gave up on the medical doctors (after about 10 years of
disappointing efforts), and he started consulting with a nutritionist
(six consultation sessions over a period of months in July - September 1980). He also did some serious natural healthcare and wellness concepts study, with her advice, by reading 15 health type books that she gradually recommended (over 3 months).
was pleased with the very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that he was gradually acquiring, and
the benefits that this new knowledge was providing, so he continued to
purchase and study other natural healthcare type books. Over a period
of several years, all of that study gradually enabled Lon to learn
how to greatly improve his lifestyle and also get better control of his very
confusing and frustrating health condition (hypoglycemia - a glucose metabolism condition -
low blood sugar at times - usually on a daily basis).
to learn how to cope with that complex, frustrating, and very confusing
health problem motivated Lon to learn a lot about natural healthcare
and wellness concepts.
Most medical doctors today probably do not understand this confusing healthcare
condition, and do not know how to "treat" it, but back in the 1970s and 1980s, hardly
anyone understood this condition, including the nutritionist that Lon
consulted initially in July 1980. However, she was able to help Lon a lot because she knew how to help
body cells get healthier, and she recommended diet improvements, and also recommended some helpful nutrition supplements. However, like the medical doctors that Lon had consulted numerous times, she knew nothing about hypoglycemia.
during the 1970s and 1980s and even today, we probably had and have many millions of very confused Americans trying
to cope with hypoglycemia without even knowing the name of their
condition. Consequently, they had no idea what was taking place in their body
that caused them to sometimes get extremely sleepy or drowsy, have brain fog
(can't think or remember well, have low energy, get irritable, short
spoken, and may even become paranoid at times).
Lon Willoughby estimates that we probably have about 10
million to 20 million Americans who currently suffer with these very
frustrating low blood sugar episodes (symptoms). Even today, thirty-seven years later (from 1980), most of these
unfortunate people probably do not understand the causes of their confusing and frustrating health condition. Consequently, they do not know what dietary and lifestyle actions they need to take to cope more effectively with their hypoglycemic condition.
That was the situation that Lon was in for more than ten years. It took him about seven years to just learn what the name of his condition was, and that is where one needs to start in order to begin conducting research study about what the condition is, what causes it, and what can be done to cope with the condition more effectively.
today there are some good books in print about this condition, and Lon
has purchased and studied 13 such books about hypoglycemia. After
carefully reading all of those books, and after having about 52 years of experience living and trying to cope effectively with the condition, it is still a complex condition to manage
well on a daily basis. There are many variables to be aware of and to make appropriate considerations for because anything that causes the glucose level in the blood to increase becomes a factor to have to cope with on a daily basis.
in the blood (glucose) is
essential for our normal well being, and it is particularly important for our
brain functions, but managing the amount of glucose in the blood can be
quite tricky, as millions of diabetics know. There are about 29 million known diabetics
in America, and there are probably another 25 to 30 million people who are pre-diabetics.
We may
have as many as 50 to 70 million Americans that have difficulty frequently
with glucose metabolism problems. This issue was identified in the
comprehensive healthcare analysis study that was released in July
2013. Home Extension 3 department (Topic 5) presents this study's results.
of our natural healthcare education program "qualified clients" will receive a basis education
about diabetes and hypoglycemia because everyone needs to have some
understanding about these two very common serious health conditions. As
indicated above, these two health conditions affect the performance of
many millions of
Americans each day that goes by - perhaps as many as 50 to 70 million Americans.
People that do not have either
condition are very fortunate, but they still need to have some basic understanding about both of these conditions
they need to know how to work with or live with people that do have
either one of these very confusing and frustrating health conditions.
Think about this for a moment:
If Lon had not developed his hypoglycemic condition, he would not have
needed to study and learn so much information about natural healthcare
concepts, and he would not have been motivated to study and learn the huge amount of information that was needed for him to understand how to develop our natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs.
Some times, bad
things can help bring about good things if we allow the bad things to
motivate us to do some important good things.
The personal success that Lon gradually developed for his hypoglycemic condition
through a lot of self-directed natural healthcare and wellness concepts education (over a period of years) enabled him to
believe that it might be possible for him to discover effective ways to
help many people minimize some of their serious healthcare problems through
natural healthcare concepts education.
a nut shell, and to make a long story into a very short story, that is
why Lon Willoughby diligently conducted a lot of natural healthcare and wellness concepts research, discovery, and study (he has purchased over 1,000 health type books, spending
many thousands of dollars to obtain those books).
Lon gained a lot of natural healthcare practical work
experiences with our 1000+ health and wellness store
customers during a 14 year period of his life. He managed and worked in our health
and wellness store in Greenville County, South Carolina - typically working 80 to
90 hours per week for 14 years (with no salary or pay throughout those years).
Lon's Work In Our Healthcare and Wellness Store
Lon worked with customers individually in our
store when they came in to ask about various herbal products and/or nutrition
supplement products, or air filters and air purifiers, or water filters
and water purifiers, shower filters, bath tub filters, water ionizers,
sauna's, rebounder and CHI type exercisers, ozone food sanitizers, etc.
situation enabled Lon to work with many types
of health conditions that customers were trying to cope with - because
their medical doctors had not been able to help them effectively or sufficiently. Sometimes, they wanted to learn how to cope with their health condition without using drugs.
Please remember always that healthcare is a very complicated business
and medical doctors and nurses usually work hard to do a good job with
helping their patients but they are human beings. They are not always
able to be miracle workers with every complex and confusing health
condition that occurs. In addition, things that work well for some people do not always work well with other people.
SESSIONS: Lon also conducted individual consultations (reasonable
fees) with selected customers that had a serious interest in learning
more about natural healthcare concepts that could help them improve
their lifestyles substantially.
CLASSROOM EDUCATION SESSIONS: He also tried conducting healthcare oriented
introductory classroom sessions that lasted about an hour for each
class. He found that it was difficult and time consuming to get people
to attend a one hour class, and he also saw that one hour is not nearly
enough time to teach important healthcare concepts that people really do
need to know. Consequently, Lon's varied healthcare education
experiences enabled him to see clearly that one short classroom session
cannot provide enough healthcare benefits to customers. We needed to develop a more comprehensive healthcare education program.
Great Need For A Natural Healthcare and Wellness Education Program
Over the years, Lon
learned that most people (about 99%) know very little about the advanced natural healthcare concepts
that he had developed and copyrighted. He eventually realized that the
only practical and sensible way to really help people improve their
health and lifestyle substantially was to teach people with a comprehensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program. Then and only then, could we teach people the very important advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon had discovered, developed, and copyrighted over a period of many years.
Lon then searched the Internet marketplace for a practical and sensible natural healthcare concepts home-study education program
that was suitable for ordinary people to study to greatly improve their
lifestyle quickly and easily. He did not find a suitable natural healthcare education program on the Internet. However, he did find several nutrition and healthcare
education programs available in the national marketplace that were developed for people who want to get educated sufficiently to become a nutritionist or a nutrition consultant, or a healthy lifestyle consultant, or a wellness consultant.
he looked through the various healthcare education programs, and reviewed an
outline overview of their teaching parameters, he found that they were
generally not adaptable or suitable for ordinary people because they
taught a lot of very detailed healthcare information that was good for professional healthcare practitioners, but too complicated for ordinary Americans who just want to learn how to take good care of their health.
Lon understood that most people do not really need to know all of that healthcare information, and they generally do want to spend a lot of time learning about healthcare issues that they don't really need to know. Furthermore, Lon's time-consuming evaluations of those education programs found that their home-study education programs did not teach the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon had developed and copyrighted as very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that ordinary American citizens needed to know and use routinely in their lifestyle.
also talked with some professional healthcare practitioners that had completed some of those practitioner healthcare education programs. He asked them a few important questions related to the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he had developed and copyrighted over the years. Lon found that these healthcare practitioners had not been taught any of the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon had personally developed as very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts - needed to understand and use to quickly improve a lifestyle in an easy, convenient, and most
effective way to obtain very important health improvements.
The Great Need To Develop A Home-study Type
Natural Healthcare And Wellness Education Program
evaluating this situation, Lon realized that it would be difficult and
very time consuming for he and Janie to develop a very good natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education program that would be easy for ordinary people to learn and easy to use. However, he eventually decided that he had to commit to this much needed
project. Why?
Lon realized that he and Janie were uniquely qualified to develop
the badly needed advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education. Lon had the specialized natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and the special training that was essential for this complex education project. He had also acquired many years of natural healthcare work experiences that would be very helpful in accomplishing this natural healthcare and wellness education program objective.
He also considered that he had already developed more than 50 copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts and protocols
for ABC of Health. Some of them were very important breakthroughs in natural healthcare and wellness concepts. Lon realized that these special concepts could greatly enhance the value of this type of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education
Our company also had the very important advantage of having Janie Willoughby to work with Lon in developing this special type of healthcare education program because she was a professional educator with more than 35 years of school teacher experience, mostly teaching high school level students. She is an expert at developing very good teaching lesson plans that are easy for students to understand. Janie could help Lon a lot in his efforts to develop very good comprehensive (but simplified) natural healthcare and wellness teaching lessons for various natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
Consequently, it was logical and reasonable and sensible for our company to
take on this very important natural healthcare concepts education program development responsibility. Lon understood
that almost all responsible and sensible American citizens need this education program badly. He and Janie realized that many millions of good American citizens
need this special kind of advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program as soon as possible (ASAP).
Urgency Of The Need For A
Home-study Natural Healthcare Education Program
Lon and Janie understood that American parents need this advanced natural healthcare concepts education program for themselves and for their children. They realized that parents need this special education ASAP for the very important benefits that our proprietary copyrighted advanced natural healthcare concepts could provide for their children (teenagers and younger children to toddlers).
From his past experience in trying to educate people
with short one-hour natural healthcare classes at night (after their
work hours), Lon realized that Americans really needed a more comprehensive (but simplified) natural healthcare education program and it needs to be as convenient as possible.
Lon and Janie realized that millions of Americans need a home-study type natural healthcare education program that would enable them to study conveniently at home whenever it would fit into their very busy time schedules. This type of natural healthcare concepts education program would enable multiple family members to get educated (both spouses and also the teenage children).
Lon's Master Plan About Natural Healthcare Concepts Education
All of Lon's realizations and understandings about the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program that was needed culminated in a master plan that he devised for the development of a very practical and sensible and convenient home-study type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program. (Necessity is the mother of invention - author unknown ). If it is to be, it's up to me (William H. Johnson quote about Self-reliance).
Lon and Janie
therefore began work on developing a home-study type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program that would meet these critically important education objectives. They subsequently decided that their healthcare education program should contain three phases (levels) of education about Lon's advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
They also wanted a home-study education program that would enable our "qualified education clients"
to get off to a fast start toward improving their lifestyle (in
just a few days) without having to read or study a lot of healthcare
information in the beginning phase of their natural healthcare and wellness concepts education. This would be the
first phase of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program (Level One).
Lon also wanted a healthcare education program that would work very well for
our clients, and he remembered his extensive past experiences with
trying to help people in health store discussions, in classroom
sessions, and in personal consultations that lasted two to four hours.
He realized that people would benefit most from a healthcare concepts education
program that would enable them to study our advanced natural healthcare concepts on their own time schedule in the convenience and comfort of their home. They could study one lesson at a time, as their busy and flexible time schedule permitted.
This situation could also enable other family members (spouse and teenage children) to participate in this home-study education program, individually, and also in family sessions, whenever this was practical and suitable (depends upon the ages of the children). Lon and Janie understood that younger children in a family could gradually benefit from our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education through the helpful efforts of their parents and any older educated siblings.
It was obvious that the development of a three phase advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education program could also work well for people that live in other areas of South Carolina (outside the Greenville area). Lon understood that an advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education program was needed badly by millions of citizens in South Carolina, so he firmly committed to the development of this education project (as his busy time schedule permitted). Lon and Janie decided to develop a basic and a deluxe advanced natural healthcare concepts education program. Both programs would incorporate a Level One Introductory advanced natural healthcare concepts education phase, a Level Two intermediate advanced natural healthcare concepts education phase, and a Level Three final phase of advanced natural healthcare concepts education.
WEBSITE: ABC of Health would also have to develop a special natural healthcare concepts education
Website that would explain and promote these home-study education programs.
In a few minutes, we will recommend that our AQV's and CQV's take a detour over to that new Website to look around, if they have not already done so. But right now, we want you to stay on this Website a little longer and review the very important and valuable information that is presented below. At a more appropriate time, we will provide a hyperlink (link) that will enable our AQV's and CQV's to detour to that special Website for a quick look around and then return to this Website.
Additional Natural Healthcare Home-study Education Program Information
When a "qualified client" is enrolled in our education program, they must complete our Level One Advanced Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Phase before they will be authorized to begin our Level Two Advanced Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Phase, and a similar situation occurs to qualify each client to begin our Level Three Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Phase.
Due to the exclusive proprietary nature of our natural healthcare education teaching instruction manuals (Top Secret information), and due to our restrictive distribution policy, as explained previously, we do not sell our Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Programs.
All three levels of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs are included in the lease cost of our advanced natural healthcare concepts education programs, and the three levels are also included in the lease cost of our deluxe advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program. However, a client will receive only one level of our education program at a time. This is a very
important part of our protective security safeguard features, helping us ensure that the three phases of our
education programs do not get into the hands of the wrong people.
Millions of people in South Carolina need to know about our proprietary copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs. Initially, when we begin to lease our very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs, they will be leased to "qualified education clients" who live in the upstate area of SC.
Our very important education programs will not
be available initially to people that are residents of other states within the United
States of America. Our AQV's and CQV's can review our Justice department at this Website for an explanation of this situation, using the hyperlink provided below. Use the Back Arrow Function to come back to this exact location.
Justice department (at this Website)
Welcome back to this Healthcare Education Programs department. Let's continue.
We know how to help our clients learn how to use our advanced natural healthcare concepts on a routine basis to improve their lifestyle in remarkable ways and make it more enjoyable, more pleasant, more satisfying, more productive, and more successful in many respects. They can take these actions while they are also enjoying living in better health and potentially living longer (than would have likely occurred without our very important and valuable advanced natural healthcare concepts education).
Relevant Background Information About ABC of Health
How Much Is Our Advanced Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Program Worth?
( Level One + Level Two + Level Three Combined Education Program) The advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts
that we will teach in our home-study education programs will enable
our "qualified clients" to greatly improve their health and wellness potential,
and those benefits can continue daily into their future years, providing
major natural healthcare and wellness benefits routinely throughout a healthier and potentially longer
Our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education program can be worth many thousands of dollars for most individuals or families, and it can be worth even more money for moderately wealthy people (education that can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars).
For very wealthy people, our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study education program can potentially be worth millions of dollars, and the program can be worth many millions of dollars for a super wealthy person or married couple.
Yes, those statements really are factually true, as illustrated in the following scenario.
Think about a very successful millionaire that dies at a relatively young age (in their mid-fifties for example) due
to his very serious health problems. If his net estate value was 10
million dollars, how much would it have been worth to him to have
leased one of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs just one year before the date that he became seriously sick?
Our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program could have likely enabled him to learn how
he could reduce and minimize the potential for the health deterioration problems that
eventually caused his sickness and resulted in his premature death. As almost all people have, he had a much higher potential for sickness and disease because he did not have the multiple healthcare benefits that can occur when a person is using our incredible natural healthcare concepts.
Think about that situation for a few
moments, and also consider that we are the only company on Planet Earth that has this incredibly important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education program.
If our lease fee for our advanced natural healthcare concepts education program was set at a very low percentage of their net estate value ($10 million), then the cost of their one-year lease would be a relatively small part of their net estate value. The wealthy person could have probably maintained their good health and still retained most all of their $10 million dollar estate. How is that for a fantastic deal?
It is the best natural healthcare concepts education deal that has ever existed to our knowledge.
Can you understand why the value of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness education programs,
and their respective lease fees, can be, and should be, directly
related to the amount of a "qualified client's" current net estate value?
It should be clear that our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program
is worth much more to a wealthy person than it would be worth to a
person with a modest gross family income or a modest total family net estate
value (estate value of combined assets for both spouses).
Our advanced natural healthcare concepts are
very powerful in their effect on improving human health, and their
actual dollar value is directly related to the amount of wealth that an
individual or family has acquired (as shown above). These advanced natural healthcare concepts are
very important and valuable for everyone, even children, because we teach parents how
they can help their children optimize their body's natural ability to
be healthy, by nurturing their natural healthcare assets.
You can therefore understand why our proprietary and copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts are
most valuable for people who are trying to cope with poor health or
disease conditions. Those people will need to learn what they can do to help their body
quickly begin to rebuild the health of their body cells (trillions of
cells improving in health each day) and thereby gradually improve overall body health, with
more energy and vitality, and also develop sufficient life force to stay alive long
enough to regain a lot of their previous normal good health status.
Willoughby has learned how to accomplish these remarkable healthcare improvements
quickly and economically. However, it is much better for our clients
to lease the appropriate advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education program before
they develop a serious and potentially life-threatening healthcare problem. It is much easier to stay healthy and improve the body's health status than it is to try to overcome a serious sickness condition after it has developed. Remember that "a stitch in time may save nine stitches later."
After a person becomes seriously sick, they may not have enough life force left in their deteriorated body to
be able to recover enough health improvement and improved life force to prevent death from occurring while
they are still learning about our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
Our proprietary and copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets will be life-changing for all of our "qualified education clients" and they can potentially be life-saving for many of our "qualified education clients."
Please understand that our natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs will be available only from ABC of Health in Mauldin, South Carolina - because we own many of the copyrighted healthcare and wellness concepts that will be taught in each of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs.
Our AQV's and CQV's can learn more about out advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs by visiting our special Website about these programs. They can also learn how we price the lease cost of our natural healthcare and wellness home-study education program relative to a family's gross income per year or their family net estate
value (whichever dollar value is the greater amount), This is a very fair way to price our lease cost for individuals and/or families at different wealth accumulated values.
We will provide a
convenient hyperlink (link) below that will enable AQV's and CQV's to make a quick detour
over to that special Website, but first, lets continue with relevant healthcare information.
When an AQV or a CQV gets to our special Website, they can review the information presented there to see if they may be able to qualify to lease one of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs.
Please remember that our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study type education programs will initially be available to "qualified" natural born American citizens living within the upstate area of SC (with a permanent residence Zip Code 296 _ _ ). (not a temporary residence)
Can you qualify to lease one of our natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs? Are you a natural-born American citizen?
Do you have a driver's license for SC? Are you registered to
vote in this SC? Do you currently consider South Carolina to be your
home state? Are you a patriotic-minded America who feels a sense of
loyalty to America that is stronger than to any other country?
Our Client Qualifications department at our special Website explains our very important security concerns and our qualification requirements for our "qualified education clients."
AQV's and CQV's can use the convenient link below to visit that Website, and use their Back Arrow Function to come back to this exact location when they are ready to return here.
The very important and valuable healthcare improvement concepts that we teach
are easier, more practical, sensible, and less expensive to obtain than you might think.
AQV's and CQV's:
Welcome back to this Introductory Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Website
and this Healthcare Education Programs department.
One of Our Education Programs can Provide Major Breakthroughs
In Understanding How To Enable Natural Healthcare Improvements
You have seen that this Website provide a lot of natural healthcare improvement
information about various health-related issues that are important for
practically everyone. However, some of our most important natural healthcare concepts are located at special Websites where most departments are user name and password protected - those departments are not available to the visiting general public.
Obviously, we cannot afford to give away too much of our incredibly important and valuable advanced natural healthcare concepts.
You can understand this, right? We cannot stay in business if we are
not bringing in enough money each month to make it worthwhile for us to continue trying to
educate ordinary people about our remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
Clients that have completed our Level One Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education and are qualified to begin our Level Two Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education will be provided with access pass codes to some of the exceptionally important advanced natural healthcare concepts that
are available at some of our special Websites.
We have multiple Websites that provide special natural healthcare concepts and "qualified clients" will be given access codes (our Log In Code and Password Code) for each special Website at the appropriate time as they progress through the three phases of our healthcare education program.
Each of our natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs will progress in a logical sequential manner and cover important healthcare issues such as: very important nutrition concepts, vital nutrition products (supplements), very important vitamin concepts, very important mineral concepts (major minerals, minor mineral, and trace minerals), important beneficial herb concepts, incredibly important enzyme concepts, beneficial probiotics concepts, vital protein concepts, other important nutrition type substances and products, pH balance of body fluids concepts, vital food combining concepts (how to eat foods for optimum digestive benefit), and the role of our natural healthcare consultant, nutrition consultant, and healthy lifestyle consultant for each of our "qualified education clients."
We will also teach positive mental
attitude concepts and present education about how positive or negative mental attitudes can have powerful affects on
health - daily health, and short-term health, and medium-term health, and long-term health and longevity. The power of positive
thinking is real, and it can be exceptionally beneficial and powerful in one's life when one learns how to use it
Our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study
education programs will provide practical and sensible healthcare
education concepts about air filters, air purifiers, water filters,
water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, bathing water
filters, shower filters, and also special exercise equipment such as CHI exercisers and
high quality rebounder exercise units.
We will also provide important information about ozone generators because they can be useful for several important natural healthcare and wellness functions. We will also present important information about our personalized natural healthcare and wellness concepts consultations, and other important aspects of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education programs.
This Website provides some very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are Free, but we obviously cannot afford to give away too much of our very valuable natural healthcare concepts corporate trade secrets. The exceptionally valuable natural healthcare concepts that Lon Willoughby acquired over a period of 40+ years has cost him and his wife Janie and this Corporation more than 1.7 million dollars and many years of Lonnie Willoughby's dedicated and diligent work in this alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness education work.
Lon and Janie Willoughby want to help a lot of people in South Carolina (and America) learn how to do a much better job of helping their precious natural healthcare assets. They will be able to learn how to do this, for the first time in mankind's history, by leasing one of our special natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs.
They are hopeful that the income from the leasing fees for these very important and valuable education programs will eventually reimburse them for the very large amount of money they invested in this vital project. It will take a lot of diligent marketing work and years of effective marketing for them to just break even on their personal investments in this incredibly important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education project.
Lon and Janie are also hopeful that they will be reimbursed to a reasonable extent for the many years of sacrificial economic lifestyle that they both endured while Lon was working 80 to 90 hours per week, for many years (with no wages or salary - zero), while developing our incredibly valuable and important advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts. Fortunately, he timely copyrighted these healthcare and wellness concepts for exclusive use by our company, ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health.
Those natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets gradually evolved from Lon's determined and diligent efforts to succeed with his very complex alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education objectives.
IMPORTANT NOTES: The introductory paragraphs below provide a quick summary of the very important and valuable healthcare education services that ABC of Health offers to some American citizens. Similar information is also presented in some other departments because key words are contained herein that help various Internet Search Engines work better with our complex Website.
After you have reviewed this helpful summarized information one
time, you can simply scroll down past these paragraphs when you visit
other departments that contain similar information.
Natural Healthcare Education Services: This Website contains some special natural healthcare concepts that are Free (to most visitors to help them improve their lifestyles - if they agree to comply responsibly with our Copyright Information Department Conditions and our Terms of Use Conditions).
We also offer natural healthcare consultations sessions with Lon Willoughby by telephone for people
living in the upstate area of South Carolina - living within an
approximate 50 miles radius of Greenville, South Carolina. (very
reasonable fee structure) We can conduct convenient telephone consultations that may be very helpful to individuals, or married couples, or families.
We suggest that all such consultations be conducted via a landline type telephone connection (to avoid cell phone type radiation into the very sensitive head area for an extended period of time).
If there are teenage children in a family, and a landline telephone speakerphone connection is available for use, it may be important to include these children in the family type telephone consultation session.
We can structure the telephone consultation to also be very beneficial to teenage children, in addition to the consultation information that is provided for direct benefit to the parents. (depending upon the personal sensitivity of the healthcare information involved in the consultation session)
Our telephone consultations can quickly introduce new clients to relevant natural healthcare concepts that may be very helpful with specific healthcare issues.
Telephone consultation services offer the advantages of being a fast and convenient way for our new clients to learn about some alternative type natural health care concepts that can be directed to some specific health care issues. This very convenient consultation opportunity can enable new clients to quickly obtain very valuable natural healthcare concepts at a very reasonable cost.
ABC of Health is developing very important and valuable Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Programs. These programs will initially be available for lease to natural-born American citizens who are "qualified" citizens of South Carolina and live in the upstate area of the state, and have a permanent residence address with a Zip Code of 296 _ _ .
Our advanced natural healthcare concepts home-study type education programs will enable us to provide natural healthcare concepts information that can be exceptionally beneficial regarding some very important healthcare issues. Over time, this more comprehensive natural healthcare concepts education
can be much more effective for an individual, or a married couple, or a
family with children living at home, than many hours of
our personalized telephone consultation services.
The proprietary copyrighted advanced natural healthcare concepts that we will teach in our home-study type education programs can educate "qualified clients" about our very important and valuable advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
We know how to teach these special natural healthcare concepts in a manner that will be easy for our clients to understand, and easy to learn, and easy to use to achieve remarkable improvements in their lifestyle. These natural healthcare improvements can benefit our qualified education clients in very important ways. They
will be enabled to live much more enjoyable lives with more
productivity and much more success in life than would have likely been
possible with their previous lifestyle.
Our very important and valuable advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs will be available for lease only from our company because we own numerous copyrighted concepts that will be taught in our advanced natural healthcare and wellness programs. No other company in America will be authorized to lease or teach the copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are our very valuable corporate trade secrets.
Where are we located? We are in the very nice modern city of Mauldin, South Carolina. (population of about 23,000 people) Downtown Mauldin is just eight miles from the downtown area of Greenville, South Carolina (an exceptional southern city).
ABC's of Health, Inc. has multiple Websites that present very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts about various health-related subjects such as: health care consultations, health classes, health care classes, health care concepts education programs, vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, nutraceuticals, probiotics, proteins, air filters, air purifiers, water filters, bathing water filters, shower filters, water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, CHI exercisers, and quality built rebounder type exercisers, Far-infrared (FIR) portable Saunas, health stores and health food stores.
The relevant natural healthcare products and services listed above illustrate the broad range of healthcare issues that our resident natural healthcare consultant, nutrition consultant, and healthy lifestyle coach is knowledgeable about. (Lon Willoughby)
Lon has acquired specialized natural healthcare concepts education and experience with many important health-promoting products and alternative health and "complementary health" natural healthcare and wellness concepts and services.
(natural healthcare = healthcare without the use of pharmaceutical drugs)
Our Contact ABC of Health department provides a convenient E-mail Form that makes it easy to send a quick E-mail communications to ABC of Health. Please title your Subject line as suggested in our Contact ABC of Health department.
+ + + If you are a visitor with ABC of Health and you appreciate the very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts presented at this Website, It will be helpful to us if you will take a few minutes to visit our Comments and Reviews department and tell us how the information presented in this Website has been helpful to you.
We want to know how you feel about the first lesson in this Free education program.
We really do like to hear from our visitors.
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Your Visitor's E-mail can simply express how you feel about our dedicated efforts to help visitors learn some very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts that will enable them to begin taking better care of their precious health and benefit from those vital actions for the rest of their life.
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