Contact Information

(Please scroll through the information below to find our Email Form)

 Phone:  864-329-0004   

Fax:    864-329-0005

Text:  864-735-2234

Our Office Hours for Receiving Telephone Calls:  

9:00 AM to 7:00 PM - Monday through Friday

ABC of Health

201 B West Butler Rd., #159 (shipping address)

Mauldin, SC 29552

ABC of Health

P.O. Box 127 (preferred mail address)

Mauldin, SC 29662

 See the Home department for more information

about our natural healthcare education services.


Our Hi-TechHi-Security office facility is not open to the public.

We do not provide any walk-in sales or services.  We help our

clients with our very convenient telephone services

and our Natural Healthcare Educational Website Services.

We can provide short (10 to 20 min.) natural healthcare education presentations

for businesses, churches, political groups, service clubs, veterans groups, etc. 

      This department is always under development, waiting for additional Comments and Reviews from our clients, customers, and also visitors to this main Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Website.  We suggest taking a few minutes to review the comments and reviews that are posted right below our E-mail Form; you will probably find the comments and reviews to contain helpful and interesting information.

     Thank you for your patience with this project as more clients, customers, and visitors choose to take a little time to provide their constructive comments, reviews, or suggestions that may be helpful to other people visiting this Website, or may be helpful to ABC of Health (may help us do a better job). 

Contacting ABC of Health by E-mail

Special Suggestions

        Note:  We get lots of Emails (80 to 150+ daily) so it is best to title the Subject line of your Email as suggested below, providing your last name, and your residence Zip Code.
You can add anything else in the Subject line that is relevant to your E-mail.

Examples of E-mail Subject line titles:

Inquiry by Client Wilson, 29615 - comments and review info

Inquiry by Visitor Johnson, 29607 - comments and review info

       The first word shown in the Subject line is a key word that will enable us to perform Search Functions daily that will find and sort all Emails that have a Subject containing the key word "Inquiry."

       The last name and Zip Code info helps us identify each separate E-mail.  Thank you.

       A lot of the E-mails that we receive daily are from businesses offering their services to our company.  We also usually receive numerous health related articles and newsletters of various types, etc.

       Obviously, we do not have time to review so many E-mails daily, but we want to make sure that we find and read your Email promptly and respond accordingly.
       Please use the convenient E-mail Form provided below to send an easy and quick E-mail message directly to ABC of Health about any of the situations described below.

      VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  If you want to retain a copy of your E-mail, please send your E-mail using your usual E-mail system.

     Send to: Your personal copy can be found in your Sent Mail Folder.  You can also send yourself a Carbon Copy (Cc) of your E-mail.

      Your Candid Comments or Review:  If you have been a client or customer of ABC of Health, we welcome you candid constructive and responsible comments or review about the way we have served your health and wellness interests in the past.
      If you are a visitor, your comments can be short, quick, and easy, but do take a few moments to let us know how you feel about the natural healthcare and wellness concepts information presented "free to review" herein (only for select "qualified visitors").   

     We like to learn how visitors found our Website, what search engine (browser) did they use to find us, what key word was used to find us, etc.  Where are you located - city area. etc.  Were you referred to our Introductory Educational Website by a friend or family member, etc.

        Include Your Suggestions:  We also welcome your helpful constructive suggestions about how we can improve our educational services to American adult citizens living within the upstate area of South Carolina.

       Error Correction Suggestions:  If you find errors anywhere in our Websites, please make a note of the department containing the error and try to identify the specific location of any error that you found. 

       Thank you for visiting our Introductory Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Website and for visiting this department.  We will appreciate any comments, reviews, or suggestions that you make by E-mail to ABC of Health today.

      NOTE:  There is always some possibility that an automated E-mail system like the E-mail Form below may not work with every computer, every tablet, or every smartphone - or every operating system available for those devices.  Give this E-mail Form a try - it will probably work just fine for you. 
     However, in the unlikely event that our E-mail form does not work for you, please make a note of our E-mail address below, and then send your E-mail to us in the same manner that you use to send E-mail to other people Please follow the Subject line suggestions shown above.
     If needed, you can send your personal Email to:
     Thank you for your kind consideration in these E-mail communications matters,

    Lon Willoughby, founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., doing business as ABC of Health

    NOTE:   As soon as you submit your E-mail using the Form below, you will get a message right below the blue line in small print that states "Your E-mail has been submitted!  Thank you!"   Please look for this confirmation message.


     When we respond to your E-mail (for the first time), our response may go into your "junk file or spam file" because your E-mail system has not been directed to recognize our E-mail as a good E-mail.

     It is very important to always check your "junk file or spam file" every time you check your E-mail to help you avoid losing some good E-mails.   (E-mails that get stored in most junk files or spam files will be deleted automatically after about ten days of storage.

E-mail to ABC of Health

Comments and Reviews for ABC Of Health

Comments/Review received on 4/26/2017 - from C. G. (Greenville, SC area).  Revised on 5/03/2017.

C. Gifford, LMT #3604

Comments/Review received on 11/05/2010 - from Alpine1 (Greenville, South Carolina area)
ABC's of Health is a SPECIAL Health Store - Highly Recommended
My wife and I have been shopping at ABC's of Health for several years and we are very happy with the health type products, and the friendly healthcare services, that they have provided for me and my family They have several quality brands of nutrition supplement products and their health consultants are knowledgeable and helpful regarding purchases of those productsIn addition, their prices are very competitive with other health stores in the local area (Greenville County, SC)..

They will even try to compete on price with major discounters (catalog sales, Internet sales, and local discount sales) for the nutrition supplement type products that they have in stock
.   All I had to do was ask about their willingness to try to compete with discount sellers when I found the same products on sale at other locations They have always been happy to compete for our business.

They are truly a SPECIAL HEALTH STORE because they also stock quality brands of air purifiers, water filters, water alkalizer/ionizer machines, water purifiers, quality exercise equipment like Chi exerciser machines and Rebounders. They also have a quality portable type FIR Sauna

Their healthcare consultants can explain how to properly utilize each type of equipment for best results
They are really in the healthcare business, and they obviously like to help people learn how to take better care of their health. Their new store in Mauldin, SC even has a large classroom so they can teach classes to large numbers of people to introduce them to important healthcare concepts that can help customers take better care of their health.

ABC's healthcare consultants are very knowledgeable about many healthcare issues, and they can help customers understand which products to buy to achieve certain health objectives
That helpful information has saved me a lot of time and a lot of money over the years, and we are healthier today because they helped us understand what health type products we should buy to help us achieve our desired health objectives. They even have many nutrition products that are formulated to help customers cope with specific health conditions.

My family has purchased many nutrition supplements over the years (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, EFA oils for Omega 3's and Omega 6's, whole food nutrition supplements, digestive enzymes, probiotics, protein powders, etc
.).  We also purchased shower filters, a drinking water filter, and an air purifier We also purchased a quality built rebounder, and they competently helped me understand how to use it to get better health benefits.

Looking back over the years, I can see that their healthcare consultants helped us understand how to optimize the benefits of each major purchase
Consequently, we are very glad that we chose to shop at ABC's of Health for our health type products because they have helped us a lot.

ABC's of Health is a VERY SPECIAL HEALTH STORE and the upstate area of South Carolina is very fortunate to have this super health store
I give them a FIVE STAR rating and HIGHLY RECOMMEND them for your consideration.

Check out their Websites and see the large amount of very helpful healthcare information that they provide to all visitors for free
You can gain a good introductory healthcare education by simply reading the information provided at their Websites - (their longtime healthcare education Website) and also see (their supplemental healthcare education Website). 

This lengthy review is a BIG THANK YOU to the good folks at ABC's of Health, for all of the important and valuable healthcare information and beneficial healthcare products that you have provided to me and my family for a number of years

We realize that we are healthier today because of the dedicated healthcare services that you have provided to us

Sincerely, Alpine1 - November 5, 2010

Note from Lon Willoughby, founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health

Thank you for taking a responsible interest in your very important long-term health.  Taking responsible actions to improve your knowledge about special natural healthcare and wellness concepts can pay wonderful dividends daily throughout the rest of your life. 

You can take advantage of this important and valuable opportunity to become healthier, have more energy and vitality, and probably live a longer healthy life with more success and happiness

May you live long and prosper well in good health as a patriotic American citizen, 

Lonnie Willoughby, founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health