This is the Home Department of this website and visitors should begin reading here. 

     This department was updated on February 19, 2025.

ABC of Health is a Natural Healthcare 

and Wellness Concepts Education Company

 Alternative & Complementary

Natural Healthcare Educational Services

on the Internet for select American citizens 

living within many upstate areas:

 Anderson, Clemson, Greenville, Greenwood, 

Greer, Spartanburg, Woodruff, and many 

 other towns and rural areas.

Leading the way for much better

Natural Healthcare Education Services

for select citizens living In ZIP Codes

296 - - and 293 - -    

(upstate areas in South Carolina).

      We use the Internet to introduce selected American Citizens to our "free to review" Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services.

     Check us out - our vital educational services may enable you to improve your Life in remarkable ways that you may not have considered previously.

     ABC of Health is an advanced creative and innovative natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services company.  We are located in the Greenville, South Carolina area, and we have developed an Introductory Educational Website about alternative and complementary type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are very important and very valuable

     Our Introductory Educational Website presents "free to review" life-improving healthcare and natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts for thousands of American adult citizens who live in selected ZIP Code areas in upstate South Carolina.

     Our Introductory Educational Website introduces selected "qualified visitors" to our multi-subjects educational services.  

     Our Introductory Educational Website should be reviewed before a "qualified visitor" reviews this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website.  

     If you have already reviewed our Introductory Educational Website, you should continue with your review of this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website.  

     However, if you have not already reviewed our Introductory Educational Website, you should transfer to our Introductory Educational Website by selecting the hyperlink (link) that is presented down below.  

     Visitors who are using a smartphone or a tablet to review this website need to review the next paragraph (NOTES:) before selecting the active link down below. 

     NOTES:  If you have TABs at the top of your viewing screen, observe the active TAB and if the transfer action does not completely occur, select the active TAB at the top of your viewing screen to complete this website transfer action.  The active TAB has a rotating circular arrow to identify the active TAB.

     This transfer technique can be used throughout this website whenever needed to complete a Department transfer action or complete a Website transfer action. 

    After completing a review of our Introductory Educational Website, selected "qualified visitors" will be transferred back to this website (www dot ABCofHealth dot com).   They can then scroll down to the active link presented down below to continue with their review of this main healthcare education website.

     If appropriate for you, select the active link below.  

 + + + + +

     If you are coming to this main educational website from our Introductory Educational Website, welcome to our main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website (www dot ABCofHealth dot com).

     Having reviewed our Introductory Education Website, you now understand that our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can be very important lifestyle improving education for thousands of selected "qualified visitor" individuals, married couples, and families (with children living at home with parents). 

     You also now understand that our Introductory Website Education may be life-saving healthcare information for some selected "qualified visitors."  

     You also now understand that we (ABC of Health) have more than 50 important copyrighted Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts, and their educational distribution rights are controlled entirely by our South Carolina Corporation (ABC's of Health, Inc.).    

      This main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website presents additional vital Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education that is also "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors."

     Many thousands of American natural-born adult citizens, who are Christian-oriented, and patriotic-minded toward America, likely have a primary permanent home or residence address ZIP Code of 296 - - or 293 - -

     Visitors who are competent responsible natural-born American adult citizens who can read and speak the English language, and who have the personal characteristics stated above, may qualify to be very fortunate and very lucky selected "qualified visitors" to this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby invite selected "qualified visitors" to review this Home Department's "free to review" educational presentation as soon as possible (ASAP), but only after they have reviewed our Introductory Educational Website (Part-One of Lon's autobiographical healthcare-related educational report).

     As explained previously, ABC of Health is in the Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Business The founder and president of our education company, ABC's of Health, Inc., is Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. (Lon Will o bee)

     Lon established this natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational corporation in April 1986, more than 36 years ago because he saw clearly the great need for much better natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services in South Carolina.  

     Our Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Business has been located in Greenville County, South Carolina throughout all of those years.  To simplify our business name, we do business as ABC of Health.

     You have learned that Lon Willoughby is the author of a very important autobiographical healthcare-related educational report that is presented privately on the Internet in two parts.  Part One is presented in our Introductory Educational Website - located at:

www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com 

     Part Two of that private educational report is presented as an important component of this much larger website (www dot ABCofHealth dot com).  

     Lon used eight departments of this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website to present Part Two of his autobiographical healthcare related educational report.  

     Part One and Part Two combined present a very  important educational report that can help improve life in many ways for thousands of selected "qualified visitors" to these two private educational websites  

     As explained above, selected "qualified visitors" should first review our Introductory Educational Website (at the website address shown above).  They will then be prepared to review this private main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website(www dot ABCofHealth dot com)    

     This private main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website has been modified and revised extensively during a period of several years to enable Lon to use eight departments herein as Part Two of his healthcare related private educational report. (Part Two can be very helpful to thousands of selected "qualified visitors.")

Our Introductory Educational Website

      Having reviewed our Introductory Educational Website, you now understand why Lon uses a dot in some website address listings, instead of using a period in those website addresses (as shown in some of the website listings presented above). 

     As explained in our Introductory Educational Website, Internet Search Engines penalize a website listing for a website address using the period when the website address is not also enabled to be an active hyperlink (link) - a link that will actually transfer a viewer to the listed website address.

     Our introductory Educational Website explained that Lon uses this dot technique in situations where he wants to identify a website address, but he does not want the viewer to be distracted at that time by actually  transferring to that website address. 

    You now understand that Internet Search Engines do not penalize a website listing when the dot is shown in a listed website address, instead of showing a period, because Internet Search Engines do not evaluate a website address listing unless periods were shown  appropriately in the listed website address.   

     Our Introductory Educational Website also explained why Lon Willoughby and wife Janie have worked responsibly to help selected "qualified visitors" have a very good opportunity to get introduced to very important health concepts and very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     It is very important to understand that some health concepts are not natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     The term Health concepts may involve the medical profession's upper level elitist hierarchy personnel, or the term health concepts may involve a pharmaceutical drug company's upper level elitist hierarchy personnel, or the term health concepts may be about how those two separate groups of elitist people cooperate with each other to cause health concepts that are mutually beneficial financially to the separate elitist entities.

     Our very important Introductory Education Website can help selected "qualified visitors" understand that our private Americans 4 Justice Club Member educational services can help A4J Club Members enjoy a much healthier and much more productive and much more enjoyable life than other American adult citizens will likely learn how to achieve.  

     Our Introductory Education Website presents very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that Lon and Janie Willoughby carefully developed for convenient "free to review" Internet review by selected "qualified visitors."

     The practical value of our "free to review" educational services can be enormous - it is much more valuable than selected "qualified visitors" will comprehend at this point in this two-part educational report presentation. 

     Our private Introductory Educational Website introduces a goldmine of very important health concepts and very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help selected "qualified visitors" understand, likely for the first time in their life, the conventional medical healthcare systems in America much more clearly and much more responsibly than they have ever understood them before. 

     Our Introductory Educational Website also introduced  very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts for selected "qualified visitors" who would like to find out how they can learn how to be healthier, smarter, and stronger American citizens

     Selected "qualified visitors" will also have important opportunities to join with some other patriotic-minded "qualified visitors" in their local community area in helping develop a better America in their local upstate area of South Carolina. 

     Lon's two-part autobiographical educational report introduces selected "qualified visitors" to health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be very important and very valuable to them during the future years in their life. 

    Selected "qualified visitors" should review this two-part autobiographical health-related educational report as if the quality of their life in future years can be improved a lot by getting introduced to ABC of Health's remarkable "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services

     Our "free to review" introduction of special multi-subject educational services can truly help selected "qualified visitors" a lot during their future years. 

     This very special two-part autobiographical healthcare related educational report can enable  selected "qualified visitors" to understand why it was necessary for Lon and Janie Willoughby (as officers of ABC of Health) to develop private educational services for Americans 4 Justice education club members.  (Our A4J Club Members.)

     Our private educational services can enable A4J Club Members to maintain and protect their precious natural health much better than they knew how to take vital natural healthcare and wellness maintenance and protective concepts actions before becoming an A4J Club Member.  

Very Important Security Issues

     The high security manner in which we present our most private natural healthcare concepts educational services on the Internet (in security coded departments) for A4J Club members enables ABC of Health to educate A4J Private Education Club Members without also making these very important and very valuable educational concepts available to many people who have not qualified security-wise to receive this education.  

     Book sales could not realistically provide that kind of controllable privacy and security because books can generally be purchased by anyone, and books can also be shipped to various locations where books written in English could be illegally translated into other languages by unauthorized people (some of America's enemies).  

     That means that our super important and highly secret natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts for education of our A4J Private Education Club Members could illegally be used to educate many millions of our economic and military enemies (Socialistic Marxist, Communist, Fascist, etc.) in the United States of America and in many other countries [in Africa, Asia (China, North Korea, Vietnam, etc.), and in some European countries, and in Russia and Russian aligned countries, and some Middle Eastern countries]

     There are millions of American citizens who cannot qualify security-wise to receive our special private natural healthcare and wellness concepts education (they may not live in selected Zip Code areas in upstate South Carolina, and/or they may not be natural-born American adult Christian-oriented citizens, and they may not be reasonably patriotic-minded toward America).  

     There are billions of people on Planet Earth who cannot qualify security-status wise to get access to our private copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.

     As explained in our Introductory Educational Website, our very special introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services are presented only for selected "qualified visitors."  

     That natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is not available anywhere else in America in our very helpful "free to review" educational format. 

     Our "free to review" education can introduce selected "qualified visitors" to health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be very important and very valuable to these very fortunate selected South Carolina American adult citizens.  

    Selected "qualified visitors" should review this "free to review" autobiographical health-related report responsibly, as if the quality of their life in future years can be improved substantially due to their introduction to the health concepts and the vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are introduced briefly to them in our educational websites.  

    Our Introductory Educational Website can help selected "qualified visitors" understand that Lon and Janie Willoughby, as professionally trained educators, have spent thousands of hours, over a period of many years, developing good ways to teach selected American adult citizens (who become members of our A4J Private Education Club) about practical, reasonable, and sensible healthy lifestyle actions that they can take at home to help them maintain and protect their precious natural health in very important ways

     Our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services can help A4J Club Members live a much better life, and a more enjoyable life and more satisfying life, and a much safer life than most American adults know how to live. 

     A4J Club Members can also learn how to live more cost-effectively while they are learning how to live a much better life.

    An introduction to our special private natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services is not available anywhere else in America in the very helpful "free to review" educational format that is presented for selected "qualified visitors" in our private educational websites. 

     Reviewing Lon's autobiographical two-part educational report can be a "once in a lifetime" educational opportunity that can become a very important educational asset for thousands of selected "qualified visitors."

Visitor Security

     Selected "qualified visitors" are very secure while reviewing this private main healthcare concepts educational website because we do not ask for any personal information before they review this website; we do not ask for a name, or an email address, or any other kind of personal information prior to their review actions of this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website.  

    After reviewing our Introductory Educational Website, selected "qualified visitors" will be transferred to this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website so they can begin reviewing Part Two of Lon's autobiographical report (located at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website).

     If your are using a Smart Phone or a Tablet to review this main educational website, please observe the TAB change taking place at the top of your viewing screen when making transfers of Departments or Websites.  If the transfer does not actually occur, select the new TAB that developed to complete the transfer.  (The new TAB will have an active circular arrow symbol - it identifies this new TAB activity.)    

+ + + + +

Continuation of this Home Department

     This main Natural Healthcare and 'Wellness Concepts Educational Website presents Part Two of Lon's autobiographical report about very important health concepts and vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions and in-actions in the United States of America

     Lon will explain herein why our additional vital Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational services can be very important for improving and protecting natural health conditions in very beneficial ways for selected "qualified visitors."

     Lon presented Advanced Natural Health Concepts "free to review" education at our Introductory Educational Website (Part One).  He will present Part Two of his very important autobiographical health-related report at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website.

     The combined value of Part One and Part Two of Lon's health-related autobiographical report can be worth thousands of dollars for many selected "qualified visitors."    

     These corporate copyrighted health concepts and natural healthcare and wellness concepts can be life-improving in very important ways for thousands of selected "qualified visitors."

     The natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced herein can help selected "qualified visitors" begin to see  important opportunities to learn how to improve their natural healthcare lifestyle actions in very important ways.

     The natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website also have the likely potential to help save the lives of some selected "qualified visitors" from a premature death (death occurring before age 80 to 90 years). 

     Pause and think about that situation for a few moments.  Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that are presented "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" have the potential to help some selected "qualified visitors" save their life from a premature death (at some point in their future). 

     Those very important life-improving and maybe life-saving educational actions can repeat each week for additional selected "qualified visitors."  That situation illustrates how critically important Lon's two-part autobiographical educational report can be for thousands of selected "qualified visitors."

     This main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website also introduces selected "qualified visitors" to vital natural healthcare and wellness education that can help them begin to understand how they can learn how to take important actions that will help them take much better care of their natural health for a potentially longer healthy life - a life may have less sickness, less pain and suffering, and will likely have a lot less medical system expenses

     Would these kinds of natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions and health improvements be very beneficial for you - and maybe beneficial for some of your immediate family members who live with you in your home?

     This very special main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website can also help selected "qualified visitors" understand how Lon and Janie introduce them to very important Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts using our unique "free to review" education format.

     ABC of Health is able to do this vital education because Lon and Janie Willoughby developed the Internet educational breakthrough concept of "free to review formatting" for these very important and very valuable introductory type healthcare education and natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services - only for selected "qualified visitors."

     This private main natural healthcare educational website introduces very important education about vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts, but it also introduces  information about five other very important life improving educational subjects

     These additional educational subjects can also help selected "qualified visitors" without any upfront cost because we also use our "free to review" educational format for these additional educational services. 

      Our educational websites can help selected "qualified visitors" understand that their usual lifestyle can likely be improved in very important ways by using some of the copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon Willoughby introduces to selected "qualified visitors" in some of our educational websites.

     Lon also explains how ABC of Health can provide much more vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for selected "qualified visitors" who are able to qualify as a "Certified Qualified Visitor" (CQV) and then voluntarily become a member of our exclusive Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club (our A4J Club).

     At the appropriate time, selected "qualified visitors" who express a serious interest in joining our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club can be provided with an active hyperlink (link) that can transfer them to our Americans 4 Justice educational website.  They must complete our security-status evaluation successfully before that top security website address will be provided to them.

     Selected "qualified visitors" need to understand that Lon and Janie Willoughby will educate our A4J Private Education Club Members about practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are very important and very valuable for each club member (and for immediate family members who are teenagers or younger children that are still living at home with their parents).

     As explained below, our special natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services can also be very important for America's future. 

     Healthier and stronger and more responsible and smarter American adult citizens that have learned how to use better and smarter judgment daily is clearly good for America's future

     Those are some of the very important personal benefits that can come from the Americans 4 Justice educational services that Lon and Janie Willoughby can present for A4J Private Education Club Members.

      Lon and Janie work together as a very competent education team to help our A4J Club Members learn how to take much better care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets for a healthier, more enjoyable, and potentially longer life. 

     Lon and Janie teach A4J club members special natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help them enjoy living a much better life - one that will likely be more productive and more successful with more personal happiness and contentment for the rest of their life.

     ABC of Health presents a lot of this special education using the A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services that Lon and Janie developed for these vital A4J club member educational objectives

     Lon will explain more about these super A4J club member educational services later.  These A4J private education club member services are remarkable copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational breakthroughs that have never been available before as Americans 4 Justice Club Member educational services - not anywhere in the United States of America. 


     This is a private educational website that is not open to the general public like most websites are. This main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website was modified and revised in many ways to make it more helpful for education of natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and patriotically-minded about America, and who routinely live in their primary permanent home or residence within ZIP Code area 296 - - or 293 - - .  

     In order to qualify for very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education at this private educational website, these natural-born American adult citizens must also be responsibly patriotic toward the United States of America (the USA, America). 

     Their allegiance to the USA (America) must be much stronger than their allegiance to any other country on Planet Earth.  Otherwise, they cannot qualify to review our very important and very valuable educational presentations.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby define the special South Carolina natural-born adult citizens who meet the qualification standards stated above as selected "qualified visitors." 

Off Limits Conditions

     This private main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website is strictly off limits for any person who is not a natural-born American adult citizen

     This website is also off limits for American natural-born adult citizens who are not Christian-oriented.  If they are not Christian-oriented, what kind of ethical and moral standards do they have and conduct their life by?  We would not know about these very important ethical and moral issues for citizens who are not Christian-oriented and we would not have any practical, cost-effective way to evaluate these issues.  

     Therefore, ABC of Health could not reasonably trust them to become members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Educational Club and gradually gain full access to our very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services

     This website is also off limits for American adult citizens who are not patriotic-minded toward the United States of America (America).  People who are natural-born American adult citizens but do not feel a responsibility to be reasonably patriotic toward America have apparently not had adequate education about America.  

     Therefore, ABC of Health could not trust those citizens to gradually gain full access to our very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.

     Our educational services for A4J Club Members will likely increase and strengthen substantially their sense of patriotism toward America, but they must have a reasonable amount of national patriotism toward America to qualify to become a member of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club - where they will gradually obtain full access to our very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.

     This website is also off limits for American adult citizens who do not have their primary home or residence in the Zip Code area that was explained in our Introductory Educational Website

     Some of the reasons for our very important security standards were explained briefly above, and the need for our security standards were explained in much more detail in our Introductory Educational Website (Part One of Lon's two-part autobiographical health-related report).  

     That report also explains the very serious marketing problems in American that are caused by elitist healthcare competitors and Big Pharma, and also the very serious marketing problems that can be caused by potentially unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt judicial systems in American courts.

      Any natural-born American adult citizen who meets all of our personal characteristic standards, except they do not live in one of the designated ZIP Code areas, can apply to ABC of Health by U.S. Mail if they would like to be granted access as a selected "qualified visitor" to our special private educational websites (special access can be granted by Lonnie Willoughby, Jr., as president of ABC's of Health, Inc.). 

     Lon will then reply to their email address and explain the personal information that he will need from the applicant to make this very important educational access decision.

Legal Services Affiliates

     This private main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website is strictly off limits for anyone who has completed two years or more of education at any law school, or anyone who is an attorney or lawyer, or anyone who works for or with an attorney or lawyer, or anyone who is closely associated with them in any way (immediate family members such as their parents, their spouse, and adult sons and daughter or younger children, other close family relatives, close friends, romantic friend, employees, or contract associates, etc.).

Judicial Services and 

Law Enforcement Services

     This main healthcare and wellness concepts educational website is also strictly off limits for anyone who works for, or is associated with, any judicial department or judicial system or any law enforcement system (city, county, state, or federal, etc.) within the United States of America.

     A detailed explanation was presented in our Introductory Educational Website's Home Department for education of non-excluded "qualified visitors" about these strict access restrictions for reviewing our private educational websites

     Our Terms of Use Department presents serious financial penalty information for violations of these access restrictions

     All access excluded persons (as explained in this LEGAL NOTICES information) are hereby granted access to review this Home Department up to and including this LEGAL NOTICES information, and to also review our Terms of Use Department.

     Those are the boundary limits for reviewing this private educational website by "excluded access persons."

     Please be advised accordingly, and be responsible about reviewing this very special private educational website.

Helpful Background Information

     We are an Alternative Health and "Complementary Health" Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Company, and we can present very important and wery valuable Holistic Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services.

Definitions from New Webster's Dictionary 

and Thesaurus of the English Language

holistic adjective - of a planning approach viewing the situation as a whole 

holistic medicine noun treatment of the whole organism, not just the symptoms of a disease

 Whole Body Concept
Of Health Improvements

      A "holistic approach to health" takes the whole body into consideration, not just individual parts of the body that may appear to have poor performance at a given time. 

     Lon Willoughby understands that the human body operates as a very complex complete unit - individual organs and sections of the body do not function entirely independently of all other processes within the body.   

    The body needs all of its various organs, sections, and other components to function with good cellular health in a teamwork manner to achieve the amazing and remarkable performance that it is capable of producing each day, for weeks and months and years, when taken care of properly.

    The health of the intestinal bowel system, or the liver, or the kidneys, or the thyroid gland, or the adrenal glands, or the pancreas, or other body organs, functions, and processes can have important effects on other parts of the body. 

   This is especially true when powerful hormones are produced and circulate in the blood system.

     The human body is exceptionally complex, and the whole body system should be considered in a responsible manner when trying to improve the health functions of any specific part of the body.

Lonnie Willoughby Has Learned That

People Do Not Know What They Do Not Know

 About Human Healthcare    

      Lon will soon transfer you to a very important department that will report some serious health problems in America.      
      As explained previously, Lon tried for several years to offer free natural healthcare concepts education classes in the Greenville, SC area, but very few people showed any responsible interest about attending those education classes. 
       Some of the people who ignored or rejected Lon's offers of a free natural healthcare concepts class in years past have had heart attacks, or strokes, or developed cancer conditions, and some other serious health problem conditions.  
       Unfortunately, some of those people are already deceased - some of them died at much younger ages than Lon is now.  Some of them died 5 to10 years younger than Lon was at the time that they died.

Education Solutions

       Lon and Janie Willoughby have worked diligently as a team of natural healthcare concepts educators for many years to develop practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts education solutions that can greatly reduce this very serious natural healthcare and wellness concepts education deficiency for thousands of citizens in South Carolina.
      For reasons explained in our introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website, as president of ABC of Health, Lonnie Willoughby has responsibly restricted our selected education territory for offering our vital natural health concepts education
      In addition to that territorial restriction, we only offer our natural healthcare concepts education services to selected natural-born American adult citizens who live within our selected educational territory.     
      It is important to understand that the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is introduced briefly at our educational websites can help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" get motivated to responsibly strive to improve their personal lifestyle. 
      Lon and Janie also realized that thousands of selected "qualified visitors" could benefit a lot from additional education about the special natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate educational trade secrets that they have made available at this website in security code protected departments for the exclusive education of members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.  (A4J Club Members)
      Lon will explain briefly our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services later in this Home Department.  
      Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot offer this special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education to American adult citizens who do not qualify as selected "qualified citizens" - due to the extremely unfair and unethical "competitive reasons" that were explained in our Introductory Education Website.

     Scientific research enables us to learn a lot about the amazing complexities of the human body; we have a lot of vital healthcare and wellness information available to us today.  

     Research has shown that it is mind-boggling how complex the human body systems are, and it is amazing how well they can work together as a coordinated team.

    The more knowledge you acquire about these complex body systems, the more competent you can become in managing your natural health and your natural healthcare assets in easy and practical, responsible, and sensible ways.  

     This vital healthcare concepts knowledge can be very beneficial to your short-term health and your energy, vitality, and mental abilities - and this special knowledge can be even more beneficial to your medium-term health and your long-term health.

     Your natural healthcare assets are identified clearly #1 Home Extension Department in Topic 2 for Americans 4 Justice Club Members (as part of Lesson 2 of our A4J private education services for A4J Club Members).  

     That kind of top secret natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge is not presented "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors."  

    Lon Willoughby has learned that most American citizens probably make the same healthcare mistakes day after day for many years (throughout most of their lifetime) simply because they had not been taught how to conduct several very important lifestyle actions much better.  

     Lon and Janie understands that American citizens die prematurely by the tens of thousands each week because of their improper and harmful lifestyle actions.  They had not been educated adequately to understand how to avoid or minimize those serious healthcare problems.

    Lon believes strongly that it would make a lot of sense for American citizens to slow down a little and take a few hours time to get some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, as early as possible in their life, so they can begin learning how to conduct important lifestyle actions correctly, instead of continuing to conduct so many lifestyle actions wrong daily.      

    If parents were educated properly about these very important lifestyle concepts, they could begin teaching some of these lifestyle concepts to their children whenever they are at appropriate early learning ages.  

    Those very important healthcare and wellness education objectives are why ABC of Health is in the alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness education business.  

    Lon and Janie Willoughby are working in a teamwork manner to help many good American citizens (selected "qualified visitors") get educated about the opportunities that ABC of Health has made available to help them understand that it is easy to learn how to manage their lifestyle in much more knowledgeable and effective ways. 

    Will you pause here for a few moments and try to fully grasp the great importance of these natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational objectives

    Does our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational objectives make good sense to you?

      Lon is about to transfer you to a special education department to learn very important information about the seven major killer conditions in America. 

     After reviewing that department, you will understand that America has millions of very serious healthcare problems to try to cope with each year.  

     After reviewing this entire website, you will also understand why America has not been doing a good job of coping effectively with these very serious tragic healthcare conditions.

     Select the link right below to transfer to that very important education department.

Healthcare Problem in the USA

+ + + + +

     Welcome back to the Home Department of this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational WebsiteYou now understand that the really important healthcare question is this: "what can be done to improve these very serious killer conditions for many American citizens?"

      Lon and Janie Willoughby realize that our Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services cannot help all diverse American citizens get educated about these complex healthcare and wellness issues because America has a very unfair, unethical, corrupt and very dangerous education marketplace - as explained in our Introductory Educational Website

     Consequently Lon and Janie have responsibly selected a large group of American adult citizens that ABC of Health can work with effectively in the upstate area of South Carolina;  they are natural-born American adults who are Christian-oriented and patriotic minded about America. 

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand these people best and are willing to try to help them responsibly learn how to improve their health-oriented lifestyle.  

     You are already learning about some of the very important ways that ABC of Health strives to achieve these vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education improvement objectives specifically for selected "qualified visitors." 

 Lifestyle Actions 

Improvement Education

     Most American adults have no idea how many things they do frequently that are actually harmful to their health in some significant or substantial way.  

     As you may know, most people want to believe that they know how to take good care of their body and their mind (mental abilities, attitudes, human emotions, etc.). 

     Unfortunately, many people believe this very common harmful myth and then they casually avoid getting educated about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that could help them a lot - because they believe they already know about all they need to know about good healthcare actions and practices.

     Many American adults believe very harmful healthcare myths that can help enable a lot of sickness and disease conditions that could have been avoided responsibly if they had been more knowledgeable about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     Lon is about to transfer you to another very important department at this main healthcare education website.  You will review very important information about some very deceptive harmful health-related myths.

      A special link is provided down below to transfer selected "qualified visitors" to our Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs Department.  You will be able to review what Lon Willoughby gradually discovered about six healthcare myths which can become very dangerous beliefs for many American adult citizens.  
      These healthcare-related myths may enable tens of thousands of premature deaths each week in the United States of America (the USA, America). 
      These common healthcare myths can be very dangerous because they can affect the lives of many millions of American citizens in very detrimental ways
      Lon understands that those very harmful deceptive myths and their corresponding dangerous beliefs likely help enable 40,000+ tragic premature deaths in the USA each week that goes byThat is a lot of tragic premature deaths on a weekly basis, week after week!!!
      You can therefore see that those healthcare myths can help enable major healthcare problems in America on a weekly basis, year after year.
      Lon Willoughby estimates that those very dangerous myths likely result in more than two million premature deaths in the USA each year.  (52 weeks per year X 40,000+ premature deaths per week = approximately 2,080,000+ premature deaths per year). 
     Consequently, you will soon see that this is a VERY SERIOUS HEALTHCARE PROBLEM for AMERICA as a very important leading republic styled nation.  
      Lon understands that these tragic healthcare situations could be improved a lot for many Americans by using the special natural healthcare and wellness education concepts that he had researched, discovered, studied, developed, and copyrighted during the past twenty plus years for educational use by ABC of Health.
      Fortunately, Lon Willoughby's analysis of those potentially dangerous mythical situations also enabled him to evaluate the natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions that selected "qualified visitors" can take to manage their natural healthcare actions in more effective ways - after they qualify to join our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club
      They can learn natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions that can be taken easily at home in practical, responsible, and sensible ways.
      It is difficult for America to be a strong viable nation when so many of our adult citizens are in poor emotional health and poor physical health. 

           Select the link right below to transfer to our Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs Department and learn about the dangerous healthcare myths that Lon discovered over a period of 20+ years. These healthcare myths can easily prevent American adults from striving to learn how to take much better care of their health.

+ + + + +

       Welcome back to this Home Department.  You now understand why some of those dangerous healthcare  related myths can enable a lot of unnecessary sickness and disease suffering in the United States of America.  

      You also understand why those dangerous healthcare myths can result in tens of thousands of premature deaths in the United States of America each week.  (More than 120,000 premature deaths likely occur monthly in America!!!)

      Lon's extensive natural healthcare and wellness service work experiences with more than a thousand people found that most people do not actually know very much about taking good care of their body and their brain and their mental abilities. 

      He found that people like to think, and are comfortable thinking and believing that they know what they do not know about vital healthcare actions and important natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions

      Lon and Janie realize that most people do not understand some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts and are therefore not able to use these natural healthcare concepts competently in their lifestyle on a routine daily basis.  

     Our security coded education departments at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website can enable Americans 4 Justice Club Members (A4J Club Members) to greatly improve their understanding of some very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts

      It is important for you to understand that America is so unhealthy as a nation that our citizens die early  premature deaths at the approximate rate of 40,000+ deaths per week (deaths occurring before age 90). 

      As Lon showed in the previous calculation above, that amounts to an average of more than 2,000,000 premature deaths per yearThat calculated estimated number shows the enormous size of these healthcare problems.
      Lon understands that it is not just the premature deaths that are very important here; it is also the poor health conditions and the serious pain and suffering, and the very expensive medical services that are usually associated with many of those premature deaths
      If millions of American adult citizens were educated timely about taking much better care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets, we could have a lot less sickness, diseases, and physical and mental suffering in America.
      Those pervasive poor health conditions cost a lot of money for many American families, and cost a lot of money for some companies, and cost a lot of money for some cities, and cost a lot of money for some counties, and cost a lot of money for some states, and also cost a lot of money for the federal government.  It all totals up to many billions of dollars each year.  
(A billion is 1,000 million = 1,000,000,000.)
       Can you see that the terrible deficiency of alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is actually the MAJOR HEALTHCARE PROBLEM IN THE USA?  
      Let's pause and think seriously about that question for a few moments.  Can you understand that Lon's extensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts research and diligent study over a period of 40+ years has discovered and revealed the MAJOR HEALTHCARE PROBLEM IN THE USA!!!  (The very serious deficiency of practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for millions of American citizens and residents.)
      Lon and Janie Willoughby realized that most American adults need practical, responsible, and sensible education about how to take better care of their natural health, and that situation includes many healthcare practitioners, including many American educated and trained medical doctors and nurses
      Lon and Janie also realized that most American adult citizens and/or residents do not understand that they need to get educated about the alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are introduced briefly at our educational websites for selected "qualified visitors" in our "free to review" educational format. 


Important Information 
About Our Multiple Websites 

     Lon and Janie Willoughby have worked together diligently for thousands of hours to develop several websites that are programmed for viewing by computer displays, and tablet type displays, and also smartphone type displays.  

     As a selected "qualified visitor" - if you have the option of viewing this website on a computer color display, rather than the smaller tablet or smartphone display, you will likely enjoy more your multiple visits to this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website because of the large size and complexity of this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness  Concepts Educational Website

      Colored text may not be displayed automatically on some tablet displays or smartphone displays.  However,   Lon has already explained how to setup color displays on many smart phones and tablet display systems. 

     The many department listings provided at the top of this Home Department lists the various departments that Lon and Janie have carefully developed for this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website.  

     Some departments are more important than others, but most departments contain very important natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts that can be helpful, instructive, and very beneficial for our A4J Private Education Club Members

     You can see that this very large website presents a Gold Mine of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is unique in America

     Selected "qualified visitors" can review some of these natural healthcare and wellness education concepts at no cost due to our "free to review" educational format

     A4J Private Education Club Members have access to all of these education departments because they will have access to the security login codes that are needed for access to our security restricted access departments.

    This main natural healthcare concepts educational website introduces briefly many very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts for review by selected "qualified visitors" that have been copyrighted for educational use by ABC of Health

     ABC of Health is the only company in America that can legally publish healthcare education that presents some of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets.  

     Therefore, you will not find our very special  copyrighted healthcare and wellness educational  concepts published anywhere else - not on the Internet, not in natural healthcare concepts books, etc. 

     A brief introduction to some of our natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts are available for review by selected "qualified visitors" only at our educational websites.  

     This main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website will educate selected "qualified visitors" about some very important restrictions that are applicable to the personal use of our copyrighted natural health and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets in your lifestyle as one of those selected "qualified visitors."

     The large amount of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education presented for A4J Private Education Club Members at this main natural healthcare concepts educational website is easier to review conveniently on a computer color display, rather than a tablet display or a smaller smartphone display - because we have several large education departments that present very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational information for A4J Private Education Club Members.

     In some situations, a smaller smartphone display may not be as easy to control and manage as the larger type display (depending upon the quality of a smartphone).  

     These problems may be most noticeable when one is viewing our large departments and our chart and map displays and maybe on our E-mail Form

     Lon has used colors a lot in our text presentations - to make them more interesting and more understandable.  The colors presented for text on a computer color display may present a more enjoyable and helpful review of our very important and very valuable copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts

     Some tablets and smartphone displays will normally present text information in black color only.  Consequently, a computer color display will provide the best presentation for viewing this very large complex educational website.  However, Lon also carefully explained how to setup a color text viewing mode that works for many tablets and smartphones.

     LIBRARIES:  Most modern public libraries contain computers with color monitors that are available for use by library members and also library visitors.  

     The library employee on duty can easily and quickly show a library member or library visitor how to use one of the public library computers to get on the Internet and visit our educational websites, or visit websites produced by other companies.   This is a super value library service for people who do not have convenient access to the Internet at their home or residence.

     For the reasons stated above, you will likely enjoy using one of the larger display systems when you are ready to make a serious detailed review and study of this large website.  ABC of Health has additional websites that have been developed by Lon and Janie to present  educational information to health-conscious selected "qualified visitors" and/or our A4J Club Members.

     If your smartphone is more convenient to use, by all means, see how well it works for you.  It may work reasonably well for most text displays, but the small screen size will likely have some control and management difficulties as noted above - this may have been noticeable if you initially used a smartphone to visit and review our Introductory Educational Website (www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com)

     Lon has learned that some of the lower-cost smartphones may not be able to select the various departments at a complex website, but other more sophisticated smartphones work well at those websites.

     Our multiple websites present important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that can help A4J Club Members in very beneficial ways.

     Please understand that our A4J natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can be very important and valuable to many A4J Club Members, and we want them to enjoy their multiple visits to this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website

    Multiple visits to this main education website will be needed by A4J Club Members to complete review visits  and then study visits of our six lessons Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Services.

     A4J Club Members with a Smartphone When you have an opportunity to review this large website on a computer or a tablet display, please check it out - compare this with viewing this website on a smaller smartphone display.  

    You may find that a computer or a tablet display is somewhat easier to control and manage for large education departments that present a lot of information.  The larger displays may provide a more convenient and more comfortable review and study of our large educational departments.  

     Lon and Janie Willoughby believe that most selected "qualified visitors" will likely have enough intelligence to be able to learn how to develop more energy, more vitality, and more brain power (learning ability, and memory/recall ability).  

     This Home Department also presents education for A4J Club Members about additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help them improve their lifestyle and their life a lot - for the years ahead of them. 

     Lon and Janie help A4J club Members get to a higher level of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education - where they will understand how to achieve a healthier body, including a healthier brain and other vital organs, and have healthier bones and tissue cells.     

     Lon and Janie want A4J Club Members to be able to enjoy a more productive, and more successful, and more enjoyable life. 

    Does it make good sense to you for mentally competent American adult citizens to responsibly look for opportunities to get educated about  natural healthcare and wellness concepts ASAP?

     Lon and Janie realized that many American adults needed an easy to understand alternative health type Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Service.

     They also realized that an introduction to our special natural healthcare educational services on the Internet could be a convenient, practical, and sensible way for our company (ABC of Health) to enable thousands of selected "qualified visitors" to review briefly some of our very important copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts without any upfront cost being involved for them. 

    Lon and Janie realized that remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can  improve many lives (adults, teenagers, and younger children) easily and quickly in a responsible and comprehensive manner that is practical, responsible, and sensible.  (Teenagers and younger children can be educated timely by their educated parents.)

     However, Lon and Janie also realized that ABC of Health could not reasonably and safely offer our remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services to many American adult citizens in distant locations in South Carolina, or in other states, due to very important potential security problems that are explained in our Introductory Education Website

(www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com

     However, Lon and Janie decided that they could help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" learn about some of the special natural healthcare education services that ABC of Health can provide for A4J Education Club Members, as explained at our Introductory Education Website

     That vital educational information can help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" begin to understand what is possible with our advanced level of natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study educational services for Americans 4 Justice Club Members.  (A4J Club Members)

    Our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts home-study educational services can help A4J Private Education Club Members learn how to develop better attitudes (more positive and more realistic and more reasonable) about life's challenging opportunities.  

     Lon also educates A4J Club Members about how to  control and minimize human feelings of anger, anxiety, frustrations, disappointments, debilitating brain fog, and even some serious depression conditions. 

    With our remarkable home-study education services, A4J Club Members can learn how to begin thinking better and feeling better, while their improved lifestyle actions enable many brain cells and trillions of other body cells  to begin getting healthier each day that goes by. (Compared to how they were living before becoming an A4J Private Education Club Member and gradually gaining access to our remarkable Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services.)   

     It is very important to understand that ABC of Health is the only company in America that is authorized to develop natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education services that teach our copyrighted  Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts. 

     ABC of Health is the only company that can sell our remarkable A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services because we must carefully evaluate the personal security status of each selected "qualified visitor" that applies for membership in our A4J Private Education Club.

    The natural healthcare concepts educational services that Lon and Janie Willoughby developed for ABC of Health present very important and very valuable alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is unique - we have the only education service of this kind in America (teaching our special copyrighted corporate education trade secrets).

     A4J Club Members can learn how to easily help their natural health and their natural healthcare assets develop healthier body cells throughout their body in an ongoing manner and do so on a routine basis. 

    Our remarkable Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services can enable A4J Club Members to make major improvements in their lifestyle that can enable short-term lifestyle improvements.  

     Those vital improvements can gradually produce medium-term and long-term "better health and better brain power abilities" that can gradually develop healthier longevity potential.   

    These major lifestyle improvements can have remarkable healthcare and wellness benefits throughout the body for the remainder of your lifetime.  

     This incredibly important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge can be worth a lot of money to you and perhaps other immediate dependent family members that live at home with you.  

     You can see that our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services can potentially help thousands of A4J Private Education Club Members!!!

    Our advanced level Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services teach revolutionary breakthroughs in practical, responsible, and sensible human healthcare management practices and also human healthcare protective practices.  

    This very special natural healthcare education can provide great benefits to an individual A4J Club Member, and it can provide even greater healthcare benefits for an A4J Club Member married couple and even greater benefits for an A4J Club Member family situations (married couple with dependent children living at home with parents). 

    Some of our advanced natural healthcare and wellness education concepts may also be very beneficial to other close family members and friends because A4J Club Members may have opportunities to invite apparently "qualifiable visitors" to visit our Introductory Educational Website - where they can begin learning about how they can have opportunities to take much better care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets

    A visit to our Introductory Educational Website can enable selected "qualified visitors" to get introduced to vital healthcare education that can help them begin to learn about how they can get educated to become healthier American citizens.  

    They can begin to understand that they can learn how to stay healthier longer, and thereby avoid becoming an emotional burden, or a financial burden, on other family members and friends in their "golden years of life" - as occurs for millions of older senior Americans in the United States of America

Lon's Father's 

Health Problems

     Lon's father's heart attack and his debilitating paralyzing stroke in the spring of 1982 severely altered his life, and altered his wife's life (Lon's mother), and those conditions also altered Lon's life, and Lon's wife's life in very serious disruptive ways.  

     That stroke situation dramatically affected both of their careers and opportunities (Lon and Janie) for several years, and those family conditions also affected  their two college age sons in detrimental ways.

     Those Willoughby family health conditions also substantially affected Lon's brother and his wife and their three children (living in the Wilmington, NC area).  

     The main educational point here is for you to understand that Lon's father's inability to take good care of his natural health and his natural healthcare assets was due to his typical "American lack of natural healthcare concepts educational knowledge" about very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts

     As reviewed briefly above, Mr. Lonnie Willoughby Sr's poor health condition (Lon's father) had very serious detrimental affects on several Willoughby family members in serious ways and affected some family members a great amount for many years into the future, altering their family life and their occupational opportunities in serious detrimental ways.  

     When you stop for a few moments to think about the Willoughby family healthcare tragedy reviewed briefly above, you can understand that those types of very serious healthcare tragedies are likely happening to more than a million American families every year.  

     There are more than 1,500,000 heart attacks and stroke situations in America each year, and they cause  about 750,000 deaths annually.   There are also more than 500,000 cancer deaths annually.  

     About 2.6 million Americans die each year (of all causes), and the numbers above show that cardiovascular problem deaths (heart attacks and strokes) are the # 1 major killer condition in America.  

     Cancer condition related deaths are the # 2 killer condition in America.

     We are talking about matters of great importance for many American citizens and residents on an annual re-occurring basis.  

     Lon's father's paralyzing stroke in the spring of 1982 paralyzed him totally on the left side of his body.  After a lifetime of very productive activity, at age 66, he was reduced to a very serious invalid who could not walk by himself.  

     He could not go to the bathroom in his home by himself.  He could not pee or have a bowel movement or take a bath by himself.  He had to live with those conditions daily for the rest of his life.  He could not even turn himself in bed without a lot of help.

     He lived in that tragic invalid condition for about 4.5 years - until another heart attack was fatal on November 22, 1986.  (365 days per year times 4.5 years equals more than 1640 days in that very discouraging and frustrating debilitated invalid condition).  

     Taking care of Mr. Willoughby, days and nights, was an extremely difficult and frustrating responsibility for his wife, even though at times she had a nursing aide to help her with some of those difficult and frustrating duties for several hours per day, for several days per week.

Pause Here and Consider

    Can anything practical, reasonable, and sensible be done for thousands of people that could reduce the number of these severe family healthcare tragedies each year?  

     The answer to that question is Yes, natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, like the remarkable six lessons education services that Lon and Janie have developed for ABC of Health to present to A4J Private Education Club Members can help a great amount (as explained in this main healthcare education website).  

     The very strong driving motivation for Lon Willoughby to develop a very competent natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company in the Greenville area of South Carolina was his sincere desire to help thousands of American citizens reduce and minimize their potential to suffer serious healthcare conditions that wreck lives terribly, like what happened to his father and mother during year 1982. 

     Their tragic healthcare condition continued daily (day and night) for the next 4.5 years - until his father had another heart attack that was fatal.  (November 22, 1986)

     Lon's wife, Janie Willoughby, then helped Lon in numerous ways in developing a Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Business for ABC of Health, in Greenville County, South Carolina.  

     As experienced educators, Lon and Janie realize that A4J Private Education Club Members will get a lot more benefit from our remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education if they review these important natural healthcare concepts two or more times (rather than trying to get by with just one quick review).  


     Repetition is the magic learning concept for much more effective learning and memory recall proficiency.

     Please remember that Lon and Janie have developed   life-changing and life-saving healthcare and wellness concepts at this website for A4J Club Members.  Consequently, this very important natural healthcare concepts education is definitely worth a second study visit, and maybe additional study visits - to understand better the very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are presented at this website for education of A4J Private Education Club Members.  

     Our vital education can help A4J Club Members daily for the rest of their life so they should not try to rush through this very important and valuable education.

     Our private educational websites are the only place in America where many of our copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts are available to A4J Club Members for review and for study of the easy to understand learning format that we present for them. 


     The very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced at this website are educational concepts that have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

     It is very important for selected "qualified visitors" to understand that the natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced in this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

     Lon makes this statement because the FDA decided long ago that only licensed medical doctors can diagnose or treat disease conditions, and any device or substance that can cure or prevent any disease condition is considered to be a drug, and all drugs used within the USA must be FDA approved drugs

     Consequently, any education presented herein related to the cure or prevention of any disease condition must be presented as educational information only, to help selected "qualified visitors" understand what may be possible under some circumstances.  (Lon and Janie Willoughby are not licensed medical doctors so the FDA prohibits them from providing any medical advice at our ABC of Health educational website.)D We r


     In general, any device or substance that claims to be able to cure or prevent any disease condition is considered to be a drug, and all drugs used within the USA must be FDA approved drugs. 

     it is generally illegal for American adult citizens or residents within the USA to use any device or substance or protocol to cure or prevent any disease condition that has not been approved by the FDA as a drug for that purpose.

    Note:  It can cost millions of USA dollars, and hundreds of millions of USA dollars, to get a new drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

     Consequently, any healthcare education presented in our ABC of Health websites that is related to the avoidance or cure or prevention of any disease condition must be presented as educational information only.  That is all the FDA allows ABC of Health to do as an independent alternative and complementary natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company.

     Educational healthcare and wellness concepts introduced in our special private educational websites can help selected "qualified visitors" understand what may be possible under some health circumstances. in general,

Relevant Healthcare Notes

       Lon Willoughby does not like these very restrictive FDA standards, but he understands that this is the controlling FDA healthcare standard for American citizens and residents living within the United States of America at this time. 

       Lon believes that the FDA is being too restrictive in favor of licensed medical doctors.  Lon understands that some non-medical doctor healthcare practitioners are capable of providing very important healthcare diagnoses and treatment services for some people - special natural healthcare and wellness concepts services that many medical doctors are not responsibly competent to provide for those people. 

    Consequently, those people are deprived of those vital healthcare and wellness concepts services due to the FDA's unreasonable restricted standards as stated above.  Lon knows this for a responsible fact because he has personally experienced some of those conditions in his own healthcare needs over a period of many years - as explained at our introductory education website. 

    Lon's personal healthcare experiences enabled him to understand some of those situations, and he believes that millions of American citizens are affected adversely by the FDA's very strong favoritism toward medical profession doctors in preference to other types of healthcare and wellness concepts practitioners.  

    In essence, the medical profession doctors in America have been enabled to establish an extremely strong monopoly that is self-serving for medical doctors financially.  That very unfair monopoly is routinely very restrictive and harmful to several types of competent and responsible natural healthcare practitioners

    As shown at our special private healthcare educational websites, Lon Willoughby is now one of those important natural healthcare and wellness concepts practitioners.

    As stated above, Lon Willoughby understands that millions of Americans can be handicapped and harmed severely by those very restrictive FDA operational standards.  This occurs a lot when nutrition issues are involved in a person's healthcare needs (and that occurs in many patient healthcare problem situations).

    In general, most American medical doctors are not educated and trained to be adequately competent regarding complex nutritional issues, like dietitians and nutritionist are routinely educated and trained.  

     Being a medical doctor is a very complicated profession, and they cannot know everything associated with healthcare - such as the complex issues associated with nutritional concepts.

    Nutrition supplement manufacturers used to recommend on their bottle label that one should consult with their physician before taking such products.

    Many nutrition supplement labels today recommend that one should consult with a healthcare professional - because nutrition supplement manufacturers understand that most American medical doctors are generally not knowledgeable about many nutrition supplement products.  That kind of complex knowledge is what nutrition specialist are educated and trained to do.  It is unreasonable to expect medical doctors to also have that complex specialty knowledge.

    However, some nutrition supplement bottle labels still recommend consulting with a licensed physician.  The recommendation statement that is presented below was taken from a modern up-to-date product label for Phosphatidyl Choline, 840 mg per dose (2 soft gels).

Warning:  Pregnant or lactating women, diabetics, hypoglycemics and people with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to taking dietary supplements.

     It is very important to understand that the statement above protects the manufacturer of the nutrition supplement and helps protect the distributor of the nutrition supplement and also helps protect the store seller of the nutrition supplement product.

     However, that statement does not provide any real protection for the buyer of the product other than the buyer has been warned to consult a physician or a pharmacist before consuming the product. 

     Will a licensed physician or a licensed pharmacist have any responsible practical level of knowledge about that specific nutrition supplement productNot likely! 

     Neither person may have already acquired any personal knowledge about that nutrition supplement product. 

     They may not have even heard of the product and they likely know nothing about the nutrition supplement product.

     A licensed physician or a licensed pharmacist may have some knowledge about a drug that the inquiring person may be taking, or they may be able to quickly research information about that drug, but they will not likely have any level of responsible knowledge about the nutrition supplement product itself, or know how it might interact with any specific drug product

     In order to obtain any responsible level of knowledge about the nutrition supplement product, the person should consult a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or a nutritionist). 

     This example shows that the inquiring person may need to consult with a licensed physician or a licensed pharmacist (or both) about any drug products involved in that person's lifestyle and how the drug (or drugs) may be affected by consuming the nutrition supplement product in question. 

     The consumer may also need to consult with a nutrition consultant (a dietitian or a nutritionist) (or both) about the nutrition supplement product involved in this example situation.

     The inquiring consumer would then need to be capable of correlating all of the consultation information obtained into a practical assessment of using the nutrition supplement that is involved in this example.

     Is any American adult consumer going to do all of that in a responsible manner, and pay reasonable consultation fees to each person that was consulted about taking the nutrition supplement productNot likely!!! 

     If the consumer is not taking any pharmaceutical drugs, this inquiry is greatly simplified because they could then consult only with a dietitian or a nutritionist about the nutrition supplement product

     But remember, the product label did warn them to consult with a licensed physician or pharmacist

     The main point here is that there are usually no easy and simple answers to these types of nutrition product inquiries. 

     These are usually complex issues, and the special knowledge that is needed will not fall out of the sky for the consumer or for the professionals that they consult about taking a nutrition supplement product.

     It is well established that medical profession services in America are one of the major killers of Americans, and those services may in fact be the number one killer of Americans on an annual basis, exceeding the deaths caused yearly by either cardiovascular health problem conditions or cancer conditions

     Lon presents four examples below of the FDA's unfair and unreasonable standards for defining "drugs" and the "prevention of a disease" in the USA

     1.  It is common knowledge that simply washing one's hands carefully and responsibly after using a restroom can help prevent some very serious disease conditions.

     Does that make washing one's hands carefully and responsibly, as taught in our healthcare educational services, a "drug" that is illegal for use unless specifically prescribed by a USA licensed medical doctor (on a recurring basis)? 

     2.  It is common knowledge that drinking contaminated water may cause several kinds of very serious disease conditions.  We teach that drinking purified water can help prevent some very serious bacterial and viral disease conditions (cholera, typhoid fever, and several others serious diseases, including some very serious parasitic disease conditions).

     Does that make drinking purified water, as taught responsibly in our natural healthcare concepts educational services, a "drug" that is illegal unless prescribed by a USA licensed medical doctor (on a recurring basis)?

     3.  It is common knowledge that washing and cooking meat food products carefully can help prevent some very serious disease conditions, as taught in our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.

      Does that make those sensible meat food practices a "drug" that is illegal for use unless prescribed by a USA licensed medical doctor (on a recurring basis)?  

     4.  It is now well established that some birth defects can be avoided or minimized by women taking appropriate amounts of certain vitamins

     Does that make taking those vitamins for women of child bearing ages, as taught in our natural healthcare concepts educational services, a "drug" that is illegal to use unless prescribed by a USA licensed medical doctor?

     Lon could present many other examples but these few examples show clearly how unfair and unreasonable some of the FDA's standards are regarding "drugs" and "drug use" in the USA and also actions that can help prevent disease conditions

     Fortunately, many American adult citizens have acquired and maintain a basic and fundamental level of "common sense" about some practical, reasonable, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts within the USA.

     Some states within the USA have established statutory laws that allow non-medical doctor types of healthcare practitioners to provide important and valuable healthcare services to residents within the state's geographic boundaries. 

     Oklahoma has established statutory law standards that provide better healthcare freedom for citizens and residents within that state than exists in most states within the USA

     Some other states in the USA have established more reasonable healthcare freedoms standards for their residents than have existed in past years. 

     North Carolina, a neighboring state to South Carolina, has better healthcare freedom for its citizens and residents than South Carolina has for its citizens.

     South Carolina may be the most restricted healthcare freedom state in the USA.  Lon Willoughby is well aware of these unfair and unreasonable legal standards, that effectively give medical doctors in this state an extremely unfair and unreasonable monopoly over healthcare practice actions throughout South Carolina. 

     Lon and Janie are currently working on trying to get those excessively restricted statutory law standards revised and improved by the South Carolina General Assembly.  That is a big job because all state legislators (house members and senate members) need to be educated about these very important healthcare services deficiency issues.

Easy Income Opportunities

For Qualified Patriotic Americans 

       Lon and Janie also developed an important "network marketing" business opportunity that can enable members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club (A4J Club) to have opportunities to earn generous affiliate awards (finder's fee commission income). 

     A4J sales affiliates can do this by doing very important education work that is easy to accomplish while working conveniently from home (using the Internet for email communications with personally known local American citizen contacts).

     Affiliate income can enable many A4J club members to earn enough money in affiliate awards to pay for their first-year membership dues in our A4J private education club and maybe have some extra money to pay for other expenses.

     A4J sales affiliates can begin sales work by helping ABC of Health advertise our Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services.  They simply invite  American natural-born adult citizens that they know in their local area who are  Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded citizens to visit our introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts website (These apparently qualifiable local adult citizens will live in a selected ZIP Code area of upstate South Carolina). 

     We provide proposed email scripts that show what is authorized to be said in an Email advertisement about our introductory natural healthcare concepts educational services, as presented at our Introductory Education Website.

     Our Internet website advertising program was designed to make it very easy for patriotic-minded A4J private education club members to become A4J sales affiliates and then help us advertise our remarkable natural healthcare concepts education services to local American adult citizens that they know, in a dignified manner. 

     This very important patriotic educational work can help selected local American adult citizens and families in very valuable ways.  (People who can qualify as selected "qualified visitors.")

     You can see that this is very easy advertising work.  It has the potential to also help America become a better and stronger nation of free people through our very important and valuable education services - one person, or one married couple, or one family at a time.

     ABC of Health will begin advertising our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina on July 10, 2023.

     In time, Lon anticipates gradually expanding our initial educational services Zip Code areas to some other areas of South Carolina.  Fortunately, we have many thousands of potentially "qualified visitors" living within the initial selected Zip Code areas (296 - - and 293 - - ) so there is no urgent need for ABC of Health to expand our educational servicing Zip Code areas at this time.

     Lon Willoughby has carefully restricted our educational service areas to Zip Code areas that are within the judicial jurisdiction of the Greenville Federal Court - for competitive reasons that were explained in some detail in our Introductory Educational Website:

www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com

     A lot of this very easy advertising work can be done conveniently by A4J club member sales affiliates if they have good access to Internet services at their home or residence. 

     If an A4J club member sales affiliate does not have convenient access to the amazing Internet at their home or residence, they can probably obtain these important Internet services free at a local public library. 

     Most public libraries in the upstate area of South Carolina have computers that have Internet access for use by library customers and library visitors - and these are usually free library services.

     A4J club member sales affiliates can invite personally known "apparently qualifiable" contacts to visit our introductory health concepts educational website that is located at:  www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com.

    WOW!!!  Think for a moment about this very easy "advertising sales work."  It can enable A4J club member affiliates to earn a generous Affiliate Award (a finder's fee commission) for each new "qualified visitor" that qualifies and voluntarily joins our A4J Private Education Club (as a result of their A4J sales affiliate's sponsoring very easy "advertising sales work" ).

     Those sales affiliate awards are in excess of $140 each, and in some new A4J Club Member sponsorship situations, they can be several hundred dollars each.

     Lon explains this dignified educational income opportunity in more detail at a sister website that was developed for that educational purpose. 

     As stated previously, a website address will be provided for that special educational website after a selected "qualified visitor" has voluntarily gone forward and become security-status qualified to join our Americans 4 Justice private education club.

Does all of this sound 

too good to be true? 

     Well, It is true and you may be able to obtain a "free to review" education about how our corporate president, Lonnie Willoughby, acquired his incredibly important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge over a period of 40+ years.

     This main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website introduces "qualified visitors" to additional vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts that may improve their life in remarkable ways.

     Many selected "qualified visitors" can be helped a lot by simply reviewing this Home Department's Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational presentation 

     This is very easy education, and it is also very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that selected "qualified visitors" need to know about.

     If a selected "qualified visitor" can "qualify" for membership in our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club, they can get excited about the many special natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational opportunities that will be available to them as an A4J Private Education Club Member

     But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves because a selected "qualified visitor" must first "qualify" to become a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) - one who has completed our security status evaluation process - before a "qualified visitor" can apply for membership in our A4J Private Education Club.  You will learn more about our CQV security status evaluation requirements at this website.

     You can already see that we are responsibly selective about approving new memberships in our exclusive A4J Private Education Club

     Selected "qualified visitors" of good character may be able to qualify as a Certified Qualified Visitor (successfully complete our security-status evaluation procedures), and then be approved by our office personnel to join our exclusive Americans 4 Justice Private Educational Club.  (Our A4J Club Members.)

     Welcome to remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education presented by:

ABC's of Health, Inc.

doing business as (dba)

ABC of Health

Location Information:

(our Shipment Receiving Address)

ABC of Health

201 B West Butler Rd, #159

Mauldin, SC 29662

+ + + + +

(our preferred Mail Address)

ABC of Health

Post Office Box 127

Mauldin, SC 29662

       Mauldin is just eight miles southeast of downtown Greenville, SC (located in the beautiful foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains).   Greenville is about 65 highway miles south of Asheville, North Carolina.

ABC of Health

          ABC of Health provides remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services for the beautiful upstate area of South Carolina (Zip Code areas 296 - - and 293 - - ). 

     This private educational website provides very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in our "free to review" format for ten-of-thousands of selected "qualified visitors" who live within these ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina.     

     Selected "qualified visitors" to our educational websites are natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and also patriotic to the USA above all other countries on Planet Earth.  They live in their primary permanent home or residence address within a ZIP Code area of 296 - - or 293 - - .

ABC of Health

PHN: 864-329-0004

FAX: 864-329-0005

TXT: 864-735-2234

Hours of Operation For

Our Telephone Services:

9:00 AM to 7:00 PM ET 

Monday through Friday

Our professional voice mail service

is available during our business hours

when we do not answer the phone.

We request that inquiries about our

healthcare educational services be submitted

by Email or by Text Message or 

by Fax (864-329-0005).

Fax is our preferred communications.

Send your email communications to:

     You can send us an easy email by using the convenient email form that is located in our Contact ABC of Health Department.  However, if you want to retain a copy of your email, you should use your personal email account to send us an email.

Major Categories Of Our Education Services

Natural Healthcare Education Services

Home Healthcare Education Services

Americans 4 Justice Education Services



We do not provide any walk-in sales or services.

       ABC of Health can help selected "qualified visitors" with our remarkable "free to review" Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education on the Internet - available 24 hour per day and 7 days per week - 24/7

 Our educational services on the Internet for Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members are also available 24/7.  (They routinely live in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina - as explained previously).

     A Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) can choose to join our A4J Private Education Club and obtain access to our special six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services

    A4J Private Education Club Members have access to the security codes for our A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services - available on the Internet 24 hours per day, 7 days per week (24/7).

     Lon Willoughby can also help A4J Club Members with convenient consultation services via telephone about natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  He can also help A4J Club Members with our corporate email communication services.

     You can see that Lon and Janie Willoughby have made vital Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational services easy to obtain in a very convenient way that is also very Interesting and cost-effective. 

     This vital natural healthcare concepts education is exclusively for selected "qualified visitors" who voluntarily become "security-status qualified" and then get approved by an ABC of Health corporate officer to become a trusted member of our A4J Private Education Club (our A4J Club)

     Lon Willoughby will explain later about our special qualification standards for becoming security-status  qualified to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club.  

     A selected "qualified visitor" must first "voluntarily qualify" for a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) status to obtain the security clearance that is needed to join our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.  

     Each A4J Club Member will gradually obtain full access to our remarkable six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services plus some very important "bonus" educational services.

Font Size or Font Type Errors    

     We recommend using a computer to view our private websites for best presentation.  If one is using a smartphone or a tablet to view these websites, they may occasionally see words, sentences, or paragraphs that have a different size font, or a different type of font than the preceding words or sentence.

     These font errors can be caused by the translation from computer language to the smartphone or tablet language that is being used for each mobile device.  Please understand that we cannot totally control such font errors in various portable equipment translations. 

    Just patiently tolerate these font translation error situations if any occur.  Lon tries to prevent these font size or font type errors from occurring for smartphones or tablets that selected "qualified visitors" may be using to view our website presentations.

Communications Information

Please use EMAIL or Text Message or FAX
 to inquire about our
Natural Healthcare Educational Services.

our EMAIL address is:

FAX number:  864-329-0005

TEXT: 864-735-2234

Our High-Tech, High-Security office 

is not open to the public.

      Our very secure private office works well for our Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services for selected "qualified visitors" living in selected upstate ZIP Code areas of South Carolina (as explained previously). 

     Our private office also works well for telephone healthcare consultations services with A4J Private Education Club Members (they live in the upstate area of South Carolina - homes or residences have ZIP Codes of 296 - - or 293 - -).
     Our Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security qualification standards will be explained briefly in this Home Department.  We present additional information by Email to each CQV applicant.  After achieving a CQV security status, the person will be eligible security-status wise to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club.
    Many A4J Private Education Club Members can access most of our vital Natural Healthcare and Wellness Education Services conveniently in their home or residence via the Internet 24 hours per day and 7 days per week (24/7)
     If an A4J Club Member does not have Internet access at their home or residence, they can usually access the Internet at a public library FREE, as explained previously.
     Our very special Natural Healthcare Telephone Consultation Services for A4J club members are very convenient, and our Health Consultation Service is easy to obtain for A4J Private Education Club Members.
     Our private office works well for our A4J Private Education Club Members (they live in selected upstate areas of South Carolina). These good folks do not need to travel to our Mauldin location because we have developed our creative and innovative Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services to help our  A4J Private Education Club Members with:
1. Convenient Internet educational website services
2. Convenient telephone consultation services and  
3. Convenient and easy email educational services.
     Nutrition products are not sold from this website - first-time "qualified visitors" will not need to provide a name or email information to review the Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education that is presented at our two private "free to review" educational websites.

We can also provide short (10 to 25 minutes)
Natural Healthcare Education Presentations

for local businesses, churches, health clubs,

political groups, service clubs, veterans groups, etc.

Important Notes About Text Colors       

      Before Lon presents more information about this true autobiographical educational report and introduces some very important healthcare and wellness concepts that can help selected "qualified visitors" daily for the rest of their life, he will take a few minutes to explain important helpful information about the colored text that Lon used frequently throughout this main natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational website.  (He explained this information previously in our Introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts Website.)

     Lon also used a lot of colored text in this main education website to emphasize certain words or phrases and to help improve clarity of meaning in some sentences.  

     Lon recommends that you review this website using a computer if available - to get the most convenient review of this website.  Using a computer color display will provide a larger and better viewing screen, and it will also be easier to control and manage than conducting a review of this lengthy website on a handheld Smart Phone or Tablet.

     NOTE:  If this subject is being presented in all black text, you do need to activate colored text viewing as suggested herein.  However, if you see some colored text in this subject information, you are already in colored text viewing mode (you do not need to take the actions suggested in this subject area to view colored text).

     This website is also programmed to work well with Android type or iPhone type Smart Phones or Tablets but some of those displays may not present colored text until they are activated to present colored text viewing. 

     A selected "qualified visitor" can do that easily by scrolling down to the bottom of this Home Department's lengthy presentation and find and select a three-word link command below the last line of type.

    This easy scrolling action can be done quickly (20 to 30 seconds), and it will enable you to find and select this three-word link command Doing this should activate colored text viewing for most mobile viewing devices.

    This same easy action may also be used to activate colored text viewing on many mobile devices for other Websites, but see the NOTE below before you begin this lengthy scrolling action for this website. 

    NOTE:  An easier and quicker way to get to the bottom of this lengthy Home Department for a computer display is to use the keyboard Ctrl F find function.

     For Smart Phones or Tablets, use the Find function or Find on page function. 

     If you are not familiar with this Find function, or Find on page function, select the three vertical dot icon or the three horizontal line icon (whichever your device uses at the top right side of your viewing screen) to begin using this special function.

     You will need to search for the three-word link command titled View full site(It will be helpful if you make a good written note about this three-word link command so you can use this function in the future.)  That easy action will instantly get you to the bottom of this lengthy Home Department - where you can see the three-word link command.

NOTE:  This special feature for activating colored text viewing will likely also work for most Websites produced by other companies.

     When you begin this find function, it will first find the three-word link command that is typed into these instructions.  You will need to go to the second find function to get to the bottom of this department.  

     Then select the three-word link command to instantly get colored text viewing (for many viewing devices).  (This special three word link command will not be available if you are already in color text mode.)

     Activating the three-word link command will also instantly take you back to the top portion of this Home Department - so you can resume your review actions with colored text activated.

     If these Find Function actions do not activate colored text viewing for your Smart Phone or your Tablet, Lon again recommends that you review this website on a computer because the colored text will always be available on a color type computer display. 

     Lon's frequent use of colored text can be very helpful in this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website

Some Americans do not have a computer

or do not have access to the Internet

     If someone that you know does not have a computer or does not have convenient access to the Internet, please help them understand that they can probably obtain both services free at the nearest public library -  as explained below.  

     Many public libraries in South Carolina have some computers for use by library members and also library visitors.  Library personnel know how to quickly show people how to use one of those public use computers to get to the Internet and review this website (or other websites).      

     It takes only a few minutes to learn how to get to the Internet.  Anyone who has learned how to change stations on a radio or change channels on a T.V., can easily learn how to get on the Internet. 

     If you know some adults who do not have computer access to the Internet, please help them understand that they can call or go to the local public library to inquire about using one of their public use computers to obtain easy access to this very important website on the Internet at no cost. 

     This educational website may help improve the life of selected "qualified visitors" in very important ways, and ABC of Health does not charge a fee to selected "qualified visitors" for this very important and very valuable educational service

     A selected "qualified visitor" just need to give the website address shown below to the library employee, and they will quickly find this website on the Internet for the library member or library visitor.  They can also show them how easy it is to find this website on the Internet.

     NOTES:  The upper and lower case letters shown in the website address above are used to make the separate words more noticeable.  The Internet system automatically converts all address words to lower case letters; therefore, it is not necessary to use the upper case letters shown above.  The upper case letters just makes it much easier to see each individual word - easier than if all letters were in lower case.

Email Account Setup

     If a selected "qualified visitor" does not have an Email account, they can easily set up a free Email account using the library computer.  They can then go back to the library and use a library computer to begin using their new Email account to send easy and free Email communications to family members, friends, etc., or to simply check their Email account activity.

    Several browser companies offer free Email accounts and they are all good choices.  Lon chose to use the Microsoft type Email account (Email for its simplicity (very easy to use). 

    Lon suggests choosing an Email name that will be meaningful to other people.  Do not choose a name that is meaningful only to the owner or a name that is difficult for people to use - like a lot of numbers or several letters that are not obviously logical.  Those Email names will not be meaningful to other people, and they will be difficult for other people to remember or use conveniently.    

Get The Latest Updates For
Our Website's Education Services

       Make sure that you are reviewing the latest updates to this website by simply activating your Refresh Control two times (the circular arrow symbol near the top of your viewing screen).  Refreshing one time usually works, but Lon has found that it is more reliable to refresh twice.

     You should do this for each small independent business website that you review for the first time.  If you do not do this refresh action, you may be viewing information that has been stored in the browser's (search engine's) server memory for several days (since that server memory was updated the last time for the website that you are about to review).

     If you are returning to a small independent business website that you previously visited, the refresh action will also update the data that is still stored in your viewing device from your previous visit.  It is good Internet practice to always activate this refresh action to begin a viewing session on a small independent company website.

Who developed our
ABC of Health
 Educational Services?

      These Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services were developed by Lonnie Willoughby and his wife, Janie Willoughby.  Lonnie (Will o bee) is the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., doing business as (dba) ABC of Health.

     Lonnie (Lon) has an extensive educational background in alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts. This very special natural healthcare education was very difficult to acquire in America for many years.  Fortunately, Lon began learning about natural healthcare concepts education when he was 34 years old (way back in year 1970)    

     Over a period of 40+ years, Lon gradually acquired an extensive amount of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is exceptionally important and very valuable. 

     As explained later in this Home Department's educational presentation, Lon gained a lot of very important and valuable natural healthcare work experiences when he managed and worked in our company (ABC of Health) owned complex natural healthcare products store in the Greenville South Carolina area for 15 years. (1/04/1999 to 4/24/2014)  

     Lon's healthcare concepts research found that people in the USA die prematurely by the tens of thousands each week (die before age 90).  Lon understands that most of those people die prematurely because they did not know how to take good care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets

     They had not been educated about the very special natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon Willoughby researched, discovered, studied, and evaluated carefully during the past 40+ years. 

     Unfortunately, that kind of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education was not available to American citizens in a convenient and practical home-study education format. 

     Lon realized that there was a great need in South Carolina for an educational service to provide natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for individuals and married couples and families with children living at home with their parents.

     He and his professional educator wife Janie Willoughby worked together responsibly as an education team for many years to help improve that very complex natural healthcare concepts education situation.  

     They tried various ways to educate some people in the Greenville area, but none of those education activities were successful enough for them to continue promoting those activities.

     Lon realized that tens of thousands of good Americans were dying prematurely each week, throughout the USA, because they did not have the special natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that they needed to protect their natural health and their natural healthcare assets much better.    

      Later on, this Home Department will review  information about Lon Willoughby's very important and very valuable natural healthcare education and healthcare work experiences that made our current natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services possible.   (That information was reported in some detail in our Introductory Educational Website.)

     Lon and Janie Willoughby worked diligently for several years to make very important vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education available on the Internet.  

     They developed our "free to review" education format for natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded toward America, and who also live within selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina (as explained previously).

      The natural healthcare and wellness concepts presented "free to review" at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website have the potential to improve the lives of many thousands of selected "qualified visitors" to our private educational websites (presenting vital health education in ways that are very important and very valuable). 

     Selected "qualified visitors" should stay with Lon at this website for a special natural healthcare and wellness concepts "free to review" educational experience that can help improve the lives of thousands of selected "qualified visitors" in some very important ways.    

     Lon's two-part autobiographical educational report is the only place where selected "qualified visitors" can find this very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in a very easy to understand "free to review" education format. 

     Lon and Janie sincerely want selected "qualified visitors" to benefit from the life-improving natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is presented "free to review" in Lon's unique and very special two-part autobiographical true educational report.

What does the term "natural healthcare" mean?

      What are we talking about when we use the term natural healthcare or natural healthcare concepts?

      Throughout this website, the term natural healthcare indicates that we are referring to an alternative healthcare system (actions, practices, procedures, or protocols) that is different from the conventional healthcare system commonly provided for people in America by most typically educated and trained medical doctors and medical nurses.

     Our definition of natural healthcare in America includes healthy lifestyle considerations such as: a good healthy diet with quality wholesome foods (raw or cooked in healthy ways) and healthy beverages (usually filtered or purified water). 

     Our definition of natural healthcare also uses beneficial herbs, quality mineral nutrition supplements, and may also use vitamin supplements from natural food sources or from substances manufactured in high quality chemical laboratories. 

     Notes: Manufactured vitamins attempt to copy natural vitamins that can be harvested from natural food sourcesManufactured vitamins are generally not as good as natural vitamins (they do not contain the natural co-factors that cannot be manufactured).  However, manufactured vitamins can be much more potent than natural vitamins and they are typically a lot less expensive per milligram unit. 

     It is very important for visitors to understand that there are some healthcare improvement situations where it can be very helpful to use these higher potency manufactured vitamins 

     Anyone who says that manufactured vitamins do not work in the human body have not had enough experience with these vitamins.  THEY DO WORK and they can WORK VERY WELL in some situations.

     Lon Willoughby has had many years of practical experience using manufactured vitamins, and he has seen them perform remarkable healthcare miracles for people regarding much better management of anger, disappointment, frustration, serious stress, and also depression.

     Lon also has many years of practical experience using natural vitamins.  He prefers natural vitamins for healthcare maintenance use, but unfortunately, as good as they are theoretically, their low potency is generally not potent enough to perform remarkable healthcare miracles quickly like some manufactured potent amount vitamins can provide in only a few days. 

     Compare those results to many weeks, or months, to obtain somewhat similar health improvements using only low potency food sourced natural vitamins (and at much higher cost).

      When people have very stressful lifestyles and serious anxiety and/or depression conditions, we cannot afford to wait several months while natural vitamins gradually help to some noticeable extent.  

     Lon Willoughby has learned how to use potent manufactured vitamins, and he has enabled remarkable improvements for nutrition clients in just a few days.

     These kinds of amazing dramatic healthcare improvement results do not occur when using only natural vitamins - due to their low potency.  Lon has seen these amazing healthcare situations occur many times during the past 20+ years.  

     Our very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts offer a whole new healthcare improvement world compared to the prescription drug substances that are commonly prescribed for many healthcare situations by conventionally educated and trained medical doctors in America. 

      In many healthcare improvement situations, it can be very helpful to use our alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts to work in a complementary manner with the healthcare practices typically provided by conventional medical doctors in America. 

     Apparently, very few conventionally educated and trained medical doctors in America have learned how to blend these two different healthcare systems together in a very helpful complementary manner.  

     Fortunately, Lon Willoughby has been learning about blending these two distinctly different healthcare systems for more than 30 years, and he is very competent with these special healthcare and wellness skills at this advanced point in his professional life.

      He has learned how to use alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts appropriately as complementary healthcare and wellness concepts with typical American conventional medical doctor healthcare services

     This blending of healthcare services can greatly enhance the healthcare patient's potential for improving their health faster and more effectively.  These health improvements can be remarkably beneficial for most medical system patients.  They may also be life-saving for many of those patients.

The Quick, Easy, Cheap, and Lazy Way 

To try to Enjoy Good Health Long-term

      Many Americans appear to be looking for a quick, easy, cheap, and lazy way to help them enjoy good health for the years ahead of them.  Let's pause for a few moments and carefully consider that millions of Americans casually participate in wishful thinking about this very important subject

     They apparently are hoping to get very lucky and enjoy finding something that does not currently exist, has never existed in human history, and will likely never exist in America.

     Natural human healthcare is a very complicated subject area that requires some serious education efforts to understand it much better.  This educational website can help selected "qualified visitors" learn very important and very valuable information quickly about some of our copyrighted vital natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts.

      National death rate data for year 2013 show that an average of 216,416 people die monthly in the USA.  This data is a good representative summary of what is happening national as each new year goes by.

     Lon and Janie understand that most of the people dying prematurely each year (before age 90) are dying mainly because they were not educated adequately about how to take good care of their complex body and their amazing natural healthcare assets

     NOTE: Natural healthcare assets are natural assets within a healthy body that routinely strive daily to maintain good health throughout the very complex body - as best they can with the beneficial factors that the individual has provided for the body to work with.)

     Those critically important natural healthcare assets are natural active components of the human body, and they are continuously working to help the body maintain good health at all times.  

     However, it is very easy for American citizens to do things that interfere with those natural healthcare protective actions.

     At ABC of Health, Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that American adults, teenagers, and younger children commonly do numerous things that interfere with the normal health protecting and optimizing functions of the body's natural healthcare assets.

     Lon Willoughby has developed very important copyrighted natural healthcare actions that a person can take to reduce and minimize common harmful effects to the body's natural healthcare optimizing actions.  

     These actions are major natural healthcare and wellness concepts breakthroughs that are very important for helping the body's vital natural healthcare assets maintain optimized good health throughout the body.

    As you would reasonably expect, these exceptionally important and valuable copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts are not included in our introductory level "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts education at this educational website.

     You will learn herein how we select "qualifiable visitors" that will have a special opportunity to learn about these exceptionally important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and many other very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby developed our special six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services to provide very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for A4J private education club members.

The SMART WAY To Learn

How To Improve Natural Health

     Our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services is the really smart way to learn how to enjoy better health throughout a long lifespan.
     This main healthcare concepts education website introduces selected "qualified visitors" to some of these very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts
     The alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is presented "free to review" herein can be very helpful to selected "qualified visitors" who wisely take time to responsibly review this Home Department's very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational presentation  
     As explained in the introduction to this Home Department, Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. is the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., doing business as (dba) ABC of HealthHe specializes in educating our A4J club members about alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are very important and very valuable to each of them.  
      Lonnie Willoughby acquired an extensive education about alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and he also acquired many years of very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts work experience when he managed our ABC of Health natural healthcare products store in the Greenville area (Greenville County, South Carolina). 
     We (ABC of Health) owned and operated a natural healthcare products store in the Greenville South Carolina area for 15 years.  (1/04/1999 to  4/24/2014) 
     In managing that ABC of Health natural healthcare products store business, Lon worked with our assistant store manager for many years in providing natural healthcare and wellness related products (sales and services) for regular health store customers and many health store visitors.
     Lon's experiences with hundreds of people during our first year of operation (1999) enabled him to see clearly that local customers had not been taught the alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that they needed to understand well to enable them to manage their precious natural health in practical, responsible, and sensible ways.
     Lon Willoughby realized that those vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts could have helped enable thousands of people to do a much better job of managing their complex body's natural health and its natural healthcare assets.
     At that point in time during 1999, Lon had already acquired an extensive education in alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  
     He will explain later how he managed to acquire that very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and also explain his very strong motivation for doing so.
      That special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education enabled Lon to understand that most people in America did not have a practical, responsible, sensible, and convenient way to learn about vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education
     Lon's extensive education in alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts enabled him to realize how critically important those natural healthcare and wellness concepts education deficiency situations were - for most American adults (160+ million) and their children (140+ million).
     Consequently, Lon Willoughby was responsibly concerned about those critically important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education deficiencies
     He realized that many millions of Americans would likely be affected by sickness and disease conditions due to their deficiency of education about practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts.
     Lon also realized that those deficient healthcare education situations would likely result in sickness and disease conditions which could cause millions of Americans to suffer badly and then die prematurely.
     He believed that those very serious tragic health conditions could be reduced a lot, and perhaps minimized, by adequate and timely vital education about natural healthcare and wellness education concepts
     Lon's awareness of those natural healthcare education deficiency situations challenged him to try to develop practical responsible ways to provide local opportunities for education about alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts for health-conscious people living within the Greenville, South Carolina upstate area.
     Lon believed that his extensive practical knowledge about natural healthcare and wellness concepts could enable our natural healthcare products sales company to develop a natural healthcare and wellness concepts classroom type education program that could be very helpful to thousands of American adult citizens living in the Greenville, South Carolina upstate area. 
     Lon decided to teach some classes about natural healthcare and wellness concepts for our health store customers and other people living in the Greenville area.
     He was hopefully optimistic that ABC of Health would be successful in presenting a free introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts education class weekly in a convenient local classroom.
     If our initial free introductory level natural healthcare education classes were reasonably successful, we could then consider how we might offer advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes to the people who had attended one of our free introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes.  
     We would charge a reasonable fee for our advanced level natural healthcare and wellness classes, and those fees would enable ABC of Health to earn the additional income that we needed to stay in business. 
     That plan could be a win - win situation where we would be providing very important and very valuable advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes on a regular recurring basis for our health store customers and other interested health-conscious residents within the Greenville area. 
     We will come back to this classroom natural healthcare education subject later and explain what happened with Lon's dedicated efforts to teach natural healthcare and wellness concepts classes in the Greenville area on a recurring basis.  

Special Information

For Our First Time Visitors

Are You In A Hurry Right Now?

     We understand that you may be in a hurry right now, and if so, you can quickly put this website in your Favorites and visit us again soon when you have some time to review this Home Department's incredibly important presentation.   We recommend that you take a few more minutes to quickly review the vital information right below before deciding to leave this website.
     The time that visitors spend with this natural healthcare and wellness concepts education information can help them in very important ways.  This vital healthcare information can help motivate visitors to responsibly improve their lifestyle in ways that can help them a lot in the years ahead of them.     
     It is very important to remember this very old life concept:  "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  Just take the first few easy healthcare concepts improvement action steps by learning about some of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and then continue these very easy natural healthcare improvement actions routinely as you take a little time to progress with these very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts lifestyle improvement actions daily.
     Our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company now specializes in helping "qualified visitors" learn about basic and fundamental level, and intermediate level, and advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help them improve their life in very beneficial ways that are practical, responsible, and sensible. 

     Every new day is important in this natural healthcare and wellness concepts education process, and "qualified visitors" to this special private educational website can get introduced to some of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help motivate them to
begin improving their lifestyle - if they wisely choose to do so.
     This Home Department will explain how "qualified visitors" can "qualify" to become one of our Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's). 
     Achieving a CQV security clearance is necessary to become eligible to join our A4J Private Education Club.   A4J Club Members have access to our remarkable six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services.
    These remarkable A4J Healthcare Education Services are only available to Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) after they join our A4J Private Education Club Membership
     That very important and very valuable A4J Private Education Club Membership is explained in more detail at a special website developed for that purpose.  A "qualified visitor" who is security-status qualified to join ourAmericans4Justice private education club can obtain that special website address.   
     They will be provided with a convenient active link and security code information that will enable selected "qualified visitors" to transfer to that website to review the remarkable educational advantages and benefits that are available for our A4J Private Education Club Members
     Selected "qualified visitors" need to understand that each selected "qualified visitor" must complete our Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security-status evaluation satisfactorily before they will be eligible to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club 
      Lon will explain later the evaluation criteria that we use to advance selected "qualified visitors" to a Certified Qualified Visitor status so they will be eligible security-wise to join our A4J Private Education Club
     The very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that we offer our A4J Private Education Club Members is a unique healthcare education service that is not available anywhere else in the United States of America (the USA, America)
     Some of our exceptionally important life-improving natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services are introduced at this website using the remarkable communications capabilities of the amazing Internet.
    Taking time to acquire a practical and useful understanding of our special "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts at this main healthcare concepts educational website can help selected "qualified visitors" avoid losing their life prematurely (due to a lack of introductory education about natural healthcare and wellness concepts).
     Lon and Janie want to help achieve these life-changing and life-saving introductory healthcare and wellness concepts educational improvements weekly for selected "qualified visitors."  They will continue doing this introductory education for additional selected "qualified visitors" as each new week occurs. 
     Lon and Janie realize that selected "qualified visitors" do not know that they should search for and find our Introductory Educational Website.  Consequently, many of those tragic premature death situations will likely continue for selected "qualified visitors" who do get a  personal invitation to visit and review our private Introductory Educational Website. 
     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that thousands of "qualified visitors" will likely continue losing their life prematurely until our very helpful "free to review" private Introductory Educational Website is introduced to them by a selected "qualified visitor" who knows them.
    You now understand that Lon and Janie have made it very easy for previously educated selected "qualified visitors" to invite other selected "qualified visitors" to visit and review our Introductory Educational Website. 
   You can see that this very important educational activity may help change someone's life for the better in dramatic ways.   That invitation to visit our Introductory Educational Website can open the doorway to an introduction to our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational websites - that are presented "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors." 
     Let's pause and seriously think about some tragic health situations for a few moments. 40,000+ American residents likely die prematurely each week due to a deficiency of education about our easy to learn natural healthcare and wellness conceptsThis situation is terribly tragic!!!  And it reoccurs each week, week after week after week as time goes forward.
     Lon and Janie Willoughby have been working diligently in a dedicated manner for many years to help reduce and minimize these tragic premature death situations by developing vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that can be presented on the amazing Internet for selected "qualified visitors" in upstate South Carolina. 
     Lon and Janie's very important teamwork actions now present a lot of very valuable introductory natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in our "free to review" format at the two private natural healthcare concepts education websites introduced herein.
     This Home Department and our five Home Extension Departments (Home Extensions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) present many ways that our copyrighted and proprietary natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services can help our Americans4Justice Private Education Club Members in truly remarkable ways
     Our special six lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services can greatly improve an A4J club member's abilities to accomplish whatever they want to achieve with their lifetime opportunities - in their work duties and responsibilities and also in their personal life with family members, close relatives, and close friends.      
     Our A4J Private Education Club Members will be able to learn about remarkable natural healthcare advantages and benefits that they can enjoy routinely during the rest of their life. 
     Our vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can help our A4J Club Members understand the potential advantages that our advanced level Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services can provide for them and their immediate family members (spouse and dependent children that live at home with their parents).
     Learning about the benefits of our advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts can help A4J Club Members a lot throughout their life. 
     That vital educational awareness can enable A4J Club Members to see and understand very important reasons for getting motivated to use some of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts to improve their lifestyle in practical, responsible, and sensible ways that can pay BIG natural healthcare dividends throughout their future years.  
     A4J Private Education Club Members can make very important and very valuable lifestyle improvements by using some of the very helpful natural healthcare concepts guidance that our copyrighted Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services present in our special six lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Education Services.     

Special Healthcare Concepts

For Our First-time Visitors

     Hopefully, you already understand that your precious health is worth millions of dollars.  Yes, that's right, your precious health is worth millions of dollars You are unique, like no other person, and your potential in life is practically unlimited - but you will need some very important help to gradually develop over time into your full lifetime potential.  
     One of the most important goals that you can have in life is to learn how to take good care of your incredible body.  This is a vital healthcare concept that is exceptionally important for all adults (and also smart and sensible teenagers).  Unfortunately, it is difficult to learn how to protect your natural health in product-oriented America.
     Most Americans are more interested in acquiring things than in acquiring very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge.  Due to that common situation, most of the American marketplace is arranged and organized to offer a broad assortment of "things" for people to purchase conveniently.
    However, Lon will identify the body's very important natural healthcare assets in our Home Extension 1 department at Topic 2.   This is part of Lesson Two in our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services for A4J Club Members 
     That special vital education will enable A4J Club Members to focus more attention on those exceptionally valuable components of their body.
Healthy Lifestyle Information
     It seems that everyone is looking for the "magic pill or potion" to make it very easy to casually enjoy better health the easy, cheap, and lazy way.  
     However, take it from Lonnie Willoughby (at age 85+), after studying natural healthcare and wellness concepts for thousands of hours during the past 40+ years, the really smart way to enjoy better health long term is to learn how to develop a truly healthy lifestyle that routinely encompasses several very important major parameters of natural healthcare and wellness promoting actions.
     Lon has spent thousands of hours researching and studying important natural healthcare and wellness issues. Fortunately, his dedicated and diligent complex natural healthcare and wellness concepts research was very successful. 
     He learned a lot about natural healthcare and wellness actions that many American adult citizens can take to improve their potential to live a much healthier life and also a much safer life.  Lon learned how a natural healthcare and wellness concepts educated person can develop an advanced level healthy lifestyle
     Lon has spent many years of his life, and hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars, in his determined and diligent efforts to learn about vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  His important search for additional practical healthcare concepts began in year 1970 (at age 34).
     He was especially motivated later in year 1982 by having seen his active father's life quickly wrecked and ruined in the spring of 1982 at age 66 by a serious heart attack and a terrible debilitating stroke that left him totally paralyzed on the entire left side of his body.  The stroke's damage was permanent - for the rest of his life. 
     Lon did what he could to help his parents with natural healthcare concepts for several years in many different ways.  He and wife Janie gave up their own careers in the Greenville, SC area in July 1983 and moved to DeLand, Florida to take over the management of his parent's 44 unit apartment complex business.  
     They did that move to help prevent his parents from losing a lot of their investment money in that apartment, because his parents could not continue to manage that complex business responsibly due to Mr. Willoughby's debilitating invalid health condition.  
     Lon and Janie finally moved back into their home in Mauldin, SC in April 1986, after the apartment complex in Deland, Florida had been successfully sold.
     Lon's father's terrible heart attack and stroke situation strongly motivated Lon to diligently try to learn a lot more natural healthcare concepts knowledge.  He wanted to learn how to help his father and his mother as much as possible, and he was also motivated to learn how to help his wife, himself, and two college age sons. 
     Lon was also motivated to learn how he could share some of those very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts with American citizens living in the Greenville, SC area. 
     At our Introductory Education Website, you learned about the natural healthcare products store business that Lon and Janie purchased in Greenville in December 1998.  Lon managed that ABC of Health natural healthcare products store business for 15 years even though the store could not afford to pay him anything weekly for his very valuable management work and his very important health store customer service work
     Why did Lon do all of that natural healthcare education work in such a determined dedicated manner? 
     He continued to accomplish those complex health store responsibilities because he saw and understood how the lives of many Americans were being damaged severely by sickness and disease conditions (heart attacks, strokes, cancer conditions, Alzheimer and other dementia conditions, diabetes, arthritis, etc.).
   Lon understood that he had acquired very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that could enable him to take important educational actions that could help improve those health problem conditions for thousands of people living within the Greenville, South Carolina upstate area.
     He had learned that many Americans were dying prematurely from sickness and disease conditions (like his father had died prematurely at age 71 in November 1986).  
     Lon realized that he had sufficient college level science education to enable him to learn how to help thousands of American adults reduce and minimize their potential to suffer with some of those tragic health condition problems
     He understood that almost all American adult citizens needed more education about vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts, and his natural healthcare products store management and customer services  work was helping him discover additional ways to help educate local health store customers about practical, responsible, and sensible actions that they could take to improve their natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge
     Lon realized that the very important work that he was doing at the ABC of Health natural health products store was helping him become more capable and competent in helping educate thousands of adults who lived in the Greenville area about very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  
     He also realized that if he did not make that vital education available to those people, that educational service was likely not going to be done by anyone else.    
     In year 1982, Lon had seen and experienced how those "lack of natural healthcare concepts education conditions" had tragically affected his father and mother in extremely detrimental ways with his father's heart attack and his debilitating stroke condition. 
     Lon's realized that his father's very serious heart attack and very serious stroke had occurred in the same week in the spring of 1982 - when he was only 66 years old.  Lon saw how those tragic health problem conditions severely wrecked the lives of his father and his mother
     The terrible stroke occurred while Lon's father was in the hospital in Jacksonville, Florida due to his heart attack, and the stroke that also occurred in the hospital paralyzed him totally on the left side of his body - from his left shoulder to the tip of the toes on his left foot.  That tragic paralysis condition made him an instant invalid.
     The paralysis condition was permanent and it was devastating to his father, physically and emotionally.  He had been a very active working and progressive man all of his adult life, and now he was a total invalid who needed help with almost all bodily functions.
     With a lot of helpful natural healthcare assistance and encouragement from eldest son Lon Jr., his father lived another 4.5 years although he was a serious invalid throughout that time.
     That tragic situation strongly motivated Lon Jr. to strive to learn how to help improve his father's and his mother's health conditions.  He was also motivated to learn how to take better care of his own health (age 46) and the health of his wife, Janie (age 39).
     Lon's two adult sons were away from home attending their college education at two different colleges in South Carolina, so Lon had no practical control over their individual diets (daily foods and beverages).  However, Lon was able to help them to a limited extent with important dietary guidance information.  
     Lon also realized that he would likely be able to help the two sons even more in later years as he continued his natural healthcare and wellness concepts education studies.
      FLASHBACK: In July 1980, Lon began a series of natural healthcare consultation sessions with a local nutritional consultant located in Mauldin, SC.
     At two week intervals the smart natural healthcare  consultant also selected natural healthcare concepts education paperback books for Lon to purchase and study (books that she stocked in the book department of her natural healthcare products store).
     She proposed 3 books for purchase at each successive consultation session.  Lon purchased and studied 15 inexpensive paperback books during the total six consultation sessions (July 1980 into September 1980).
     Those 15 books were about important natural healthcare concepts, and they enabled Lon Willoughby to quickly learn about many very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  
     After Lon's father's subsequent heart attack and stroke in the spring of 1982, Lon was able to use some of that acquired natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge to help his parents manage their natural healthcare and wellness actions much better than most American adults know how to achieve those very important natural healthcare action objectives
     Thereafter, son Lon Willoughby was striving to promote practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions that could help his parents and also help wife Janie and himself achieve life-improving and maybe life-saving natural healthcare concepts improvement objectives.
     In later years, while busy managing our ABC of Health corporate natural healthcare products store business (1/1999 - 4/2014), Lon was continuing to learn how to help educate local American adult citizen customers about life-improving and possibly life-saving natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions that they could take at their home to improve and protect their natural health status.
     Lon experimented with teaching free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes.  Unfortunately, almost everyone was "too busy" to be willing to attend the very important and valuable weekly free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes that we (ABC of Health) advertised in the local weekly newspaper (during years 2010 to 2012). 
     Our ABC of Health natural healthcare products store business paid for those weekly natural healthcare class advertisements for two years (at a cost of many thousands of dollars per year).  
     Lon gradually learned that our variations of weekly newspaper color advertisements were not effective at getting people to call us and inquire about our free natural healthcare and wellness concepts classes. 
      Lon and his wife, Janie Willoughby, were the stock holders of this independent corporately owned natural healthcare products store business, and they realized that Lon's free natural healthcare and wellness concepts classes were very important introductory classes that practically all local adults needed to attend. 
     Over a period of years, Lon and Janie invested their life-savings (hundreds of thousands of dollars) into the ABC of Health store business and its vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services.  
     They did that because they wanted to share with local Greenville area people some of Lon's very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts - that he had studied, developed, and copyrighted for natural healthcare educational use by ABC of Health.
     As you can surely understand, Lon and Janie were very disappointed that our ABC of Health customers, and other local people, were not responsibly interested in attending very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts classes that were free, with no strings attached    
     ABC of Health advertised our free natural healthcare education classes in the weekly newspaper that was distributed free in the local Mauldin and nearby Simpsonville city areas to a total of about forty thousand homes (during years 2010, 2011, and 2012).  
     We published those display advertisements many times with expensive color advertisements in the weekly newspaper that was being distributed FREE to homes in these two adjoining towns. 
     Why were our regular health store customers, and so many local area residents (60,000+ adults), not interested in attending very important and valuable  natural healthcare education classes that were totally FREE 
     Why did more than 60,000 adults living within our advertising area not see some of our weekly color picture ads and then visit our very important Natural Healthcare Concepts Education website?  Our website address was always listed in our ABC of Health health store newspaper advertisements. 
     Lon and Janie Willoughby realized that some local area people did not have Internet access at their home, but they could have visited our natural healthcare products store (that was conveniently nearby) to inquire about our free natural healthcare concepts education classes, but it was rare for anyone to do that. 
     Our monthly website visitor activity data showed that very few people utilized the very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that we provided as "free to review" natural healthcare concepts education
     In addition to those weekly newspaper color advertisements, we also paid for multiple health category ads in the local AT & T Phone Book yellow pages (for the entire major Greenville area - 100,000+ homes). 
     ABC of Health paid for annual contract advertisement expenses in multiple categories in those yellow pages with advertisements in Air Purifiers, and Health Stores, and Nutrition, and Vitamins, and we also had a Water Filtration and Purifiers advertisement in the yellow pages. (Ad costs - $460+ monthly).
     We paid for those expensive multiple phone book yellow pages ads monthly each year (on an annual contract basis) and listed our website address.  However, our website's monthly traffic visits action counts showed that very few people visited our very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational website monthly.  Why not
     Note:  Those AT & T yellow page ads cost ABC of Health about $5,000.00 per year - for many years.
    There are important reasons for that very low website activity.  Using his highly developed analytical skills, Lon evaluated why most local Greenville area adult residents did not responsibly utilize our advertised website's free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education
     Let's now consider some of those relevant factors because this is very important information to anyone who is responsibly healthcare conscious.

Analysis Of Those Low Activity And

Low Healthcare Interest Situations

     Lon is a scientifically-oriented person with important science education and more than eighteen years of science-oriented evaluation type work experiences.  He worked with very complex electronics systems used by the U.S. Air Force (two years) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for military air traffic control, commercial air traffic control, and civilian air traffic control, along with critically important military defense of our U.S. air space in the southern area of the USA (seventeen years of that work with the FAA)
     As a result of his extensive technical education and many years of complex electronic systems analysis work experiences, Lon had developed very important analytical critical-thinking skills that helped him evaluate why almost all adults living within our advertising area showed no responsible interest in attending one of our weekly free natural healthcare and wellness concepts education classes
     Lon's detailed analysis herein explains why very few people within the greater Greenville area visited our very important Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational website(Our special website provided a lot of "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts.)
     Lon developed a written report analysis about those disappointing and frustrating situations, and that report was so important that we developed a separate website department at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website to present his very important analysis of those very disappointing natural healthcare and wellness concepts education situations.
     This exceptionally important and valuable report is available for review by selected "qualified visitors" as a "free to review" educational report.  
     This report can be very helpful to selected "qualified visitors" when they are trying to decide whether or not they may benefit a lot from the natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that Lon and Janie developed for sale to selected "qualified visitors" who choose to go forward and get security-status qualified to voluntarily join our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club.
     ABC of Health has good reasons to believe that Lon's special analysis report can be very important to  selected "qualified visitors."   Those visitors should take time to review Lon's very important and very valuable report about these critically important natural healthcare and wellness concepts issues.
     For the reasons explained previously in our Introductory Educational Website, Lon restricted the availability of this educational information to selected "qualified visitors" (selected natural-born American adult citizens who live within selected ZIP Codes areas of upstate South Carolina, as explained previously).
     The natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced in Lon's very important and very valuable report could be exceptionally beneficial to more than 160 million American adult citizens, but ABC of Health cannot share this vital information with most American adult citizens - for the extremely unfair and unethical ANDand corrupt "competitive reasons" that were explained in our Introductory Education Website.


Conventional Medical Systems in America 

     As you probably know, many medical doctors in America routinely use various prescription type pharmaceutical drugs for treatment of many health problem conditions.  
     Lon understands that 800,000+ medical doctors in the USA provide a lot of helpful healthcare services for millions of Americans each year.
     Lon has also learned, with many years of healthcare experiences in our natural healthcare products store with hundreds of customers, that those medical system healthcare services are frequently not very successful for many medical system patients. 
     Unfortunately, most patients do not know about the very important benefits that alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can provide for them. 
     They cannot responsibly compare the effectiveness of each of the healthcare systems (conventional healthcare services and alternative natural healthcare and wellness concepts services). 
     The six-lessons of our Americans 4 Justice Home-study Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services that are available from ABC of Health is for the exclusive use of Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members except for Lesson One of those six-lessons.
     Lesson One of our six-lessons education services is "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" who visit our educational websites.  You are already reviewing part of Lesson One of those six lessons at this time. 
     The other five lessons of our A4J natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services are presented at this website in protective security coded departments.  Those five additional lessons can be reviewed only by our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members.  (Our A4J Club Members.)
     Those additional five lessons of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education present very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that can have very beneficial effects on A4J Private Education Club Members' lives daily - for the rest of their lifetime.   
     Our six-lessons of A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services present very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help motivate A4J Club Members to improve their lifestyle actions in remarkable ways.
     A4J Club Members learn how to improve their lifestyle in very important ways by using some of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts
     Lon will explain later how selected "qualified visitors" can qualify security status-wise to obtain access to our very special A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services.    
     Responsible enlightened (well informed) natural healthcare improvement actions can be very important  to the future of all Americans (adults, teenagers, and younger children).  
     However, our copyrighted A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services can only be used to improve A4J Private Education Club Members' lifestyles in remarkable ways
     Our six-lessons Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Educational Services have the education potential to help thousands of A4J Club Members become healthier, smarter, and stronger citizens and that is obviously good for the upstate area of South Carolina. 
     Unfortunately, as explained previously, ABC of Health is responsibly restricted in the number of American adult citizens that we can offer our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services to due to the extremely unfair and unethical "competitive reasons" explained in our Introductory Education Website.
     WOW!!!  Our A4J Private Education Club Members can learn about some very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvement actions that can improve their short-term, medium-term, and long-term health in remarkable ways.
     Our copyrighted Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services can help our A4J Private Education Club Members improve the way their body functions in some very important respects
     A4J Club Members can obtain much more natural healthcare and wellness concepts education at this website than selected "qualified visitors" can obtain. 
    However, selected "qualified visitors" will be introduced herein to some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that may help motivate them to strive to improve their personal lifestyle in several important ways.
    A4J Private Education Club Members can get started  quickly with these natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvement actions, and those actions will increase the natural healthcare benefits that they ultimately receive from their very smart natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvements.  

A4J Club Members
     It is easy for A4J Club Members to get started with these natural healthcare and wellness concepts improvement actions, but this situation will obviously not happen automatically.  This requires some responsible and sensible healthcare actions by A4J Club Member.
     They begin by taking some specific practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare concepts improvement actions and then taking additional healthcare concepts improvement actions gradually that help keep this natural healthcare concepts improvement process moving forward as the weeks and months go by.

     Lon's experiences with hundreds of health store customers, and his dedicated and diligent research, review, and study about alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts during many years enabled him to understand that there is usually a much better way to provide most medical system healthcare services for millions of American adult citizens each year than the healthcare practices frequently being provided by  medical profession personnel in America. 

     Lon understands that medical patients could generally be served much better (and served more effectively) if both healthcare service systems were used together in a complementary manner for each patient (the conventional medicine system and the alternative health type healthcare system that is reported herein), but that is rarely done in the conventional medical system practices that are commonly available in America. 

     In essence, the two very different healthcare systems are likely considered by most medical doctors and medical nurses to be competing systems of healthcare services in America, rather than considering the two systems to be complementary systems that can work together very well to provide much better healthcare results for patients for many health problem conditions.

      Lon understands that healthcare services in America should not be provided in that separated way, but he also realizes that this is the way that "medical profession healthcare services" are usually provided in America    

     Consequently, healthcare patients in America need to personally learn how to make choices between the two different healthcare systems regarding the healthcare treatment practices that each patient will choose to use for each health problem that the patient wants to improve.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that most medical healthcare patients do not have adequate education about alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts to make those decisions responsibly and wisely.

     Consequently, they should consult with a natural healthcare consultant, nutrition consultant, or healthy lifestyle coach that is somewhat similar to Lonnie Willoughby - if they can find one locally (not likely for most Americans).

     However, they can look in the yellow pages of the local phone book and also search on the Internet for a local area dietitian, or natural healthcare consultant, or a naturopathic physician, or a nutrition consultant, or a nutritionist (listed in alphabetical order for more convenient use). 

     NOTE:  It is important to understand that we have a very old antiquated statutory law in South Carolina that strictly prohibits the practice of a naturopathic physician in this state.  That is a very bad statutory law, and responsible health-conscious citizens in this state need to work together to help persuade the South Carolina General Assembly to terminate that old statutory law. Lon will help our A4J club members work on this project in responsible and effective ways.

     Some other states also have state statutory laws that severely restrict a non-medical doctor healthcare practitioner's actions.  In general, they must avoid the appearance of "practicing medicine without a license as a medical doctor" (in each specific state). 

     In South Carolina, state statutory law 40-47-40 defines the practice of medicineIt is very interesting to review this statute because it is written in very broad general terms (in an extremely unfair self-serving monopolistic manner) that provides great financial benefits to medical doctors in this state. 

     The statute clearly tried to cover everything possible in healthcare services except using the kitchen sink and drinking filtered water to help people with their healthcare actions (preventive or restorative healthcare actions).  Really!!!

     State statutory laws of this type are supposed to help protect the public from non-medical doctor type healthcare practitioners who might claim to know more than they actually know about practical, responsible, and sensible healthcare protective actions.

     However, as usually intended when this type of licensing law is written, they typically provide an extremely unfair monopoly for medical profession doctors regarding providing healthcare services for clients/patients in respective states (including South Carolina).

     Some states also have laws that license a dietitian specialist or a nutrition specialist, but fortunately, some states in American do not have these special restrictive statutory laws.

     Fortunately, we do not have restrictive statutory laws that regulates nutrition specialists or natural healthcare consultants or natural healthcare educators - like Lonnie Willoughby at ABC's of Health, Inc.

     Not having such statutory laws is generally a good thing because we need to consider these vital situations: are state legislators (who vote to approve such statutory laws) knowledgeable enough about these very complex natural healthcare subjects to properly write relevant complex laws?  The answer to that question is obviously a big NO!!! 

     So who will compose and draft a proposed statutory law of that type?  Who is going to establish the specific parameters that are to be licensed? 

     This can be done by an organized group of healthcare practitioners within a state, or this may be done by some lobbyist who actually represents some special interest group, or groups, who want the statutory law put into effect to protect their "special financial interests" - typically in a self-serving monopolistic manner within the state's geographic boundaries. 

The Dietitian Licensing Statute

in South Carolina

     In recent years, the South Carolina General Assembly approved a statutory law for dietitian specialists.  It is very important to understand how the Dietitian's Licensing Bill became law in South Carolina.  Lon will explain that situation down below.  

     When the dietitian's statewide organization in South Carolina wanted to get a statutory law enacted that would "protect their financial interests" within the state, they drafted a proposed statutory law that would have prohibited anyone else in the state from providing nutrition type information to anyone within the state unless that person was a "licensed dietitian." 

     That proposed self-serving extremely restrictive statutory law was designed to "protect" all licensed dietitian's "financial interests" by providing them with an extremely unfair monopoly about providing nutrition information to consumers anywhere in South Carolina. 

     If their proposed statutory law had actually gone into effect as they proposed the law, nutrition consultants and natural healthcare consultants and practitioners and also store clerks working in health stores anywhere in the state would have been prohibited by the new law from providing helpful nutrition information to people.

     Some of the competing nutrition services people in South Carolina had to quickly join together and hire a lobbyist (for a $10,000 fee) to help them prevent that extremely monopolistic proposed statute from being approved by the legislative committee that was considering the proposed statutory law (as proposed by the dietitian's statewide organization)

    The dietitian's organization knew that the legislative committee would need to approve their proposed statute's language before the statute would be approved by the committee for consideration and votes for  approval or disapproval of the proposed new statutory law by the South Carolina House of Representatives.

     The dietitian's statutory law was passed into law - by an approving vote in the SC House of Representatives and then with an approving vote in the SC Senate and finally with a signature approval by the Governor of South Carolina.  

     It is very important to understand that the extremely unfair self-serving proposed monopolistic language that had initially been proposed to the legislative committee by the state-wide dietitian lobby had been successfully  removed from the final proposed statutory language that the legislative committee submitted to the House of Representatives for consideration and voting.

     That very important improvement in the language of the proposed statute was due to the opposing lobbyist's educational actions with the legislative committee members that were considering approval of the dietitian lobby's proposed statute's monopolistic language.

     The legislative committee eventually decided that the dietitian's proposed statutory language had to be improved greatly to remove the very unfair self-serving monopolistic language - or the legislative committee would not approve the proposed statute for consideration by the House of Representatives for a vote to approve or not approve the proposed statute. 

     If the revised and improved proposed statute language was approved by a vote in the House of Representatives, the legislative proposal would then be sent to the Senate for further consideration and an approving or disapproving vote - before the proposed new statutory law could be sent to the Governor of South Carolina for approval and finally become an approved new statutory law for the state of South Carolina. 

     Thanks to the opposing lobbyist's responsible efforts to educate the legislative committee members about the very unfair monopolistic language in the initial proposed statute, the dietitian's group reluctantly agreed to improve the language of their proposed bill a lot.   

     It came down to a choice of either agreeing to do that or to lose any opportunity to get a statutory law passed in that legislative year for licensing dietitian practitioners within South Carolina. 

     This EXAMPLE SITUATION shows that a state's legislative committee needs to be very careful when reviewing a proposed statutory law to license one group of individuals (such as dietitians) within the state.  

     The committee needs to make sure that the proposed statutory law will not provide an unfair self-serving monopoly over their "financial interests" by unfairly eliminating (outlawing) their healthcare practitioner competitors throughout the state. 

     That is essentially what happened when the statutory law was passed in South Carolina more than 75 years ago that allowed medical doctors within the state to obtain very unfair monopolistic self-serving control and dominance over all other kinds of healthcare practitioners throughout the entire state. 

     In this modern day, when there are several types of non-medical doctor healthcare practitioners that can provide very important healthcare services for people, is that old very restrictive monopolistic medical doctor  healthcare statutory law fair to the people of South Carolina? 

     Is it good sensible practice for the people within this state to have extremely restricted access to non-medical doctor healthcare practitioners anywhere within the state? 

     The state of Oklahoma settled those conflicting healthcare practitioner issues in a fair-minded level-headed sensible manner many years ago.  

     Their statutory laws about those conflicting healthcare services issues show the rest of America how this situation can be done in a fair and reasonable manner (that is good for the people of Oklahoma).

     It is well known that human healthcare is a very complicated subject for consideration.  A major problem in obtaining the proper healthcare practitioner services for each healthcare problem in South Carolina is caused by the old antiquated statutory law that still gives medical doctors throughout South Carolina unfair and unreasonable monopolistic control and dominance over all other types of healthcare practitioners throughout the entire state.    

    The relevant medical doctor statute falsely indicates that medical doctors are the only kind of healthcare practitioner who can learn important beneficial healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     Our ABC of Health educational websites educate selected "qualified visitors" about the absurdity of that very foolish and unfair presumption.

     It is very important to understand that there are some very powerful (politically and also well-financed) competing interests in healthcare services such as a million+ medical profession personnel in the USA and several pharmaceutical drug companies who want medical doctors in America to prescribe their expensive patented pharmaceutical drugs to medical patients whenever and wherever possible.

     It is very important to responsibly consider that there are many billions of dollars per year involved with conventional medical healthcare services in America. 

     It is very important to understand that competing interests can get involved in the writing of protective "licensing type" statutory laws through highly paid lobbyist for the medical profession and/or lobbyist for the pharmaceutical drug companies.

     High level medical profession elitist controlling hierarchy personnel and the pharmaceutical drug companies elitist controlling personnel typically can work together on such self-serving protective "licensing type" statutory law projects in South Carolina.

     Consequently, special statutory licensing laws can easily be too restrictive in a monopolistic self-serving way for selected profession members (medical doctors), and that situation can cause serious limitations of what a dietitian or a natural healthcare consultant or a nutritionist can legally do to help their clients in this state (South Carolina) cope more effectively with healthcare problem conditions.

     That is the extremely unfair and unreasonable monopolistic self-serving situation that exists throughout South Carolina for the financial and political benefits of thousands of licensed medical doctors in this state.

     Due to their very powerful financial and political standing in a state, the medical profession lobbyist and the pharmaceutical drug industry lobbyist can easily play a dominant role in the drafting of statutory licensing laws that can have effects on their financial and political interests. 

     Another consideration regarding these types of restrictive statutory laws is this:  Who is going to administer, manage, and control the qualification issues for applying for and receiving each restrictive non-medical doctor healthcare practitioner license?

     It is very important to understand and remember that In general, many non-medical doctor healthcare practitioners in South Carolina are strictly limited in providing very important healthcare services to their clients due to the extremely unfair and unreasonable monopolistic language contained in South Carolina Statute 40-47-40 (the statute that defines the practice of medicine in South Carolina).

     Lon Willoughby had to learn how to carefully work within that excessively restrictive protective statute and so he could very carefully provide some limited practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare services for our ABC of Health education clients.  But Lon was severely restricted in providing natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services to ABC of Health education clients due to that very bad old statutory law

     Fortunately, there is no specific state statute in South Carolina that controls and regulates the actions of nutrition consultants, or natural healthcare consultants or natural healthcare and wellness concepts educators (like Lon Willoughby).

     Licensed dietitians and all other non-medical doctor type healthcare practitioners in South Carolina have to provide their healthcare services to their clients without violating the old monopolistic very restrictive SC statute 40-47-40 in any way (the state statutory law that defines the "practice of medicine" in South Carolina).

     Lon Willoughby prefers this "no license required situation" for nutritionist or natural healthcare consultants because there is no bureaucratic law statute that could cause additional restrictions on the services that Lon can provide for a client as a nutrition consultant, or as a natural healthcare consultant, or as a healthy lifestyle coach, or as a natural healthcare educator

     Consequently, Lon Willoughby has some very limited flexibility in providing the natural healthcare services that our ABC of Health healthcare education clients may need, as long as Lon Willoughby does not appear to "practicing medicine" similar to a medical doctor.

     It is very important to understand that the South Carolina statutory law identified above specifically prohibits Lon Willoughby, and other non-medical doctor healthcare type practitioners, from attempting to diagnose or treat or cure health sickness or disease conditions. 

   The old very restrictive monopolistic statutory law that is identified above (for medical doctors) reserves all of those special healthcare actions for licensed medical doctors in South Carolina, as if they are the only healthcare practitioners in the state who can possibly know how to help people cope intelligently with sickness and disease conditions of any kind. 

     Consequently, Lon Willoughby has to be very careful how he goes about educating our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education clients in an effort to help them learn how to improve their natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions in any way.

     You now understand that all natural healthcare practitioners in South Carolina have to be very careful when they are providing healthcare improvement education and other healthcare services for their clients.

     Does Lonnie Willoughby know how to diagnose some health condition problems?  The answer to that very important question is YES

     He does know how to evaluate (diagnose) some health problem conditions, but he realizes that medical doctors in South Carolina have much more diagnostic testing services available to them than non-medical doctor type healthcare practitioners have available to them. 

     Consequently, medical doctors generally have a better potential for properly diagnosing medical problem conditions than do non-medical doctor type natural healthcare practitioners, as explained above. 

     The fact that medical doctors have those diagnostic tests available to them does not mean that they will use those tests in a competent and responsible manner whenever they could be used for a patient.


     Lon Willoughby suffered with a very confusing and frustrating health condition that started in year 1964 and continued for many years, getting progressively worse as the years passed by.  He consulted with a series of medical doctors during a ten-years period of time about that ongoing health problem.   In the beginning several years, he did not know the name of his health problem.  

     He just knew that he needed help in learning what his health problem was, and he realized that he needed help in learning how to cope with his health problem daily.

     Lon got no help at all from any of the several medical doctors that he consulted with for those symptoms although they all had access to the medical test that could have identified what Lon's medical condition was.  (The five-hour glucose tolerance test to test for a health condition named hypoglycemia.

     Even when Lon learned about that specific medical test with his own research (in 1975), his local physician did not want to schedule Lon for that test because the doctor instantly "believed" that Lon did not have hypoglycemia (without any evidence of any kind to support that firm hip-shooting "medical doctor belief"). 

     Lon had to diplomatically insist that the medical test be scheduled and conducted as soon as possible at a local diagnostic clinic in Panama City, Florida.

     After the test results came back to the medical doctor, he did not interpret the test results properly (reporting to Lon that the test results were NEGATIVE - did not indicate hypoglycemia).

      To make matters worse, the medical doctor initially refused to give Lon a copy of the one-page line graph chart report about that test.  Lon had to insist on getting a copy of the test report before the medical doctor agreed to provide Lon with a copy of the test report.     

     When Lon requested a copy of the test results from the medical doctor, Lon was told by the doctor's office assistant that the doctor did not provide copies of lab test results to patients.

     Lon firmly insisted upon getting a copy of the lab test report, and a photocopy of the one-page test report was provided very reluctantly the next day.  Lon quickly saw that the test report line-graph clearly confirmed that he did have a hypoglycemic reaction to the five-hour glucose tolerance test procedure.

     Furthermore, the serious physical and emotional effects of the glucose tolerance test proved that Lon had a very serious hypoglycemic reaction to the glucose test (further confirming that Lon did have a serious hypoglycemic condition). 

     The medical doctor failed to have any interest in discussing with Lon the very serious physical and emotional effects that Lon experienced during the five-hour glucose tolerance test. They never did discuss his physical and emotional reactions to the glucose test.

     Fortunately, Lon's previous research about that medical test had also educated him about how to properly interpret the test results line graph. 

     This situation shows that a medical doctor may have access to important medical tests, but the doctor may not competently decide to order a needed test, or he may be incompetent to determine when to order a specific test, or he may be incompetent to interpret the test results properly (as Lon found with the physician that he had trustingly consulted). 

     If Lon had not learned about that test information for himself, the needed glucose test would not have been ordered, and Lon would have still been in the dark about his suspected hypoglycemia condition.  

    The medical doctor was incompetent and irresponsible about that very serious health issue for patient Lon Willoughby.


      A common situation for not depending upon a medical doctor is when a patient exhibits symptoms of a potential parasite infestation problem in their body. 

     Some modern-day medical doctors know so little about this fairly common situation that they do not "believe" that humans have parasite problems - so they do not recognize these symptoms when they are described by patients. 

     The medical doctor therefore does not have the medical patient's stool sample tested for evidence of a parasite infestation problem in the intestinal tract.

     Whereas a non-medical doctor natural healthcare practitioner (like Lon Willoughby) would quickly understand that the symptoms described by a client might indicate a parasitic infestation within the intestinal tract.


     There are also many symptom situations that might indicate a nutritional deficiency condition that would not be recognized by a medical doctor, but would likely be recognized quickly by a dietitian or a nutritionist or a natural healthcare practitioner (like Lon Willoughby). 

     These situations illustrate that it is usually wise to consult with medical doctor practitioners and also consult with natural healthcare practitioners - for many serious health problems.  

     It can be exceptionally important to get the benefits of information from both types of health practitioners when dealing with a confusing and frustrating health condition

     Down below, we will relate what happened to Lon Willoughby when he gave up on the military medical doctors and finally consulted with a chiropractic physician about his legs and feet problems (year 1961 in Charleston, South Carolina). 

     Lon will also report what happened when he finally gave up on consulting medical doctors again many years later (1980) about getting help for his hypoglycemia condition

     He finally decided to have a series of health consultations with a nutrition consultant.  That decision improved his life in very important ways - daily for more than 40 years now.   That very important decision was a major turning point in his improved healthcare life.  

Chiropractic Physicians

     One very important exception to depending entirely upon medical doctor type healthcare practitioners is in the special field of chiropractic healthcare services.  In general, chiropractic physicians are much more capable of diagnosing spinal vertebrae alignment problems than typical allopathic medical doctors.

Lon's Health Problems

     Lon Willoughby had a serious back injury while in high school from an automobile accident He was sitting in the back seat when the vehicle had a tire blow out, and that caused the car to turn over while rolling down an embankment.

     A tire jack was on the floor board beneath Lon's feet and the jack hit him in the back when the vehicle turned over one and one-half times - with the vehicle landing on its top. 

     Lon's family was poor farmers and they had no medical insurance coverage.  He had to live with the health problem symptoms that occurred from that accident.  Those symptoms continued for several years.

     About three years later, while in the United States Air Force (USAF), Lon had a serious neck injury during some judo training, when the students were learning how to do "over the head rolls."  Lon had an extremely sore and painful neck for several days. 

     The military medical doctor that Lon consulted on sick call the next week prescribed an APC medication (all purpose capsule - tablet - like an Aspirin).  That was it - nothing else.  Lon had explained how he injured his neck, but the medical doctor apparently did not realize that an X-ray of the neck should have been made to evaluate vertebrae mis-alignment.

     The automobile accident injury and the judo neck injury combined to cause Lon Willoughby to gradually develop some serious physical problems that the military medical doctors did not know how to evaluate.  They offered him no medical therapy at all to help resolve his serious health problems (legs and feet problems)

     Lon eventually realized that the medical doctors that he saw on military sick call did not know how to evaluate (diagnose) his health problems They apparently thought that he did not actually have the health problems that he reported to them about his legs and feet problems.

     The medical doctors that he saw on sick call did not have an X-ray made of Lon's spine.  They did not ask him any questions about back injuries or neck injuries. They apparently did not know that vertebrae mis-alignment could cause all of Lon's legs and feet health problem symptoms.  At that point in time, Lon did not understand that either.

     His health deterioration situation gradually got worse and worse - to the point that he could only stand for a few minutes without serious physical problems (noticeable reduced energy to his legs and feet, painful feet, and also very tired feet).  

     Lon eventually consulted with a civilian chiropractic physician and reported his health condition symptoms with his legs and feet The chiropractic doctor quickly took some X-rays of Lon's spine. 

     Within a few minutes the X-rays were developed, and the spine X-rays clearly showed that the third vertebrae from the bottom was way out of alignment (from the auto accident injury while Lon was in high school) and the third vertebrae from the top was also way out of alignment (from the judo accident that occurred several years later). 

     As a layman with no relevant chiropractic knowledge, Lon could easily see those two vertebrae alignment problems in the spinal X-rays.  It was very clear that those two vertebrae were out of alignment.

     Lon had suffered a lot for several years with serious leg and feet problems, but the military medical doctors that he consulted (on military sick call several times) did nothing significant to evaluate his long-standing health problems with his legs and his feet.

     The skilled chiropractic physician (a Palmer School graduate) knew how to quickly evaluate Lon's spinal alignment, and he also knew how to adjust Lon's spine to get the two vertebrae problems back in alignment. 

     However, those two vertebrae had been out of alignment so long that the muscles had gotten used to the mis-alignments, and the associated muscles would enable the vertebrae to move out of alignment easily after the corrective spinal adjustments had been made

     The neck vertebrae problem was a serious problem because the third vertebrae from the top would resume mis-alignment very easily - when Lon simply turned his head to one side moderately

     Lon initially had to get chiropractic adjustments three time per week for several weeks before the neck vertebrae began to stay in alignment more reliably.  

     As the neck problem got better over a period of many weeks, Lon was able to get by with one chiropractic adjustment session weekly Then once every two weeks, and finally one chiropractic alignment adjustment monthly.  Then an occasional adjustment as needed. 

     Lon could easily tell (by the way his legs and feet felt) when the neck vertebrae had gotten out of alignment again

     He eventually got to the point where he needed a chiropractic spinal adjustment only a few times in a year Then he got better to the point where he could go many months without needing another chiropractic neck or back adjustment.  That situation continued getting better as the years went by.

     The bottom line here is that the chiropractic physician's spinal adjustments were very important; they were absolutely invaluable!!!  They enabled Lon to be able to maintain his very good job with the Federal Aviation Administration for many years (after he completed his four-year enlistment in the U.S. Air Force in September 1959).

Osteopathic Medical Doctors

     It is also important to understand that osteopathic type medical doctors have had some education and training about spinal alignment evaluations and related health conditions that regular allopathic medical doctors have not had However, osteopathic type medical doctors have not had the depth of education and training about spinal alignment issues that chiropractic physicians have had in their education and training. 

     Osteopathic medical doctors do not generally have the in-depth level of very important specialized education, training, and experience about various spinal conditions that the typical experienced chiropractic physician has had.

     In general, Lon prefers an osteopathic type medical doctor rather than a regular allopathic medical doctor due to the additional education and training that the osteopathic type medical doctor has had in diagnosing and evaluating health problem conditions that may involve spinal alignment problems.

     Thinking back about Lon's experiences with military medical doctors (for brief military sick call consultations), if one of those doctors had been an osteopathic medical doctor, he would have likely realized that Lon's health problem symptoms indicated a likely spinal vertebrae mis-alignment problem and he may have had an X-ray made of Lon's spine

     That X-ray could have quickly identified the cause of Lon's health problem symptoms, and that could have prevented several years of suffering with low energy for Lon's legs and feet with very tired and painful feet That X-ray evaluation could have helped get proper therapeutic actions taken much earlier than actually occurred (years later). 

     Lon realizes now that he should have consulted a private chiropractic physician about his legs and feet problems while he was in the military, but he did not realize that vertebrae mis-alignments could cause those health problems.  He did not realize that educated and trained medical doctors would not understand those types of health problems.

Treating Various Health Conditions

      The situations presented above explain that conventionally educated and trained medical doctors do not know how to treat all kinds of health problem conditions They may know a lot and they may be very helpful about many health conditions, but they generally do not know how to evaluate or treat spinal alignment problems

     Lon Willoughby has also learned over a 45-50 years period of time that conventionally trained medical doctors do not generally knows much about nutrition supplement products and/or natural healthcare and wellness concepts lifestyle improvements.

     Does Lon Willoughby, and some other natural healthcare practitioners, know how to treat some health condition problems?  The answer to this question is YES, but this answer involves some complications that need to be explained. 

     Healthcare treatment knowledge and skills can vary a lot from one natural healthcare practitioner to the next practitioner There is much more variation here than with variations in typical medical doctors because there is not much standardization of education and training for these natural healthcare practitioners.

     Abilities and treatment skills can also vary a lot from one medical doctor to the next, but there is some standardization in education and training of many medical doctors However, medical doctor skills can vary a lot from one licensed medical doctor to another medical doctor, as shown in the example health conditions that Lon has reported herein. 

     The education and training that is somewhat typical for a dietitian may be quite different from the education and training of a typical nutritionist or nutrition consultant or natural healthcare consultant or the much more extensive natural healthcare education and training of a naturopathic physician.

     Many natural healthcare practitioners will likely know how to competently and responsibly treat many health problem conditions, but as explained previously, they are not allowed to diagnose or treat any medical doctor diagnosed health problem conditions for people living within the State of South Carolina.

     The statutory law that defines the practice of medicine restricts the diagnosing and treatment of health problem conditions to licensed medical doctors - throughout the state of South Carolina. 

Curing a Health Problem Condition

     What about curing a health problem condition?  It is very important to understand that in general terms, neither a licensed medical doctor nor a non-medical doctor natural healthcare practitioner ever cures a health problem condition.  Does that statement surprise you somewhat?   Let's consider the important explanation below.

     Generally speaking, any cure that occurs in anyone's body with most health problem conditions occurs because their body's own innate natural restorative capabilities actually enabled a curative situation to occur.

     There are many things that might help bring about the desired curative situation but the body's own curative capability is essential for an effective cure to occur over time.

     The medical doctor type physician or any other healthcare practitioner's primary duty and responsibility is to competently help enable the patient's body's natural restorative capabilities to function as effectively and efficiently as possible.

     With many health problems, the healthcare practitioner will likely know how to help the body's innate natural restorative capabilities overcome immediate healthcare problems and begin a more effective and efficient recovery of natural health.

     In many healthcare problem situations, the unhealthy person has done some things, or is still doing some things, that interfere with the body's innate natural health restorative capabilities

     That situation could involve their food (diet), including the types of beverages that they have been drinking.  It could also involve their mental attitude (negative type thoughts could have been interfering severely with vital hormone productions and releases into the blood system). Those negative thought processes could dramatically affect the very complex immune system.

     The healthcare practitioner will need to evaluate those situations carefully, and then help the unhealthy person understand how to begin helping their body recover their natural health, rather than continue taking actions (and having negative mental attitude problems) that can severely interfere with their natural health.

     Hopefully, those vital helpful actions will enable the body's very complex immune system and other complex natural health restorative capabilities to gradually achieve the cure that is appropriate for each healthcare problem condition. 

     If the cure does not begin to occur within a reasonable amount of time, the cure that is desired may not likely occur efficiently and some other alternate helpful healthcare therapy may need to be started.

     Using Lon's back injuries as an example, if he had not gone to see the Chiropractic Physician, his back problems would have never healed because the two vertebrae misalignment's were preventing normal nerve functions in his back's spinal cord nerve system. 

     Over time, the chiropractic physician was able to help the body return to normal function, and the body was gradually able to restore normal functions when the vertebrae were able to stay in alignment.

     Most medical doctors would not have been able to provide help for Lon without some type of neck surgery and also lower back surgery.  Both of those surgeries could have caused other very serious health problems for Lon so it is clear that the chiropractic treatments were the best option available for his condition.

    There are no magic therapies that always work quickly for each health problem condition; a lot of healthcare response actually depends upon the body's innate health restorative capabilities to achieve a curative situation

    A skilled competent healthcare practitioner's actions will try to evaluate the real cause of the health problem and then try to help the desired cure be able to occur.

    With those simplified explanations, you can now understand why ABC of Health specializes in helping our healthcare consultation clients learn how to take better care of their natural health

    Lon knows a lot about helping our natural healthcare education clients learn how to greatly improve their personal healthcare actions.  That vital help can enable each client to understand how to routinely stay healthy enough to avoid most sickness and disease conditions that are commonplace in America.

    We teach preventive healthcare concepts that help our clients become healthier for the years ahead of them.

    Lon is now 85+ years of age, and in some important respects, he is much healthier than when he was 45 years of age.  Over the years, he gradually learned how to regain his natural health.  

     His complex and detailed natural healthcare education studies were invaluable - WOW!!!  Those extensive healthcare studies enabled a miraculous health improvement situation for Lon Willoughby.

    During the past 40+ years, Lon has learned a lot about maintaining good health naturally (without prescription type drugs) and also improvimg human natural health.

    He learned how to become a very competent nutrition consultant, a healthy lifestyle coach, and a natural healthcare and wellness consultant and a classroom instructor.  As you can see, over many years, Lon also learned how to develop healthcare education websites and he became an accomplished Internet educator.


Conventional Medical Systems


Alternative Healthcare Systems

     As you probably know, the conventional medical system and the alternative health system are not being used responsibly and competently in a complementary way in the typical American medical doctor practice - whether it is general practice, specialty type medical practice, or with surgery situations.

     Lon believes that alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts could be used and should be used in most healthcare situations to provide much better healthcare benefits to each medical system patient. 

     However, natural healthcare and wellness concepts are usually ignored and not used by most conventionally educated and trained medical doctors for the reasons explained above.

     Unfortunately, the much healthier lifestyle that is usually needed for medical system patients is generally ignored to a large extend by the typical medical profession in America because that kind of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education was not taught to medical doctor students. That education rightly belongs in the alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness education services.

     This is another situation where a natural healthcare consultant (like Lon Willoughby) could help most medical patients a lot.  Unfortunately, most medical patients do not understand that they need help from this kind of natural healthcare consultant, in addition to the help that they get from their medical doctor. 

     It is very important to understand that most medical doctors and nurses in America have not been educated to provide this special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for their patients.

     It would require many hours of education time with each patient for medical doctors to attempt to provide those special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services adequately and competently.

     You can understand why that it is not practical for conventionally educated and trained medical doctors and nurses.  They will not likely attempt to provide these badly needed natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services for their medical patients.

     Please understand that typically, they do not know how to provide this kind of complex natural healthcare concepts education competently. This special kind of natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge is outside their area of healthcare knowledge expertise.

     It is therefore very clear that American adult citizens should not assume that they will be educated by their local medical doctor or medical nurse whenever education is needed about important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     That is not likely to happen in America.  Consequently, how can millions of American adult citizens get the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that they need badly?

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understood this critically important education deficiency situation, and they worked together as an education team for years developing our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services

     They worked together so Lon could introduce those educational services in private websites on the Internet for review by selected "qualifiable visitors" in our breakthrough "free to review" educational format.

    Those remarkable educational services enabled ABC of Health to greatly improve natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services for many thousands of selected "qualified visitors" in two major ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina.

    Those educational actions enabled ABC of Health to pioneer effective practical ways to help meet these very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education needs for many selected "qualified visitors."   

     Offering home-study educational services, using our Internet "flexible classroom" educational features, is now a very practical, responsible, and sensible education format for introducing thousands of selected "qualified visitors" to the educational services that ABC of Health can now provide exclusively for Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members.
     This very practical and sensible Internet educational format can work exceptionally well for families that have teenage children because parents and teenagers living at home with their parents can all learn from the same home-study educational services with no additional costs - just one modest cost for those family members. 
     The family members (adults and teenagers) can join together in learning various natural healthcare subjects, and they can have discussions about natural healthcare and wellness concepts education issues.  These family discussions can be very helpful in improving the learning process, and this can also help very much in strengthen family relationships. 
     You can see that this family natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can be practical for multiple family members.  Parents can teach their younger children very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts when each child is at the right learning point for various healthcare and wellness   educational concepts.

A Better Way To Provide
Many Medical Services 
     Lon understands that there is a much better way of providing healthcare services, and we are in the very important business of educating our A4J private education club members about natural healthcare actions that they can take at home to regain and then maintain their good natural health (similar to the good health that they likely enjoyed in the earlier years of their adult life). 
     Can they get that quality of good health back?  Maybe  not completely, but ABC of Health can help our A4J club members learn how to try to restore that health in practical and sensible ways that are cost-effective. 
     Remember that Lon did this many years ago; he learned how to restore his natural health after it had deteriorated substantially by the time he was age 44.  
     He started having serious nasal congestion health problems before he was a teenager and those frustrating congestion problems got worse as he was getting into his teenage years.  Those congestion problems got even worse into his early 20's and into his 30's. 
     Finally, in year 1970, at age 34, Lon learned about the mucus causing food products that he had been consuming all of his life.  That very important food education occurred while he was working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the Jacksonville, Florida International Airport (as explained previously). 
     Prior to that time, at age 28, Lon began to notice an additional health problem (sleepy times after some meals), and he was still trying to learn how to cope with that serious health problem in year 1980 (at age 44) when those problems had become much worse and had eventually wrecked his very good career with the Federal Aviation Administration.  
     Year 1980 was when Lon began to greatly improve his knowledge about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts issues
     After Lon and Janie Willoughby closed their health store operation in April 2014, they worked together for several years as a team to develop this vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts Internet education business for ABC of Health
     The company can now introduce education to  thousands of selected "qualified visitors" about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts using our private website's "free to review" education services.  
     Lon and Janie also developed a remarkable six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Service for our A4J Private Education Club Members.  
     This husband and wife team now use these special Internet education services to help selected "qualified visitors" learn that they can take much better care of their precious natural health than they had ever known was possible and practical for home healthcare.
     Lon knows how to help our A4J private education club members easily learn how to use alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are practical, reasonable, and very sensible.
     He understands why the medical system situations described herein are commonly practiced (and actively promoted) within the medical profession in America - in a word it is MONEY!  
    You see, there is a lot more money to be made in the American medical profession by simply ignoring  alternative health type services than would be available if the medical profession responsibly used alternative healthcare and wellness concepts as complementary natural healthcare and wellness services - whenever this was appropriate for a patient's best healthcare benefits (short term, medium term, and also long term). 
    You can understand that a lot more money can be made in the medical profession throughout America (and by the closely allied pharmaceutical drug industry) by more frequently "treating" people who have not learned  how to take good care of the natural health of their very complex body. 
     Compare that common situation to less frequently "treating" much healthier people who have responsibly learned very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts about taking much better care of their complex body and their natural health and their natural healthcare assets
    The healthier people gradually learned how to take much better control of their natural health.  They also learned how to take better care of their very complex body on a regular routine basis. 
     Lon also helps our A4J private education club members learn about some very important "natural healthcare books" that can help them easily learn about advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are very important.  
     Fortunately, these very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts are rather easy to learn once you find them, as Lon Willoughby did by gradually reading hundreds of very good natural healthcare and wellness type books over many years of his continuing responsible and dedicated natural healthcare education studies.  
     One of the major education problems that Lon encountered is this: how can a responsible health-conscious person try to educate them-self about very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts - without having to spend thousands of hours studying many good natural healthcare and wellness concepts type books over a period of many years? (As Lon actually did over a period of 30+ years.)
     Lon and Janie realized that it would be very helpful if health-conscious American adults could find someone who has already been there and done that, and could then act as a very helpful educator guide for many health-conscious American adults who eventually realize that they need some responsible help with these complex natural healthcare and wellness concepts education issues.
     Lon and Janie both realized the tremendous need that exists throughout America for some responsible easy to understand helpful guidance with the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are very important and very valuable for American adult citizens (and their smart teenage children).
     That is why Lon and Janie Willoughby eventually realized that they were uniquely qualified to become a natural healthcare and wellness concepts education team that would focus their combined education and teaching skills and Lon's extensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge to develop natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that can help many natural-born American adult citizens (selected "qualified visitors") get the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that they need badly. 
     Lon and Janie had learned how to help natural-born American adults who are Christian-oriented learn about some of the very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon researched and studied gradually over a period of 40+ years - vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he and Janie have used successfully in their own family lifestyle. 
     From their own personal advanced education lifestyle experiences, over many years, Lon and Janie understood that they were now technically capable of helping thousands of natural-born American adult citizens who were also Christian-oriented learn how they too could enjoy having less sickness and health problems than most Americans have during a typical lifespan. 
    Lon and Janie both realized that vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is needed badly by many thousands of selected "qualified visitors" to greatly improve those very important and very valuable healthcare conditions as soon as possible.  
     Lon and Janie also realized that health-conscious American adults who are well-educated about vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts will need to consult medical doctors less than typical American adults who have not been educated about how to take good care of their very complex body and their precious natural health and their natural healthcare assets.  
     Consequently, selected "qualified visitors" can now understand why most of the medical doctors in America likely prefer to just ignore alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and also ignore the complementary healthcare and wellness concepts aspects of responsible healthcare and wellness education and services for their medical patients. 
     Most American medical doctors have not been educated and trained to present these natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts to healthcare patients.  That is one major reason that they do not attempt to educate their patients about vital natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts
     There are other very important issues that can be involved with natural healthcare and wellness concepts education so let's identify some of the situations that can affect vital natural healthcare and wellness issues for millions of Americans.
    A. Medical schools in America can be influenced substantially by very profitable and wealthy pharmaceutical drug producing companies in the USA.  They can influence medical schools through giving large grants of money to medical schools and the medical schools want this additional funding for operating the medical schools. 
     Look at the practical effects of those financial influences.  It is clear that many medical school students in America (future medical doctors) have been taught (and are being taught routinely) to depend upon using pharmaceutical type drugs for their future medical doctor healthcare actions with their future medical healthcare patients. 
     Lon Willoughby learned that medical school students are generally not educated and trained to also use alternative healthcare type natural healthcare and wellness education concepts whenever these important healthcare actions can offer safe and effective natural healthcare improvements for medical system patients. 
     B. Getting healthcare patients started on using prescription pharmaceutical drugs for their "healthcare needs" will usually require the patient to keep coming back to their medical doctor periodically for prescription drug services, and each visit brings in additional income for the "physician" (and for his office staff workers).  
     By using only prescription drugs for treatments with patients, the patients cannot go to the local health store and purchase replacement products.  They also cannot likely go to the Internet and purchase replacement products at deep discount prices. 
     Consequently, those problem issues for medical doctors are eliminated because most doctors in America avoid prescribing natural healthcare nutrition supplement products that can usually be purchased in health food stores or on the Internet (at discount prices).
     Think back about your experiences and consider how the American medical systems operate.  Are patients being taught how to take better care of their natural healthcare or are they becoming more dependent upon their local medical doctor for a continuation of taking pharmaceutical prescription drugs for their personal healthcare conditions?
     C. When you see pharmaceutical drug advertisements on television, it is very important to listen to the listing of adverse affects that some drugs can produce for some people.  Those adverse affects can be very serious health conditions for some people
     The history of some pharmaceutical drug uses has been tragic - an astounding and frightening number of health problems and deaths have occurred. (There have been many thousands of deaths in America from using doctor prescribed pharmaceutic drugs!!!) 
     Think back about the very important books that Lon Willoughby identified in our Introductory Education Website's Home Department about pharmaceutical drug problems - in America, and also internationally.
     D. Does the American medical profession make more money from their medical patients by doing what they are currently doing rather than if medical doctors also responsibly helped educate their medical patients about alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts
    Question:  Are you beginning to understand why Lon Willoughby believes that American adult citizens need to be educated to understand that they will be smart and wise to learn more about alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts as soon as possible (ASAP)? 
     You will learn at our educational websites how Lon's very important education about natural healthcare and wellness concepts enabled him to regain his deteriorated health and save his life.  He learned how to get healthier as he advanced into his golden years (now age 85+).
     Lon knows why very important natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts could likely enable most American adults to improve their potential for a much healthier life.  They could also experience a much more successful and more enjoyable life and probably enjoy a longer healthy life.  
     NOTICE: This main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website also introduces practical, responsible, and sensible way for selected "qualifiable visitors" to get started easily and quickly with their natural healthcare and wellness concepts education   

Access To The Internet and This 

Natural Healthcare Education Website

      Many American natural-born adult citizens (selected "qualified visitors") can visit our private educational websites using their personal computer, or their smartphone, or their tablet.  (Our websites are programmed to work well with all three of these different types of display systems). 

     In addition to those personal display systems, used by many Americans, most public libraries in South Carolina now provide library members and library visitors with free use of public library computers with color monitors that can also access the Internet. 
     Those special library computer services can enable many additional selected "qualified visitors" to be able to easily and quickly visit Internet websites (a free library service), including visiting and reviewing our special private healthcare educational websites
     If a person does not know how to use a library's computer to get on the Internet, library staff personnel will gladly show them how to do this easily and quickly. 
     Just give the library employee this website address
and they will quickly find this website on the Internet for the person as a free educational service.  It is very easy to learn how to do this.  It takes less than five minutes to learn how to visit this website on the Internet.

Important Transfer Actions 

       We will now transfer you to our Healthcare Problems in the USA Department Selected "qualified visitors" need to get a good understanding of six very serious major health killer problems that are quite common in America

     Serious health problems affect the lives of millions of Americans each year, and it is very important for selected "qualified visitors" to visit our two private educational websites and responsibly review our Healthcare Problems in the USA Department at this website.

     This is a very important Healthcare Report that is "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors."

     Fortunately, Lon Willoughby has also learned how to make major improvements in natural health conditions by using some of our copyrighted alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education

The Missing Link

     Lon and Janie Willoughby have learned that alternative health natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is the missing link for obtaining much better health for many Americans.

     Think about this situation for a few moments:  Without more use of our special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services, there will likely not be any substantial improvements in these very tragic healthcare and wellness problems that affect the lives of millions of American citizens adversely each year (adults and also millions of teenagers and younger children).

     After all, those health conditions have existed for many years and there is no corrective solution in sight - except our vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services for our A4J Private Education Club Members.

Healthcare Problems 

in the USA

     It is very important for selected "qualified visitors" to review our "Healthcare Problems in the USA" Department and this is an appropriate time to transfer to this very important Department

    Lon understands that selected "qualified visitors" need to review and understand clearly what the major healthcare problems in the USA actually are for Americans

     Unless selected "qualified visitors" to this private educational department acquire some understanding about how serious these major healthcare problems really are, it is unlikely that they will develop an understanding of the great need that exists in the USA for the very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that ABC of Health can provide for our A4J Private Education Club Members.

Define the Problem First

     It is also very important to consider that when a person attempts to solve a complex problem of any kind, including health problems, we should first take time to define the problem so one understands clearly what problem they want to solve.  

     Transferring to our "Healthcare Problems in the USA" Department will help selected "qualified visitors" define (understand the nature of) several major health problems that responsible selected "qualified visitors" need to understand in practical useful ways.

     The very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that Lon and Janie Willoughby present at this private educational website will enable "qualified visitors" to develop some sincere appreciation for the pioneering natural healthcare and wellness concepts education work that Lon and Janie have responsibly provided in our "free to review" format for their enlightenment.

    Selected "qualified visitors" can use the hyperlink (link) presented below to transfer to that very important education Department.  They will be able to use their Back Arrow Function to come back to this exact location and continue reviewing this Home Department.  

     IMPORTANT NOTE:  If your viewing system provides TABs at the top of your viewing screen, observe the TAB that you are using now before this transfer action begins and also observe the TAB change taking place during the transfer action.  The active TAB will display a circulating arrow symbol.

     If you don't actually transfer to the Department listed below, simply select the new TAB that appears at the top of your viewing screen to complete this transfer action.

     This technique can be used throughout this website whenever needed to complete a Department or Website transfer action. 

     Select the convenient active link below to start this Department transfer.

Healthcare Problems in the USA

+ + + + + 

     Welcome back to this Home Department.  You now have a much better understanding of the major healthcare problems in the USA

     Now let's transfer you to our "Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs" Department so you can understand why many millions of good Americans have unknowingly doomed themselves to having poor health and dying a premature death (before getting to age 90 and beyond).

     Use the convenient special active link down below to transfer to that very important Department.  Again, if applicable to your viewing device, observe the TAB change taking place and use the new TAB that appears to complete the Department transfer - if this action is needed. 

     You will again be able to use your TAB Function or your Back Arrow Function to come back to this exact location when you are ready to return to this Home Department and continue with this very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.

Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs

+ + + + + 

      Welcome back to this Home Department.  You now understand that the truly major healthcare problem in America is a very serious deficiency of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for American adult citizens and residents.  

     You also understand why most American adult citizens living in the USA are seriously deficient in special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education

     Lon has explained his many years of educational experiences in the Greenville, South Carolina area.  He learned that most people will not choose to attend a natural healthcare concepts education class, even when it is available to them locally, and even when the education class is available to them FREE. 

     You now understand why 100,000+ people in the greater Greenville metropolitan area did not see our many advertisements in the AT & T phone book yellow pages - in several healthcare related categories - for many years of advertising expenses. 

     We spent many thousands of dollars in advertising costs, but most people paid no attention to our very important yellow pages advertisements. 

     Most of the people who probably saw some of our yellow pages advertisements took no responsible actions to benefit from our helpful advertisements about very important natural healthcare concepts educational subjects.

    You now understand why 60,000+ local area residents in the nearby Mauldin and Simpsonville areas did not see our many display ads (expensive color picture ads) in the local weekly newspaper, or did not act upon our color ads to take advantage of our many repeated offers to provide free natural healthcare and wellness education classes at our local Mauldin, SC healthcare and wellness store classroom.

     Lon realizes that people usually see what they want to see, and they generally ignore the rest of the information that is right in front of them.  Thousands of people did not see our phone book yellow page advertisements or our local newspaper color picture ads because they had no significant interest in those healthcare education issues.  They were interested in other things, but not our vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services.

     You now understand why the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon Willoughby researched, studied, developed, and copyrighted for ABC of Health are incredibly important natural healthcare and wellness concepts for many American adults - BIG TIME!!!

     American adult citizens die prematurely by the tens of thousands each week in the USA because they have not been educated about the great importance of practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts education. 

     Most American adults do not realize how little they know about very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts. 

     Congratulations to you because at this point in this private website's educational presentation, you have a much better understanding of the massive healthcare concepts education deficiency dilemma in the USA than most American adult citizens understand. 

     You also have a much better understanding of the major causes of the serious healthcare problem conditions that affect millions of Americans each year.  

     Remember that adults in America die prematurely by the tens of thousands each week because they did not know what you have already learned, and Lon and Janie  have a lot more natural healthcare and wellness concepts to share with you.

     As a "qualified visitor," you are acquiring a much better understanding of why alternative health and  complementary health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education could help millions of American adults begin making important progress in reducing these very serious healthcare and wellness problems in practical, responsible, and sensible ways - if ABC of Health was free to advertise throughout the United States of America (which it is not). 

     For the serious reasons explained in our introductory education website, we have to be very careful about where we advertise and propose to provide our very important and valuable healthcare education services.

     You are learning that the natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational opportunities that we offer our A4J club members are some of the most efficient, most effective, and most practical ways to make major improvements quickly in natural healthcare and wellness actions in the United States of America.

      EDUCATION is clearly the MAIN SOLUTION that is badly needed to improve natural healthcare and wellness actions in America quickly in very important ways.  However, we must always remember that "a person convinced against their will - is of the same opinion still." 

     Until "qualified visitors" review both of the very important Departments that you recently reviewed, they will not likely understand the massive size of our healthcare problems in the USA, and they will not likely understand that they actually do need to obtain more education about our proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services.  

     This special private educational website presents very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that most American adults need badly.  This natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is presented in a convenient and easy to understand "free to review" format for "qualified visitors" to this website.

     Consequently, those "qualified visitors" need to personally take responsible easy actions to encourage other "qualified visitors" within their local "circle of influence" to visit our special introductory education website and review the very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon and Janie Willoughby introduce using our special "free to review" educational format.

Healthcare and Wellness

Education Resources

       Lon and Janie understand that there is a lot of good healthcare and wellness education information in book format in the U.S. marketplace, but most of that helpful information is somewhat limited in scope.  

     In general, one, two, or three good natural healthcare type education books can help most people a lot, but books will usually not educate a person adequately about developing a truly healthy lifestyle in the comprehensive manner that Lon believes every adult and smart teenager in the USA needs to learn and begin using daily.

     Most natural healthcare books can help a person improve some important aspects of their lifestyle, but those healthcare type books will generally not be comprehensive enough to include the special advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon Willoughby discovered, developed, and copyrighted for exclusive use by ABC of Health.  

     We are the only natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company in the USA that can legally teach our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets (because we own the copyrights involved in those trade secrets).

Comprehensive Natural Healthcare Concepts

Education Is Very Difficult To Acquire


        Why is this true?  Because it involves many healthcare issues - it is very complicated.  It took many years of researching, studying, discovering, evaluating and experimenting for Lonnie Willoughby to develop the special natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he copyrighted for educational use by ABC's of Health, Inc.  

     We introduce some of those special natural healthcare and wellness concepts to "qualified visitors" at this website.  The "qualified visitors" who take actions to go forward then qualify as CQV's can obtain access to many more natural healthcare and wellness concepts at this website when they voluntarily choose to join our Patriotic A4J Private Education Club.  (Our A4J Club.)

     A4J club members will have access to all six lessons of our A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services.

     A lot of very complex and difficult work was necessary for Lon and Janie Willoughby to gradually learn how to develop our practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts six-lessons education services.

     Our six lessons A4J Club Member Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Services are comprehensive, but also simplified enough to be easy to learn for most  "qualified visitors."

     As you can see from this very important overview explanation, this was a very challenging and very difficult natural healthcare and wellness concepts education objective for Lon and Janie to achieve. 

     Consider this question:  What other natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company in America has gone through the very difficult, very complex, herculean natural healthcare and wellness concepts education developmental actions that were necessary for Lon and Janie Willoughby to carefully develop our alternative health type advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services for A4J private education club members? 

     They developed these special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services in practical, responsible, and sensible ways that can be very helpful in a simplified format for ordinary "qualified visitors" who voluntarily become security-staatus qualified to become members of our Americans 4 Justice private education  club.

     Lonnie Willoughby has many years of research and study in alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts, but he did not find any natural  healthcare concepts education program that was developed for education of ordinary American adult citizens in a simplified format for personal use at home. 

     However, Lon did find a few very good healthcare education programs designed for complex education of natural healthcare practitioner students.

     Lon's extensive healthcare experiences discovered that most medical doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionist, and other healthcare practitioners do not fully understand what ordinary American adults really need to understand about the practical, reasonable, and sensible aspects of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.

     Some of those important dedicated healthcare practitioners have acquired a lot of important and valuable healthcare education, training, and experience, and they can help American adult citizens in many important ways. 

     However, Lon's extensive health-related research discovered that most natural healthcare practitioners were apparently not taught some of the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that he discovered as being vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     It has taken many years of dedicated and diligent research, discovery, study, evaluation and a lot of experimentation work for Lon to put the major pieces of this very complicated natural healthcare and wellness concepts puzzle together in a comprehensive but simplified manner that is practical, responsible, and sensible for educating ordinary natural-born American adult citizens who are also Christian-oriented and who are also responsibly patriotic toward America

     Our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services are easy to understand, easy to learn, and easy to use for "qualified visitors."

     Selected "qualified visitors" who visit our two private healthcare educational websites can then choose to help share this very important healthcare education with local family members, relatives, friends, church members, club members, business contacts, etc. who are apparently also "qualified visitors" by simply referring them to our very important introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website

    Selected "qualified visitors" can easily help improve the lives of other apparently "qualifiable" local adults  that they know - by simply introducing them to our unique "free to review" Introductory Educational Website, using the website address shown below.

Major Modifications Were Made

To This Very Large Website

      This Home Department and several other departments of this main website were modified extensively to develop a natural healthcare and wellness concepts education service that is Level One of Two Levels of education that we can provide.

      This website now enables "qualified visitors" to benefit from some of our improved "Level One" Education. 

     This natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is available "free to review" for "qualified visitors" in this very important, informative, and very valuable private website educational presentation.

This Modified Website Now Provides
Two Levels of Education

  Our Level One Education is available "free to review" for "qualified visitors" that review this Home
Department, plus the additional Departments that are listed below.  Some of these separate Departments are linked within this very important and very valuable Home Department's extensive educational presentation

     "Qualified visitors" are authorized to review this lengthy Home Department and the separate Departments that are listed below.  This educational information is available for review 24 hours per day, seven days per week (24/7).

1.  Healthcare Problems in the USA, 

2.  Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs 

3.  Consultations,  4.  Copyright Information, 

5.  Terms of Use,  

6.  Unfair Healthcare Deck for Americans,

7.  Info About Lon's Healthcare Education,

8.  Client Qualifications

     In addition to the departments listed above, visitors can also visit the Contact ABC of Health and/or Comments and Reviews Departments.

Level Two Education

       Our Level Two Education is for Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) who voluntarily choose to join our A4J Private Education Club. 

     CQV's must be natural-born American citizens and live in the upstate area of South Carolina (have a permanent home or residence ZIP Code of 296 - - or 293 - - ). 

     They also need to have a Christian-oriented religious faith belief system, and must be patriotic-minded Americans who have a strong primary allegiance to the United States of America.

      CQV applicants must also agree to honor and respect, in an honest and responsible manner, the copyrighted and proprietary natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets that we can share with them for their personal use and family use - after they join our A4J Private Education Club.    

     This Home Department presents very important and valuable "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts for "qualified visitors" (as our Level One Education Service).

      "Qualified visitor's" are restricted from reviewing other Departments (that are not listed above) until they qualify for a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status and then voluntarily choose to join our Patriotic A4J Private Education Club 

Potential Certified Qualified Visitor's 

Should Send an email to ABC of Health

      A "qualified visitor" should send ABC of Health an email that lets us know that they believe they can qualify for becoming a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV), using the qualification standards that are explained briefly herein. 

     It is very important that they let us know that they believe they can qualify for our CQV security status so we can email them some important information about our security qualification standards for a CQV security status

    If they already feel that they will likely want to apply for security qualification as a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) and may want to join our Patriotic A4J Private Education Club, they can also let us know that situation in their initial email to ABC of Health. 

     Our email response can then provide helpful information about our CQV protective security evaluation process.

      When they have advanced to a CQV security status, we will mail them our CQV Welcome letter and also provide some important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that can be very helpful to them during the months and years ahead of them.  (This is a very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education service.)      

    When we qualify a single visitor, or a married couple, or a stable living together couple, for our CQV security status, we will respond with our CQV Welcome Letter and also send them some important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that can be very helpful to them right away.

     This special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education can help them improve their lifestyle quickly in important ways.

     Our CQV's will not have access to security coded Departments of this large main education website until they join our A4J Private Education Club.  They will then have access to all security code protected Departments at this main website.

     Level Two Education is available to Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) after they join our Americans4Justice Private Education Club

     This level of our natural healthcare and wellness education includes all of Level One Education plus the remaining five lessons of our six-lessons Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services. 

     Lesson 1 of this education program is "free to review" for a "qualified visitor" (you are already reviewing part of Lesson 1). 

     Lessons 2 through 6 of our A4J education services are our five Home Extension Departments.

     They are security code protected departments that require Login and Password Codes to enter into these high security level protected departments.  Those five lessons are not available to "qualified visitors" or to Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's).

     Level Two Education is available only to A4J private education club members. They also obtain access to security coded Bonus information Departments - very important educational information

    Level Two Education includes access to our Diabetes and Hypoglycemia DepartmentThis is a security code protected department that contains some exceptionally important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that all American adults and teenagers need to be educated about.  However, we have protective security conditions that have been implemented for this very special department.

     Due to our restricted access for that very important department, we do provide a reduced amount of that very important information in another department that "qualified visitors" have access to (Healthcare Problems in the USA).   

     The next Sub-Topic (right below) will explain why we must use a protective security evaluation process for evaluating Potential Certified Qualified Visitors (PCQV) who want to try to advance to a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status.

More Information About

Our Protective Security System

      Unfortunately, there are millions of American citizens, and billions of other people on this planet, that we must carefully deny access to review our vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts as presented in the two private educational websites that are referenced herein.

     That situation causes very important security complications for the very important healthcare information that is presented in those two private educational websites.  

     We also publish Confidential and Secret natural healthcare and wellness concepts at this main healthcare and wellness concepts educational website in our security code protected access departments. 

     We developed a protective security evaluation process to use for a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) who wants to qualify as a CQV so they will be security qualified to join our A4J Private Education Club.  They can then try to qualify to have access to a lot of additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts education at this main natural healthcare and wellness concepts education website as explained herein.  

     ABC of Health uses a protective security evaluation process to evaluate a PCQV who wants to advance to a CQV security status. 

     We use protective security codes on several departments in this website to ensure that only CQV's who have gone forward and joined our A4J Private Education Club can access our security code protected departments.

    A4J Club Members will have access to the security code protected departments of Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education presented at this website.

     For now, "qualified visitors" need to understand that we developed an easy way for a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) to be evaluated for becoming approved as a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV). 

     It is essential to be approved as a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) to get the security level clearance that is required to join our exclusive Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club

     Our protective security evaluation standards are reasonable for our Potential Certified Qualified Visitors (PCQV's) who want to achieve a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status.

     ABC of Health must carefully avoid educating any of America's competitors or enemies - ether our military, political, or economic competitors or enemies.  They may be USA residents - foreign people living in the USA and they may also be USA citizens, including some natural-born American citizens. 

     Our very important and very valuable Level Two Natural Healthcare and Wellness concepts Education Services are available only to our A4J Private Education Club Members

    These education services are truly remarkable values in natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and they are available only from ABC of Health for our A4J private education club members

     Our Level Two Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services are not available anywhere else in America to anyone at any price (available only to  A4J club members). 

     Selected "qualified visitors" have "free to review" access to the lesson one of our six lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services

     We also publish additional copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness education concepts in several security protected access departments for exclusive access only by our A4J Private Education Club Members.  

     Selected "qualified visitors" to this website will not be able to access (enter into) any of those security coded departments until after they have properly applied for and passed our CQV security status evaluation(s) and have then voluntarily joined our exclusive Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club

     Remember that the first lesson of our six lessons A4J Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services is "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors."   At this point in this detailed presentation, you are still reviewing Lesson One of our six-lessons educational services.

     The other five lessons of our A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home study Education Services are security code accessible only to members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club

     Those five additional lessons will present important and valuable education that can provide remarkable education value.  Those are lessons 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of our six lessons A 4 J educational services.     

    The "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts Level One Education that is presented in this Home Department's presentation for selected "qualified visitors" will enable them to obtain a very important reasonable and responsible practical understanding of the true nature of America's very serious healthcare and wellness concepts education deficiency dilemma

     Those very serous healthcare problem situations are making America a weaker nation health-wise day-by-day, and they are also bankrupting a lot of American families, and they are also bankrupting some cities, and some counties, and some American statesThey are also severely bankrupting the federal government of the United States of America. 

     This tragic healthcare situation is getting worse as each month passes, and it is causing bankruptcies in increasing numbers of American families that are extremely damaging to America as a nation.

      Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that the natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that are presented in Lon's two-part autobiographical report can help make very important and very valuable improvements in these tragic healthcare trends for selected "qualified visitors."

     ABC of Health is using Lon's autobiographical report to enable a very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational improvement process for selected "qualified visitors" (they live in selected ZIP Code areas of upstate South Carolina, as explained previously).

     Lon and Janie Willoughby sincerely want selected "qualified visitors" who fortunately live in one of these selected ZIP Code areas to review these very important healthcare and wellness problem issues to help them understand why responsible American adults should strive to make vital improvements in these very serious national healthcare problem situations

     Very fortunate and lucky selected "qualified visitors" have a very important opportunity to do something about these problems, and they can start by taking better care of their own health, and the health of other immediate family members who live with them in their home.

     ABC of Health strongly suggests using the badly needed natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that Lonnie and Janie Willoughby have developed over a period of many years. 

     They have invested more than 1.7 million U.S. dollars in this educational project (the costs for Lon and Janie Willoughby together, and for corporate ABC of Health).

     Lon and Janie have good reasons to believe that they have developed very effective practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services. 

     An important introduction to those vital educational   services is presented "free to review" in Parts One and Part Two of Lon's autobiographical report - for substantial benefits to selected "qualified visitors." 

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that this vital special education can help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" living in upstate South Carolina.

Quick Review of Educational

Information Presented at this Website

     This extensively revised main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website still introduces local upstate area selected "qualified visitors" to our vital healthcare and wellness educational services

     These very important and very valuable natural  healthcare and wellness concepts are "free to review" for very fortunate selected "qualified visitors" as part of our Level One Educational Services.

      Lon and Janie present additional important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services in our Level Two Education Services exclusively for members of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club

     We present very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for our A4J Club Members by using secure education departments that require our special security codes for access 

     Those restricted access education departments are not included in Lesson One of our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services.  (Lessons 2, 3, 4, 5, and lesson 6 are accessible only by members of our A4J Private Education Club.)

      An additional restricted area educational department  presents our Diabetes and Hypoglycemia Department, and Lon developed another restricted area to present Lon's Motivation Department 

    This unique very special natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational website is the only place on the Internet (or anywhere else) that these copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services are available in our well-organized, easy to understand, and easy to learn and easy to use, educational format.

     The education presented "free to review" at this website for selected "qualified visitors" is very important and very valuable.  It can help motivate selected "qualified visitors" to strive to improve their personal lifestyle in important ways that can help them daily for the rest of their life. 

     You now understand that some of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services presented at this website are in our "free to review" educational format - for selected "qualified visitors." 

     WOW! This website presents a very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational opportunity for thousands of selected "qualified visitors." 

     Year 2023 is the first time that natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services like this have ever been available for selected people in South Carolina, or anywhere else in the United States of America

     This special private educational website presents a major breakthrough in natural healthcare and wellness concepts education, and Lon and Janie Willoughby have introduced very important natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts in our "free to review" educational format. 

     Thousands of selected "qualified visitors" can now get educated and motivated about taking much better care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets by responsibly reviewing Lon's Twp Part autobiographical report.

Our Home-study Type

Natural Healthcare Education Services

      Lon and Janie developed very important Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services for our A4J Private Education Club Members in a home study educational format.  

     A lot of this education is available on the Internet 24/7 at our educational websites for convenient A4J club member access

     Some of the healthcare and wellness concepts education that we recommend is contained in books written by other healthcare consultants or at websites developed for other healthcare consultants

     That is very important copyrighted healthcare educational information by other healthcare practitioners, and Lon and Janie Willoughby cannot teach that healthcare and wellness concepts education because ABC of Health does not own those copyrighted healthcare and wellness copyrights. Consequently, in those situations, our A4J education will refer A4J club members to those vital sources of very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education

     It will be the personal responsibility of each A4J club member to utilize responsibly those additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational sources.

Some A4J Club Members May Not Have
Good Access to the Internet st Their Home

     A4J club members who do not have computer access to the Internet at their permanent home or residence can likely obtain those very important Internet services at their local library.  It probably has public use computers available for library members and library visitors.  Most libraries can provide easy FREE access to the Internet. 

     Library staff personnel can quickly show a person how to use one of the library's public use computers to access the Internet and find this special educational website at www dot ABCofHealth dot com/. 

     It is very easy to learn how to use a library computer to access the Internet and find our very important private natural healthcare educational websites.  

     If one has learned how to turn on a radio and dial in an AM or a FM radio station, or change channels on a TV, one can easily learn how to use a library's public use computer to get on the Internet and find our very important and valuable educational websites.  

     UPDATED NOTE:  These FREE library services may not be available at times due to Covid-19 issues.  One can phone the local area library to check on this situation.


     Lon and Janie Willoughby have developed the specialized education skills to develop advanced level A4J natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services.  They therefore have the specialized healthcare knowledge and teaching skills to competently present the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that are available "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" at this very important main natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational website.  

    Lon and Janie have developed practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness concepts education at our introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website, and they also developed  additional relevant education at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website

     You can see that Lon and Janie have carefully developed very good progressive natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services using a combination of educational websites. (All of that "free to review" education is part of our "Level One Education.")

     Lon and Janie understand that the explanations presented for our progressive security levels may be confusing for some "qualified visitors."  As experienced educators, Lon and Janie both recommend a second-reading of the information that was introduced herein to help clear up any confusion that may have occurred for some "qualified visitors."

    For most qualified visitors, it would be wise to pause this first reading at this point and plan to go back to the beginning and review this information one more time, on your next visit (one or two days later). 

     Lon and Janie have already presented a lot of very important education that will be understood much better after a second-readingIt is your choice of course, but as experienced educators, Lon and Janie Willoughby both understand that a second-reading can be very important for selected "qualified visitors."

    A second-reading will enable learning and understanding much better of important informationTry it and see how much it can help with your understanding of the very important education that has been presented up to this point in these two educational websites.   

     This is the recommended stopping point for this first reading of the education presented up to this point.


 Categories of "Qualified Visitors"

   For our educational purposes, we will have two categories of "qualified visitors" at this website.      

     Selected "qualified visitors" will initially be in Category One: Regular Qualified Visitors (RQV's). 

     Some RQV's will likely be eligible to become a Category Two "Potential Certified Qualified Visitor" (PCQV).

Regular Qualified Visitor (RQV) >

Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) > 


Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV)      

     We define a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) as a natural-born American adult citizen who lives in the upstate area of South Carolina and has a permanent home or resident address that has a ZIP Code of 296 - - or 293 - - , and also has a Christian-oriented religious background and faith system, and who also has a responsible patriotic-minded allegiance to the United States of America (America).  

     They have also reviewed completely and responsibly the two educational websites referenced herein, and they agree to comply with the operational standards established in our Copyright Information Department and our Terms of Use Department.

     ABC of Health office personnel will help educate RQV's that have progressed to that point (have carefully and responsibly reviewed our Copyright Information Department and our Terms of Use Department and then state that they can voluntarily comply responsibly with the conditions stated in each of those Departments             

     Both of those special Departments are presented at both of those websites, and each of those Departments will be introduced herein later - at the appropriate time.

     ABC of Health office personnel will help educate RQV's that agree to comply in reasonable ways with the protective conditions explained in each of those two Departments about using our very important proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets.   

     RQV's who complete these two specific security actions will be designated as Potential Certified Qualified Visitors (PCQV's).  

     Potential Certified Qualified Visitors (PCQV's) who want to advance into a Category Three Visitor (our Certified Qualified Visitor security status), must also agree to responsibly use the special access that we will provide to them for additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts after we approve their advancement into our Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status and after they then voluntarily choose to join our remarkable A4J Private Education Club 

     As you can see, the temporary PCQV status is an initial qualifying security status that is a prerequisite requirement for advancement into a Certified Qualified Visitor security status (a CQV).   

     The next paragraph explains briefly why we must have protective security evaluation procedures for approving a PCQV (Category Two Visitor) for advancement into a Certified Qualified Visitor security status (CQV).  We will explain these very important security issues in more detail later in this Home Department as we progress forward.

     ABC of Health has protective security evaluation procedures because our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is so important and so valuable that we must carefully avoid educating any of America's competitors or enemies - either military, political, or economicThey may be foreign adult residents living within the USA or they may be USA adult citizens who are not reasonably loyal to the American Government.

     As explained previously, there are also many American natural-born adult citizens who may qualify as "qualified visitors" but they will not be allowed to join our Americans 4 Justice private education club because they are also a legal system affiliates, or a judicial system affiliate or a law enforcement affiliate.  

     A Regular Qualified Visitor (RQV) who believes they can qualify as a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (as defined in our Introductory Educational Website) can choose to apply to ABC of Health via an easy and convenient Email request for our review of their Potential Certified Qualified Visitor security status.      

     Their email to us should explain why they believe they can meet our Potential Certified Qualified Visitor security standards and also provide information that answers the following question: 

     Do I/we (spouses) qualify as a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor(s) The visitor tells us why they believe that their current security status qualifies them as a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) based upon the personal criteria that is stated above.

     If the initial qualifying information that they provide to ABC of Health shows that they meet our security standards for a Potential Qualified Visitor status (PCQV), we will Email them our Potential Qualified Visitor Welcome Letter and also send them some important information about our additional security evaluation standards for becoming a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV).

      Our Email response will explain the easy reasonable  actions involved for qualifying as a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status so they can begin considering these additional security standards.  This information will also explain our very modest security evaluation fee for advancing to a CQV security status. 

     To advance to a CQV security status, a PCQV applicant will need to mail us photocopies of certain personal identification documents for our review as part of our protective security evaluation process (We will explain the details in our Email response to their inquiry to ABC of Health by U.S. first class mail.)

Security Status

 Regular Qualified Visitor (RQV) >

  Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) >

 Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) >

         When a PCQV (Category Two Visitor) chooses to send us a U.S. first class mailed request to start our protective security evaluation process to potentially upgrade their security status to a Certified Qualified Visitor security status, we will respond to their request and explain that we will Email them our application paperwork to complete.  

     They can mail their responsive information to ABC of Health along with their written agreement to pay the specified nominal protective security system evaluation fee that is involved.  [Payment by Discovery, MasterCard, or Visa credit card (not debit cards) - or payment can be made by USPS Postal Money Order.]  

     We will explain our modest security evaluation fee in our Email response to their mailed inquiry. 

      If payment of this modest fee is made by USPS money order and a refund amount become appropriate (if their security status upgrade to a CQV is not approved), we will make the refund with an ABC of Health corporate check - mailed to the applicant's home or resident address in a prompt and responsible manner.

     When the Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) then mails us the completed CQV Application and Registration paperwork and the personal identification documents that we need for evaluating their upgrade to a Certified Qualified Visitor security status, we will carefully evaluate their personal security situation to see if we can approve their request for a Certified Qualified Visitor security status (advancing them to a Category Three Visitor).

     After we review their mailed responsive CQV Application and Registration Information and their personal identification papers, we will communicate with the Potential Certified Qualified Visitor applicant via Email to let them know what our decision is about their security status advancement request to a Certified Qualified Visitor security status.  (CQV status)

      After we evaluate and approve their security status upgrade to a Certified Qualified Visitor, we will charge their credit card for the nominal security evaluation fee(s) involved (for an individual or for a married couple - or a responsibly stable "living together couple").

     We will then send our CQV Welcome Letter via Email and also Email some very helpful natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational information that can help them get on the fast track to improving their personal lifestyle(s).

     NOTES:  If we do not approve their mailed request to advance to the Certified Qualified Visitor security status, we will make a basic evaluation charge of $15.00 (for each person involved) to the credit card number that they initially provided to us (if they previously agreed to pay this nominal evaluation fee with a credit card).    

     Achieving a CQV security status will qualify them to pay our estimated first-year membership dues fee to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club.  They will then get security code access to:

     1.  the remaining five lessons of our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services and also receive access to

     2.  additional very important Bonus natural healthcare and wellness concepts education - as explained previously.   

     When a PCQV chooses to apply to ABC of Health via Email for approval as a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status, we will communicate by Email with each PCQV about some actions that they will need to take:

    1.  Completing our CQV Application and Registration Questionnaire and mailing the completed information back to us (ABC of Health)

    2.  along with photocopies of the personal information verification paperwork that we also need. 

     When the PCQV agrees via Email communications for us to go forward with our evaluation of them for Certified Qualified Visitor security status, we will promptly mail them the CQV Application and Registration Papers that they will need to complete and then return to ABC of Health via USPS First Class Mail (or USPS Priority
Mail) for our protective security evaluation purposes.

ABC of Health will charge a nominal security evaluation processing fee (for each person involved) for this necessary protective security evaluation - payment can be made by Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit card (not by debit card), or payment can be made by a USPS Money Order.  This very reasonable mod
est evaluation processing fee will be explained in the information that we provide to them by Email. 

     ABC of Health will communicate via Email during this security status evaluation process - if we have any questions for the applicant(s).

       CQV's must agree to responsibly use the special access that we will provide to them as an A4J private education club member for our very important and very valuable six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services and the security-code protected Bonus Education Departments that we will also provide access for them 

      Our very special six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services will present some of our top secret natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational corporate trade secrets

     ABC of Health will provide security-code protected departments of additional education at this main educational website that are not available to RQV's, PCQV's, or CQV's because they are not yet members of our exclusive A4J Private Education Club).  

     If our evaluations of an RQV's advancement to a PCQV status and then to a CQV status are conducted simultaneously, we will reduce the nominal protective security evaluation fee for their advancement to a CQV security status

     Our easy to understand instructions will be explained in our Email response to their initial USPS first class mailed inquiry to ABC of Health about a simultaneous upgrade evaluation of their RQV status (no security status) to a PCQV security status and/or a CQV security status evaluation. 

Regular Qualified Visitor >

Potential Certified Qualified Visitor>

+ + + + +

Regular Certified Visitor>
Potential Certified Qualified Visitor>
and also Certified Qualified Visitor

     These three statuses can be evaluated simultaneously - for faster processing time and lower cost for the PCQV evaluation fee(s).

     A newly approved CQV will now be qualified security-status wise to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club

     After the CQV pays their first-year's A4J Private Education Club Membership dues fee, they will be issued two security access codes to use with our restricted access educational Departments at this main natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website

     Only A4J Club Members get access to our very important and very valuable security coded educational  departments, including our security coded Bonus educational departments.

     All six lessons of our Americans 4 Justice  Educational Services are accessible to A4J private education club members - but to no one else. 

     Regular Qualified Visitors (RQV's) can review the first lesson in our six lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services because the first lesson is presented in our "free to review" education format for selected "qualified visitors".  This situation was explained in our Introductory Education Website and this quick review is presented herein. 

     You are still reviewing a part of this first lesson right now.  As you can see, Lesson One is a large education presentation.  It contains very important and very valuable education about healthcare systems in America, and Lesson One also contains this helpful review about  how our confidential natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services are conducted.  

     Lesson One introduces some very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts that selected "qualified visitors" need to review as soon as possible (ASAP).

     Five of our security code protected departments (at this main natural healthcare concepts education website) contain one additional lesson each as part of our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services and they are accessible only by A4J club members. 

     The other restricted access Bonus Education Departments contain very important additional education exclusively for our A4J Private Education Club Members.  

     A4J Club Members are the only American citizens that will be provided with the security access codes that will enable them to have access to all of our security code protected departments at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Website.

     Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status will be explained in more detail later, but for now, you need to understand that a "Regular Qualified Visitor" (RQV) who appears to qualify as a "Regular Qualified Visitor" (RQV) can then apply to ABC of Health via U.S. first class mail to initiate our evaluation of their Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) security status

     After they are evaluated by ABC of Health (and approved) for a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) security status, they can then request a CQV   
security status evaluation at that time, or they can choose to make that request at a later date (within 60 days or less).  If more than 60 days have passed, our office personnel will need to start this important security status evaluation process again.

Regular Qualified Visitor >

Potential Certified Qualified Visitor >

+ + + + +

Simultaneous Evaluations: 

Regular Qualified Visitor >

Potential Certified Qualified Visitor >


Certified Qualified Visitor

   A Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) will have achieved the security status that is necessary to qualify to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club.  

     As an A4J Education Club Member, the person(s) will be provided with security code controlled access to a lot more natural healthcare and wellness concepts education at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Website.  

     As stated previously, A4J Club Members also gain security code controlled access to our Bonus Education Departments.  This is very important and valuable education that is not accessible by a Regular Qualified Visitor (RQV), or a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV), or a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV). 

     Each A4J private education club member will have  access to five additional lessons of our A4J Private Natural Healthcare Concepts Educational ServicesA4J Private Education Club Members will get security coded access to our Bonus Education Departments

     All RQV's, PCQV's, and CQV's can review Lesson One of our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Private Educational Services. 

     Each A4J private education club member will gradually obtain has full access to all six lessons of our A4J Private Educational Services.  

    A4J Club Members obtain security coded access to our Diabetes and Hypoglycemia Department (a Bonus Education Department).  This restricted access department contains very important copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that can be very helpful to most A4J Club Members  

     America has more than 120 million American adult citizens who need this vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education badly, and they need this very special education as soon as possible (ASAP).  

     Unfortunately, we can only make this Diabetes and Hypoglycemia Department accessible to our A4J Private Education Club Members.

     These very important special natural healthcare and wellness concepts need to be reviewed carefully by all selected "qualified visitors."  However, due to our protective security requirements, this very special educational department is accessible only by members of our A4J Private Education Club.   

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that this special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is exceptionally important for many selected "qualified visitors" so they presented some of this vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in our Healthcare Problems in the USA Department (education that can be reviewed by selected "qualified visitors").   

     Selected "qualified visitors" need to review the vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is presented about these two very serious healthcare problems (diabetes and hypoglycemia).  These serious healthcare problem likely affect 120+ million American citizens.  Lon and Janie also realize that this vital healthcare education is also needed by many people who have excess weight and/or excess fat tissues problems.  

+ + + + +

Sequence of Progression Actions

    Lon and Janie realize that the sequence of security qualification actions described herein may be somewhat confusing with your first reading about these security qualification levels.  Therefore, they recommend a second reading to help with clarification of this detailed  information.  In addition, Lon will also explain these progressive security qualification levels again as he continues with this presentation.   

     Repetition of information can be very helpful and very important in a detailed learning process such as this.

     Just be patient about these sequential progressive security level actions; they will become clearer as you  continue learning about these security level qualification issues.  

     If you feel somewhat confused about our three visitor levels (RQV, PCQV, and CQV) it can be very helpful to go back and read through the explanation presented above one more time. 

     A careful second reading, or third reading, can usually clear up any confusion that may occur with our explanation of these three visitor security levels.  

     Remember during this interesting learning process that getting security status qualified to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club is a very important and very valuable membership that can help an A4J Club Member a tremendous amount for the rest of their life. 

     Getting this exclusive club membership is truly a BIG DEAL that is much more important than any Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Club Membership in America (that is available to many selected "qualified visitors").

     It can also be very helpful to repeat to yourself periodically these four magic words "I can do this" to keep your mental learning process in a positive "can do" mode. 

     Those four special words really are magic words that can help keep your brain in a positive and progressive mental action learning mode any time that you choose to use these four magic words appropriately.  

     If you earnestly believe these four magic words will work for you, they will work for you.  If you do not earnestly believe that these words will work for you, they will likely not work very well for you.  

     Your belief status is a part of the magic that occurs with these four magic words.  This situation illustrates how important belief and confidence can be for improved brain activity. 

Natural Healthcare Education
Proposal for Eligible Americans

A Three-part Action Plan
     We have an easy three-part action plan for making really important progress quickly in natural healthcare and wellness concepts education.

      1.  Selected "qualified visitors" should review this Home Department's educational presentation as soon as possible This very important information can introduce  selected "qualified visitors" to very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is in our "free to review" education format.   

      2.  Selected "qualified visitors" that have teenage children can authorize them to review this Home Department's very important educational presentation Family members can then have discussions about these very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

       WOW!!!  Think about the very important progress in natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that many "qualified visitor" families can make very easily by conducting important and very interesting family discussions about the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are introduced briefly herein.

      3.  Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (PCQV) security level parents with younger children can study the important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts presented in the linked accessible departments in this Home Department's lengthy presentation, and then begin striving to improve some very important lifestyle actions for the parents and for their children.

     These easy natural healthcare lifestyle improvement actions can enable some very important progress in natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions with many selected "qualified visitor" families.  

     Selected "qualified visitors" (and their smart teenagers) needs to learn that ABC of Health can provide very important and valuable alternative health and  complementary health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational opportunities for selected "qualified visitors" who go forward and become security status qualified to become a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV).

     Our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services will be much more helpful and much more valuable for parents who have have gone forward and qualified for a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status, and who then go forward and voluntarily join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club

     A4J Private Education Club Members will gain access to much more natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services than RQV's, PCQV, or CQV's.

     WOW!!!  Let's get going with this incredibly important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education service!!!
     It is very important to remember that tens of thousands of American residents die prematurely each week in the USA (die before getting to age 90).  

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that they die prematurely mainly because they had not been educated adequately about how to take good care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets

     These tragic situations in America weekly illustrate clearly how important our special copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services can be for members of our A4J Private Education Club.

     ABC of Health Specializes in Presenting Very Important and Very Valuable Holistic Type Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services.

Definitions from New Webster's Dictionary

and Thesaurus of the English Language

holistic adjective - of a planning approach viewing

the situation as a whole

holistic medicine noun treatment of the whole organism, not just the symptoms of a disease

     The natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced in this Home Department, and several other departments linked from within this Home Department, can be life-improving concepts for "qualified visitors."

     They can learn about important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts at our "free to review" educational websites.  "Qualified visitors" who advance to a "Potential Certified Qualified Visitor" (PCQV) security status can then choose to advance to a "Certified Qualified Visitor" (CQV) security status.  As previously explained, that advancement in their security status will enable them to be security status qualified to join our exclusive Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club

      A4J Club members will likely be very happy with the remarkably important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that Lon and Janie Willoughby have developed for ABC of Health

     Becoming aware of these healthcare and wellness concepts can help motivate A4J club members to improve their personal lifestyle in very important ways

     You have already seen that this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Website introduces briefly some very important and valuable healthcare and wellness concepts that are "free to review" for RQV's, PCQV's, and CQV's

      Selected "qualified visitors" need to understand that a much better education about our natural healthcare and wellness concepts is reserved for our A4J Private Education Club Members.  A lot of that additional education is presented on the Internet in security coded departments - see our five Home Extension departments (Home Extensions  1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and then see several security code protected Bonus Education Departments

     Each of those security code protected special departments require a Login Code and a Password Code to obtain Internet access to those departments. 

     Example:  Our Diabetes and Hypoglycemia  Department requires these security codes to obtain access.  That bonus education department presents very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that all competent and responsible American adult citizens need to review BIG TIME!!!  However, as explained previously that special bonus department is a security code protected department that is accessible only by A4J Private Education Club Members.

    We introduce a special series of natural healthcare and wellness concepts education in the second lesson of our six lessons Education Services (Home Extension 1 Department presents the second education lesson for our A4J Private Education Club Members).

     In order to reduce the size of this Home Department, we developed additional "free to review" departments at this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Website.  One of those "free to review" departments is titled "Healthcare Education and Cost Information" - it presents very helpful information about:

     1)  our very important protective security evaluation system and cost information about evaluation of our security levels.

     2)  our six lessons A4J Education Services - a lot of these special education services are available on the Internet at this main education website - exclusively for our A4J Private Education Club Members 
     3)  detailed cost information about our six-subject matter A4J Education Services - the cost varies for individuals based upon special financial evaluation factors that we responsibly consider.

     We will transfer you to that special department instantly with the link provided below - which will also enable you to return to this exact location by simply using your Back Arrow Function (for selected "qualified visitors" using a computer to review this website) or by using the correct TAB selection for selected "qualified visitors" who are using a smart phone or a tablet to review this website

     Using the link below, let's transfer to the "Healthcare Education and Cost Information" Department and learn some very important information about our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services

     If you have TABs at the top of your viewing screen, observe the active TAB and if the transfer action does not completely occur, select the active TAB at the top of your viewing screen to complete this transfer action.  The active TAB will display a circulating arrow symbol.

     Welcome back to this Home department.  Let's continue with additional helpful information. 

Our Private Office

     Although we have closed our "natural healthcare and wellness store" in Mauldin, our corporate business name, mail address, phone numbers, and our multiple natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational websites continue in operation because we are still in the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education business.

     Our office is still located in Mauldin, but our Hi-Tech, Hi-Security office is in a private facility that is not open to the public - because we do not provide any walk-in type sales or services to the public.     

     Our private office enables Lon and Janie to spend more time working with our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services

    This private office situation also enables Lon to focus more attention on his continuing natural healthcare and wellness concepts research - using the 1,000+ books in our natural healthcare and wellness concepts books library and also using the incredible research capabilities of the Internet 

     Having a private office also enables Lon to spend more time with his education actions of providing our short introductory natural healthcare and wellness education presentations (10 to 20 minutes) to local businesses, churches, civic and political clubs, veteran's groups, etc. (in the greater Greenville area).   

    Lon's natural healthcare concepts presentations to those groups can introduce people to: 

    1)  the very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that we provide "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" at our introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts website and this main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website.

    2)  Lon also introduces our protective security standards that protect our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services from getting to the wrong people.

    3)  He also introduces our exclusive Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Membership Services that are available only to selected "qualified visitors" who can qualify security-status wise for membership in this A4J Private Education Club. 

Review of Our Corporate Mission Statements

What Are We Striving To Accomplish?

     As an alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts educator, our Corporate Healthcare Mission is to introduce "qualified visitors" to very important and valuable alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be very helpful to them in many ways. 

     We provide very important helpful introductory education about this challenging objective with the "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts education presented with the two special educational websites that have been identified herein.

     Using the Internet, we also try to locate/find and then help "qualifiable" natural-born American adult citizens  who live in selected upstate areas of South Carolina (they live in a permanent home or residence address with a ZIP Code of 296 - - or 293 - - ).
      This main education website also introduces  "qualified visitors" to some of ABC of Health's natural healthcare and wellness concepts in our "free to review" format 
    We strive to help "qualifiable" American adult citizens learn how to improve their health and wellness status - by introducing them to additional alternative health and  complementary type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help them increase their energy level, their physical vitality, and their emotional strength.     

    The very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that we present in this Home Department's lengthy presentation can help "qualified visitors" get motivated to begin taking practical, responsible, and sensible natural healthcare and wellness promoting lifestyle actions that can help them protect their natural health better than has been usual for them.  

     The many natural healthcare and wellness concepts  introduced in this Home Department (with links to several other healthcare related departments within this Home Department presentation), may help "qualified visitors" get motivated to make important and valuable healthcare improvements in their usual lifestyle that can have very important life-improving benefits.  This healthcare education may also have life-saving benefits for many "qualified visitors."

     Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that many "qualified visitors" (responsible Christian-oriented freedom-loving patriotic-minded American citizens) can be helped a lot by simply reviewing our Level One "free to review" presentations as soon as possible (ASAP). 

Natural Healthcare and Wellness
Concepts Education Center

     This very special main natural healthcare and wellness educational website can be a very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts education center because:

     1.   "Qualified visitors" can review additional very important and valuable introductory "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

      Our introductory education website, combined with this main educational website, can help "qualified visitors" learn that Lon and Janie Willoughby have spent a lot of time and effort (many thousands of hours over a period of years) developing practical, responsible, and sensible educational services that can help selected "qualified visitors" begin learning how to take much better care of their natural health and their natural healthcare assets.

     2.   Health-conscious Christian-oriented freedom loving patriotic-minded natural-born American citizens ("qualified visitors") can learn that we have special natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services that were developed to help them in remarkable ways - services for "qualified visitors" who can responsibly qualify for membership in our Americans4Justice Private Education Club and then voluntarily join this remarkable private education club    
3.   Potential Qualified Visitors (PQV's) may want to advance to a CQV security level status so they will be qualified to join our exclusive A4J Private Education Club.

      They will then have access to our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services as presented in our six lessons A4J Education Services plus other security coded Bonus Education Departments at this website. 

     They will then have access to the remarkable advantages and benefits of being a member of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club 

     "Qualified visitors" can easily help some of their local family members and friends BIG TIME by simply encouraging them to visit our introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts education website (using the website address that is shown below: 

     Please remember that each local natural-born American adult citizen (apparently a "qualified visitor") that you invite to visit that website will have a remarkable opportunity to review some very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is "free to review" for "qualified visitors."

    Those visitors will also get educated about the massive healthcare problems in America and also get educated about the Six Healthcare Myths that Lon discovered - myths that can become dangerous beliefs for millions of Americans.  

     Those myths can drag our republic styled nation down to where we have 160,000+ people dying prematurely in the United States of America (the USA) each month.  (Dying prematurely = dying before age 90.)

     Lon Willoughby responsibly estimates that these tragic health situations are causing more than 1.9 million premature deaths each year in the USA, with a lot of pain and suffering - that could be reduced substantially and probably minimized by using our vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services

     As you probably know, these ongoing very serious health problems are costing many billions of $$$ each year in the United States of America 

     This main natural healthcare concepts education website introduces
selected "qualified visitors" to our remarkable educational opportunities that can improve some very serious health conditions by using some of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts (our copyrighted natural healthcare trade secrets). 

     We introduce selected "qualified visitors" to the exciting potential to improve natural human health and wellness actions a lot by using some of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services that we introduce "free to review" at this main healthcare and wellness concepts educational website.

     The education websites introduced herein make it very easy for selected "qualified visitors" to introduce very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts education to local family members, relatives, friends, church members, club members, and business associates who are apparently "qualifiable visitors."  

     They can do this easily by simply introducing those local apparently "qualifiable visitor" contacts to our introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website (the address shown below).



Reasonable Flexibility With

Our Qualification Standards   

      If you do not qualify fully with our definition of a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor but you like what we are striving to accomplish for selected "qualified visitors" and you see clearly that you would like to participate in our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services in some responsible way, send us an email about your personal situation.

     We want to help as many responsible freedom-loving natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented as we can.  Consequently, we have some flexibility with our PCQV qualification standards

     Give us a reasonable opportunity to consider your personal qualifications situation, and Lon will see whether or not we can work with your Potential Certified Qualified Visitor qualification variations.

Copyright Information Department

     Our Copyright Information department explained clearly what your responsibilities are regarding your restricted personal use of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     Our Terms of Use department explained clearly the serious penalties for willfully violating our Terms of Use Conditions.     

     Those conditions apply to the copyrighted healthcare and wellness concepts that you have already reviewed. 

     If you cannot qualify as a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor, or if you can qualify but will not agree to become a Potential Certified Qualified Visitor (for whatever reason), you are still fully obligated by federal copyright law standards to honor and respect our copyright ownership of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that you have already reviewed at our Natural Health Concepts Education Websites (Our "free to review" Level One Education).  

Terms of Use Department   

    Our Terms of Use Department explained the civil penalty's involved for violations of our copyrighted natural healthcare concepts corporate trade secrets.     

     Please understand that website visitors do not own any of the copyrighted healthcare and wellness concepts that they review at our websites, and visitors are not free to violate U.S. government copyright law standards because they choose to not be willing to responsibly comply with the conditions stated in the two departments referenced above. 

    Without the required PCQV or CQV written commitment from a "qualified visitor" we will not authorize that citizen to have access to any of the additional copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts education departments that are published at this very important main natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational website.    

Important Notes For All Visitors

     "Qualified visitors" are authorized to review the education departments listed below.

    Some of these departments are linked from within our "free to review" Home Department presentation: 

1.  Healthcare Problems In the USA, 

2.  Healthcare Myths - Dangerous Beliefs

3. Consultations,  4. Copyright Information, 

5. Terms of Use,  

  6 Unfair Healthcare Deck for Americans,

7. Background Info About Lon's Education,

8 Client Qualifications.

     In addition to the departments listed above, "qualified visitors" can also visit the Contact ABC of Health Department and/or our Comments and Reviews Department.

     This Home Department presentation and the departments listed above are the departments that "qualified visitors" are authorized to review in our "free to review" educational format. 

     "Qualified visitors" can take appropriate actions directly with our ABC of Health office personnel to apply for a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status.  That security status is essential before one can voluntarily choose to join our A4J Private Education Club.  (Our A4J Club)

     We remind all visitors that each violation of our Term of Use Conditions has a minimum civil law penalty of 30,000 U.S. dollars and may in fact have a minimum  penalty of 200,000 U.S. dollars, depending upon the actual circumstances of each violation, as explained in our Terms of Use Department 

     Consequently, do not make the serious mistake of giving away any of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts (verbally, or in writing, or in any other form of communications to other people). 

     It is very easy for "qualified visitors" to legally share very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts information with their local contacts - simply invite them to visit our very special introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website. 

     That is all that "qualified visitors" are authorized to do because our office personnel will take care of the rest of the administrative actions that may be needed for any "qualified visitor" that contacts our office personnel.

     Anyone who takes prohibited communication actions about our copyrights, automatically agrees for civil litigation jurisdiction in the appropriate court located in Greenville County, South Carolina, wherever they may have citizenship or be located or reside on Planet Earth.  

     If any person improperly proceeds to review educational information at our websites, they will still be responsible for complying with our Copyright Information Department Conditions and our Terms of Use Department Conditions as published at this main natural healthcare and wellness concepts education website (and as may be amended from time to time). 

    All visitors need to understand that they have been warned to not violate any of the Conditions stated in the two cautionary legal issues departments referenced above!!!  

    If any "qualified visitor" does not have sufficient honesty, integrity, and sense of responsibility to respect our very important and very valuable copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts, they should vacate this website promptly.

    Be advised that the Internet System records the IP address of each visitor via computer, smart phone, or tablet, etc., and the Internet System also records the user's location, the browser that is being used, and the date and the time of the system's recorded information.

    NOTICE:  Excluded people (or one of their associated people) as explained at the beginning of this website, are strictly prohibited from reviewing this private educational website other than the website information that has been specifically authorized.

    Excluded visitors are hereby reminded that their  prohibited actions of reviewing any other part of this website can have a minimum civil litigation financial penalty of two hundred thousand U.S. dollars for each violation and for each person "educated about any of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts" by a violation of these prohibitions.  

    Furthermore, each person taking such prohibited review actions, reasonably and responsibly agrees that all litigation that may become involved for such violations will be conducted in the appropriate court located in Greenville County, South Carolina, as explained in our Terms of Use Department.  

Relevant Background Information 

About ABC of Health and Lon Willoughby

Taking A Look At What Is Ahead

     Due to Lon's extensive natural healthcare concepts education, and his 15+ years of work experiences with alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness products, and our special work with more than a thousand health and wellness store customers (ABC of Health), he was able to recognize and understand the true nature of the massive healthcare education  deficiency dilemma in the USA.

   Lon could also see the great importance of this vital natural healthcare and wellness concepts education project He understood that this natural  healthcare and wellness concepts education is essential if responsible American adult citizens sincerely want to improve the natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions of millions of ordinary American adult citizens 

     Lon learned how to educate "qualified visitors" about dangerous healthcare problem conditions so they can be forewarned adequately about those health conditions - using our introductory education website for that critically important education project

     Lon realizes that "qualified visitors" to this website need to review relevant information about serious health problems in America before we try to educate them about their personal need to take preventive actions and protective actions that can help them reduce and minimize their potential for developing some of those health conditions. 

     Those very important education concepts are included in this website's presentations.
      ABC of Health is committed to helping "qualified visitors" get introduced to some of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon Willoughby researched, developed, and copyrighted for our exclusive corporate educational use.

     Our "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness  concepts education can improve the natural healthcare actions of many "qualified visitors" in upstate areas of South Carolina. 

     Lon and Janie Willoughby can present a lot more education for selected "qualified visitors" after they become "Certified Qualified Visitors" (CQV's) and then choose to join our A4J Private Education Club

     They will have access to education about very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  (Special healthcare concepts that they should consider when improving their lifestyle, and their family's lifestyle).  These special actions can improve and protect their health in very important ways.  

     This Home Department introduces very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be reviewed by selected "qualified visitors" with no upfront cost.  These "qualified visitors" should therefore make special efforts to review this Home Department responsibly as soon as possible (ASAP)

  This Home Department's lengthy education is presented "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" and several additional education departments are linked within this Home Department's presentation

    This is very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that responsible patriotic-minded selected "qualified visitors" need to review carefully and responsibly.

     Lon also educates our A4J club members about how he learned that American judicial/litigation systems can be extremely unfair and unethical in self-serving ways that can be despotic and tyrannical and outrageously corrupt (apparently anywhere in the USA).

Conclusion of This
Background Information

   The background information presented herein about ABC of Health and Lon Willoughby shows how ABC of Health progressed to where we are introducing major education for selected "qualified visitors" about alternative health type Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts

     You now understand how Lon Willoughby became a very competent holistic type natural healthcare and wellness consultant, and a very competent nutrition consultant, and a healthy lifestyle coach, and a natural healthcare and wellness concepts educator.

     He is now using the remarkable Internet to present Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services to thousands of selected "qualified visitors" in upstate South Carolina.

     The extensive natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge that Lon acquired over the years is what enabled him to be remarkably healthy today at age 85+, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  

     He has improved considerably from the seriously deteriorated health condition that he had in July 1980 (at age 44) when he began a series of natural healthcare consultations with Mrs. Dorothy Christopher in Mauldin, South Carolina.  

     His gradual loss of health prior to July 1980 was due to common American lifestyle actions and a lot of ongoing stress at high levels for many years.  Lon did not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol of any kind, and he had no other known harmful lifestyle habits that would have likely affected his health adversely.  

     In fact, due to his hypoglycemia condition, he had become much more health conscious than most American adults.  He routinely shopped at local health stores, and he tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle and tried to do healthy things for his body. 

     His healthcare knowledge level was also better than most American adult citizens, but his hypoglycemia condition was a routine serious problemHis high levels of frequent emotional stress made his hypoglycemia and his general health degrading conditions worse.  

     He had already learned some important things about a healthy lifestyle, but consulting with Mrs. Dorothy Christopher in the summer of 1980 enabled Lon to improve his lifestyle in very important ways that greatly improved his natural healthcare and wellness maintenance actions.  

     That special natural healthcare concepts education turned out to be exceptionally important for Lon and Janie Willoughby.  They have both benefited greatly from that natural healthcare and wellness concepts education during the past 40+ years.

     Since that time in the summer of 1980, Lon Willoughby has learned a lot about natural healthcare and wellness concepts and stress management techniques. Having endured 20+ years of extremely stressful ongoing litigation situations, Lon is living proof that alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts education and learning about stress management techniques can be very important for American adult citizens.

     Lon's exceptionally valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education enabled him to gradually learn how to improve the health of trillions of body cells each day, over a period of months, and then over a period of many years.  

     He gradually regained a lot of his natural health using practical, responsible, and sensible alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that enabled him to improve his health and enabled him to save his life from a premature death (with a lot of very important help from wife Janie Willoughby).

     Due to his advanced level of natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge today, Lon is confident that our Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Company can provide very important and very valuable Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education concepts for thousands of "qualified visitors." 

     Those education services can potentially enable many "qualified visitors" to learn how to take control of their natural healthcare in practical, responsible, and sensible ways.  Those very smart actions can become a huge healthcare advantage for the rest of their life. 

Judicial Corruption Exposed

     A4J club members can review our Judicial Corruption Exposed Department at this website later.  This is a protected access department that is accessible only for A4J club members.  

     They will learn that Lon Willoughby was maliciously and ruthlessly harassed, persecuted, and severely punished for 20+ years by unfair, unethical, and extremely corrupt attorneys, trial court judges, and appellate court judges in the distant southern state of Florida. 

     They collectively tried to destroy Lonnie Willoughby as a human being.  He had helped his aging parents develop an excellent inter vivos trust estate plan (during years 1/1983 - 12/1985) that enabled them to legally reduce federal estate taxes to zero (on a family estate value of about $1,200,000).  

     That trust estate plan also enabled Lon's parents to minimize potential Florida probate processing attorney fees to a few hundred dollars (could have been about 8% of $1,200,000 = $96,000). 

     Those very competent estate planning actions are  what initially caused two local Palatka attorneys and the local circuit court judge to become very abusive, unfair, and unethical with co-trustee litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. during family dispute litigation in 1989 - with co-trustee Lon residing in Greenville County, South Carolina. 

     Those extremely abusive, unfair, unethical, and extremely corrupt litigation actions were continued against non-resident litigant Lonnie Willoughby for many more years.  

     Frustrated Lonnie Willoughby reported and exposed some of those extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation schemes and tactics (corrupt self-serving judicial system practices) in multiple appeal case legal briefs.  He also reported some of those litigation actions to Florida law enforcement agencies and also to he FBI.

    Multiple "officers of the court" in Florida also tried to ruthlessly destroy a corporately owned independent healthcare and wellness store business in the Greenville, SC area that Lon Willoughby had developed, financed, and managed. 

     Those "officers of the court" clearly tried to bankrupt Lonnie Willoughby and his wife (Janie), and they succeeded with most of those malicious and ruthless objectives, including wrecking their family life for more than 20 years (starting in September 1989 - and ending in year 2010 - 20+ years later).

     When Americans 4 Justice club members review our Judicial Corruption Exposed Department, they will have difficulty believing that all of those malicious and ruthless judicial actions happened in America, but they really did happen to Lonnie Willoughby, Jr., as reported truthfully in that department. 

     Lon could not get anyone in the judicial systems (at the state level or the federal level) to make any effort to stop those sadistic, vindictive, malicious and ruthless persecution and punishment actions. 

     Furthermore, no one in law enforcement at the state level or at the federal level (the FBI) would do anything responsible about Lon's well documented complaints about those outrageously unfair and unethical judicial actions in Florida courts. 

     Law enforcement personnel wouldn't even consider responsibly investigating Lon's very serious well-documented criminal actions complaints, apparently because some attorneys and judges were involved in perpetrating the extremely unfair and unethical litigation actions that Lon Willoughby responsibly complained about.

    If Lon Willoughby had not already acquired a lot of his advanced level of natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge, "qualified visitors" could not be reading any of the information at this website because Lon Willoughby would have very likely died many years ago from super extreme levels of emotional distress.  Those kinds of extreme emotional stress can be very detrimental to human body systems.

     The intense and super extreme emotional stress of that catastrophic ordeal over 20+ years should have killed Lon for sure - as they clearly ruthlessly intended.  But it did not kill him. 

     How did Lon Willoughby manage to survive that extremely stressful emotional ongoing ordeal for 20+ years?

     He survived due to his incredibly important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge, and also because of his very helpful, supportive, and loving wife, Janie Willoughby.  She helped Lon Willoughby cope in many ways with that horrendous litigation and judicial ordeal over a 20+ years period of time. 

     Lon would not have been able to cope with those very difficult emotional and physical hardships over such a long period of time without Janie's diligent responsible help, again and again, hundreds of times during those 20+ years. 

     She prepared the good healthy food that Lon ate during that 20+ years, while she was also working as a high school teacher, teaching about 150 students per day.  Janie was very busy with her teaching duties, but she also managed to help Lon with several other important duties and responsibilities throughout those years (grocery shopping and cooking, clothes laundry, household cleaning, making sure that all household bills and health store billings got paid timely, helping Lon a lot with his personal preparation of annual state and federal income tax reports for personal tax reports and ABC of Health corporate tax reports, etc.).  

     During those litigation years, there were several times when Lon slept only about six hours during a three day period (72 hours) due to the extremely heavy legal paperwork workload and litigation filing deadlines that his litigation opponents (attorneys and the unfair and unethical trial court judges) forced upon him in malicious and ruthlessly corrupt ways. 

     As you know, trial court judges are supposed to be fair and impartial toward litigants (plaintiff and defendant) and make judicial judgments based on the facts and the evidence presented during the litigation process.  During those 20+ years, a series of seven successor trial court judges collusively worked together with the local plaintiff law firm and their attorney (working conspiratorially with each other) to make litigation actions as complex and as difficult and as expensive as they could make it for defendant litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. - residing in Greenville County in the upstate area of South Carolina. 

     He was eating only once or twice per day and bathing and shaving every fourth day for weeks at a time due to his extremely busy litigation paperwork workload schedule and his demanding filing deadlines for filing his litigation documents.  

     If litigation documents were filed even one day late, the court would not accept them as valid litigation documents.  During the 20+ years, defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. filed many litigation documents, and he managed to file all litigation papers in a timely manner.  

     Because he lived in South Carolina, he had to use U.S. Postal System Priority Mail delivery many times to help ensure timely delivery and filing of litigation documents.  He also used FAX to file some short (few pages) litigation documents timely when there was not enough time available to use Priority Mail.  Many of Lon's litigation documents were 30 to 50 pages long (maximum length allowed). 

     Lon was working day and night for weeks at a time to conduct legal type litigation research and meet very tight litigation action filing date deadlines set by "officers of the Florida courts" (attorneys/lawyers and trial court judges and appellate court judges).

     Lon was frequently having to conduct complex litigation research in the local Greenville County Law Library at the courthouse in downtown Greenville (about eight miles away from Mauldin - where Lon lived). 

     Lon would then draft and word process litigation documents - motions and defendant's litigation responses to many plaintiff's litigation actions that were filed by the plaintiff law firm in Palatka, Florida (corporately owned law firm by the extremely unfair, unethical, and ruthlessly corrupt "Lon's former defense attorney").      

     The Palatka plaintiff law firm attorney had sued Lonnie Willoughby to collect about $3,280 dollars in attorney fees that Lon had refused to pay due to the attorney's deceit, fraud, and legal malpractice actions and in-actions during a family member civil litigation case in Putnam County during year 1989

     Lonnie Willoughby later counterclaim sued that  law firm and the attorney for deceit, fraud, and legal malpractice 

     During that same period of time, Lon Willoughby had also sued three Florida attorneys in the federal court in Jacksonville, Florida (the plaintiff attorney that had represented defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. during the original litigation during year 1989, and the attorney that had deceitfully and corruptly represented the plaintiff during that civil family member litigation, and the unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt attorney that had later represented Appellant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. in his appeal case about the unfair, unethical, and corrupt manner in which the civil trial court litigation had been conducted during year 1989.  

     Think about the litigation complexities involved with the legal documents that Lon Willoughby filed in that very complex federal court litigation case, and consider that he did not have any law school education or training.  He had to do a lot of litigation study and train himself to prepare and word process and then file all of his legal documents properly and in a timely manner.

     Lon then had to cope with three litigation cases being active at the same time (the law firm's litigation case against Lonnie Willoughby and Willoughby's counterclaim lawsuit against the attorney and his law firm - in Palatka, Florida - Putnam County - and Plaintiff Lonnie Willoughby's related lawsuit in the federal court in nearby Jacksonville, Florida).

     Lon's time schedule was extremely difficult to manage because he was having to cope with an outrageously unfair, unethical, and sadistically corrupt very intelligent highly experienced and highly skilled attorney (the attorney for the plaintiff law firm in Palatka, Florida). 

     Over a period of 20 years, Lon Willoughby was also having to cope with a series of extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt trial court judges who "cooperated" (at every opportunity) with the unfair, unethical, and corrupt plaintiff attorney's devious litigation schemes and tactics

     That series of seven successive unfair and unethical judges did anything they could to collusively help the corrupt attorney (and his prominent Palatka law firm) as he repeatedly tried to unfairly and unethically defeat and ruthlessly destroy non-resident litigant Lonnie Willoughby - financially, emotionally, and physically. 

     Attorney actions, trial court judicial actions, appellate court judicial actions, and a Florida prosecuting attorney's later improper criminal prosecution actions (against Lonnie Willoughby, Jr.) cooperated with the extremely corrupt plaintiff attorney to collusively make the ongoing litigation actions as complex, as difficult, and as frustrating and as perplexing, and as expensive for litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. as they could make them (with him still living in the upstate area of Greenville County South Carolina).

     The evil-minded, extremely sadistic and vindictive plaintiff attorney did everything that he knew how to do to harass, persecute, and severely punish non-resident defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr., maliciously and ruthlessly from late 1989 until he died (a few days before Christmas day) in December 2001

     His death occurred after about 12 years of ongoing evil, sadistic, vindictive, ruthless and despotic persecution type litigation actions against non-resident litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr.

     The plaintiff attorney had many advantages on his side, including his office location in Palatka, Florida.  His law firm office was directly across the street from the Putnam County Courthouse where the trial court litigation actions were taking place (over a period of those 12 years). 

     The plaintiff attorney had easy access to the local law library in the court house, and he was very familiar with the Florida state's statutory laws and relevant Florida published appellate court case law decisions (for the five appellate courts in Florida).

     He also knew the local judges operating in Putnam County, and they unfairly and unethically collusively "cooperated" in any way possible with his unfair and unethical litigation schemes and tactics against non-resident iitigant Lonnie Willoughby.  

     Defendant Lonnie Willoughby lived 450 miles away in Greenville County, South Carolina, and he quickly learned that this was an extremely awkward, very difficult, and very expensive position for a nob-resident pro se litigant to be in.

     The plaintiff attorney's evil-minded, sadistic and vindictive harassment litigation actions forced non-resident defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. to make seven additional trips to the distant state courts' location, 450 miles away from Lon's home in Greenville County, South Carolina.  That was about 6,300 to 7,000 miles of automobile travel (seven trips at about 900 to 1,000 miles per round trip). 
     NOTE:  It is important to consider that those seven trips amounted to more miles driven than one trip from coastal Charleston, South Carolina to Los Angeles, California and then a return trip back to Charleston, South Carolina.

     Lon had previously made two trips to Palatka, Florida during the original family trust dispute litigation case in 1989.  He eventually drove almost 9,000 miles for the total litigation actions in the courts in Putnam County Florida and the appellate court located in Daytona, Beach.

     There were several other times when Lon needed to travel to Palatka, Florida for additional litigation actions and judicial hearings, but he wisely avoided making  those additional trips to Putnam County Florida. 

     Lon had responsibly anticipated that the local County Court Judge would have had him arrested and locked up  in the local Putnam County Jail for many months - if defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. had made any of those additional trips to the county court house in Palatka, Florida - about ongoing litigation actions. 

     Later litigation actions confirmed Lon's suspicions about those situations.  Fortunately, he responsibly managed to avoid their collusive criminal-minded unethical attempts to get him to go back to Putnam County for additional litigation actions so they could have Willoughby arrested and locked up in the local Putnam County Jail

      Lon Willoughby gradually learned that he was having to cope with a judicial system that was as unfair, unethical, and corrupt as well-educated and skilled attorneys (lawyers), and trial court judges could make it for their own personal and "legal brotherhood" self-serving benefits

     Lon went through a series of five successive very unfair, unethical, and corrupt Circuit Court Judges and also two very corrupt County Court Judges.  Each of those seven judges did anything they could to help the extremely unfair, corrupt, and unethical local plaintiff attorney - who had unfairly and corruptly represented defendant co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. during the Willoughby family civil litigation case that had begun for co-trustee Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. on March 3, 1989.

     The opposing plaintiff attorney repeatedly forced defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. into trial court litigation actions that required him to file several complex appeal cases - appeal case after appeal case until he had eventually filed 10 appeal cases. 
     Lon spent thousands of dollars for court reporters and their official printed transcripts of judicial motion hearings and trial court proceedings.  The transcripts were needed for appellate court review of what had occurred in the trial court litigation actions.

     Lon also spent thousands of dollars on appeal case filing fees and Record on Appeal preparation fees by the local Putnam County Clerk of Court staff personnel

     Each appeal case had a filing fee in the trial court and a second filing fee in the appellate court.  

     For each appeal case, there was also a fee for the Putnam County Clerk of Court personnel to prepare copies of the detailed trial court records for transfer to the appellate court as the Record on Appeal.  (The documentary records that would theoretically be reviewed by appellate court judges - typically a three judge panel of appellate court judges).  

     Those Record on Appeal documents were usually several hundred pages in length.  In Lon's first appeal case in year 1990, the trial court case one-day trial transcript by itself was two volumes totaling 762 pages. 
     As related previously, defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. had many disadvantages compared to his litigation opponent's location in the distant state (Florida attorneys and judges).  Yes, Lon learned that the local judges were actually his litigation opponents also, and they were as unfair and corrupt as they could be.

     Fortunately, Lon had two exceptionally important situations that helped him cope and survive that extremely difficult and stressful litigation ordeal over 20+ years. 

     He had his very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge, and he also had his smart and very helpful and very supportive wife, Janie Willoughby.

     Janie helped litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. as much as she could in his ongoing efforts to cope with those egotistically arrogant, haughty, and pompous self-appointed "elitist aristocratic" members of the legal profession in the distant state (members of the Florida "legal brotherhood"). 

     Remember that during those 20+ years, Janie was also teaching about 150 high school students per day, teaching five classes per day, with preparation time for each class (with daily lesson plan preparation duties and responsibilities), and she usually had hundreds of student test papers to grade weekly. 
     Lon's ongoing litigation actions placed a lot of emotional stress on wife Janie during that 20+ years ordeal as she tried to help him as much as possible.

     The Florida plaintiff attorney and the succession of local trial court judges worked together collusively (unfairly, unethically, and corruptly) - the judges were supposed to be fair and impartial toward each litigant. They repeatedly demonstrated that they could be unfair, unethical, autocratically, despotically, tyrannically, and extremely corrupt in self-serving ways for benefits to the legal profession.

     Over 20 years of related litigation actions, a series of seven corrupt successor trial court judges took judicial actions that would benefit the corrupt plaintiff attorney (and his local law firm) or benefit the "legal brotherhood" (trial court attorneys and trial court judges).

     Lon Willoughby, Jr. managed to survive that horrendous litigation ordeal, but his attorney opponent did not survive the intensive ongoing 12 years litigation battle ordeal - he died at age 72 in December 2001 (a few days before Christmas Day). 

     His extremely evil-minded sadistic and vindictive attitude and his corresponding unfair and unethical litigation actions, schemes, and tactics against non-resident defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. probably had a lot to do with his premature death at the young age of only 72.

      That complex litigation battle ceased for a while (due to the plaintiff attorney's death), but then the litigation was resumed by two of the deceased attorney's adult sons who were also practicing attorneys in that distant state.

     That litigation battle continued in an extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt despotic manner, year after year, until year 2010 when defendant Lon Willoughby finally refused to attempt to file another appeal case of their most recent extremely unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation actions.

      That situation ended their outrageously unfair and disgustingly corrupt self-serving self-appointed "elitist and aristocratic" despotic and tyrannical litigation actions.   (The opposing attorney's unfair and unethical self-serving litigation schemes and tactics, and the very cooperative trial court judges, and usually the unfair and unethical self-serving appellate court judges' actions.)

     They had managed to confiscate 126,000+ dollars from Lon's trust account funds in a local bank in Palatka, Florida - that trust account was controlled by a local circuit court decree and Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. had no control over or access to that bank account.  

     The corrupt attorneys and judges had finally achieved their objective during the 20+ years of litigation - they unfairly and unethically confiscated 126,000+ dollars out of Lonnie Willoughby, Jr's trust account funds - practically depleted the trust account funds.

     Lon is now age 85+, and he is still strong emotionally and physically.  In addition to this very important website, he also wants to have some time to write a very important book that will clearly expose the corrupt, evil-minded, selfish, self-serving, arrogant, pompous, self-appointed "elitist and aristocratic" despotic and tyrannical judicial system practices that a series of attorneys and judges ruthlessly forced upon non-resident litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr.   He had to try to cope with those unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt litigation actions again and again (many times) during the extended litigation period of 20+ years. 

     Lon's book will report that corrupt attorneys and trial court judges can reliably get away with their unfair, unethical, and corrupt self-serving litigation actions - without fear of any responsible investigations because members of the "legal brotherhood" effectively control those kinds of criminal investigations and prosecution actions in the United States of America

     With no fair, ethical, and responsible investigations,  there will be no responsible prosecutions; consequently, there will not be any responsible punishment actions for unfair and unethical corrupt litigation schemes and tactic by trial court attorneys and/or "cooperative" trial court judges

     Consequently, unfair, unethical, and corrupt trial court attorneys (lawyers) and trial court judges can get away with just about any unfair and unethical and corrupt litigation schemes and tactics that they can create for a litigant (like they did many times for Lonnie Willoughby).

    Lon Willioughby learned that the legal profession has apparently corrupted law enforcement agencies throughout the United States of America to such an extent that law enforcement personnel at all levels (state law enforcement agencies and federal law enforcement agencies, including the FBI) will likely avoid providing fair-minded responsible law enforcement actions about serious complaints involving unfair, unethical, and criminal-minded litigation schemes and tactics by attorneys (lawyers) and trial court judges - members of the "legal brotherhood. (The legal professions throughout the United States of America.)

     Lon learned that this is a law enforcement agency's routine response to responsible complaints about unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation actions that involve  unfair and unethical attorneys (lawyers) actions or unfair and unethical actions by trial court judges. (Attorneys and judges are members of the legal profession.)

     It is very important for American adult citizens to get educated about these situations and understand clearly that members of the "legal brotherhood" effectively control many law enforcement investigations and do control all serious prosecution actions throughout the USA.  (This situation is apparently effective in all counties in every state in the United States of America.)

     Consequently, members of the legal profession can easily be "protected" from any responsible investigations, or prosecutions, or punishment actions - no matter how unfair, unethical, and corrupt they choose to be in a litigation process or in any judicial actions. 

     Lon's litigation experiences over 20+ years found that they are the "untouchables" when it comes to criminal law investigations and prosecutions for their unfair, unethical, and corrupt litigation actions and/or corrupt trial court judicial actions.

     Lon Willoughby personally experienced those situations numerous times during an ongoing extended 20+ years of related litigation actions in the trial courts and usually in the appellate courts also (in the state of Florida and in the relevant U.S. federal trial court in Jacksonville, Florida, and in the relevant appellate court -- 11th Circuit Court of Appeal - Atlanta, Georgia).

     Our Judicial Corruption Exposed department at this website presents a detailed preview of Lon's expose' book about judicial corruption in American courts.   That department is only accessible by A4J club members. 

     Lon learned that members of the legal profession, including trial court judges and also appellate court judges, can be extremely unfair and unethical in arrogant and pompous "elitist" and "aristocratic" ways that are self-serving for members of the legal profession

     Those judicial actions against litigant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. clearly exposed their very common self-appointed "elitist aristocratic attitudes" that enable them to feel entitled to conduct unfair, unethical, corrupt, despotic, and tyrannical litigation actions against and toward ordinary American citizen litigants.  That is especially likely to occur for a non-resident litigant that is proceeding in a pro se status - as Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. had to do for 20 years - because the judicial system actions that he experienced were so disgustingly unfair and corrupt in a self-serving manner.

     Defendant Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. experienced those extremely unfair, corrupt, despotic, and autocratic tyrannical litigation attitudes and actions many times during his 20+ years of related litigation actions in the Florida courts that are identified herein. 
Affects Upon Our Education Services

      Let's continue with some additional very important natural healthcare education concepts, but realize that the extremely unfair, unethical, and outrageously corrupt judicial situations that Lon Willoughby, Jr. personally experienced many times during 20+ years of litigation actions affected our Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services in very serious ways

     Lon has learned to be very careful in trying to help American citizens about natural healthcare and wellness concepts education wherever they live, even in the local area of upstate Greenville County, South Carolina. 

     He is especially careful and cautious about providing natural healthcare concepts education services outside of the Greenville Federal Judicial Court's jurisdiction (as explained in our Introductory Education Website). 

     Lon explained that there is a serious potential for extremely unfair and unethical litigation and judicial actions and he also explained that there is a potential for unfair and unethical law enforcement actions throughout the United States of America.  

     Lon now understands that those law enforcement actions are ultimately controlled by attorneys (lawyers) and local trial court judges in each specific geographic area that may be involved in litigation.

     Yes, that same potential for unfair and unethical litigation actions exists in our local upstate South Carolina area, but it will be much less expensive and much less difficult and less troublesome for Lon Willoughby to cope with in our local judicial area than litigation actions would be in a distant judicial areas in South Carolina - or in other distant judicial jurisdictions at other litigation actions throughout the USA.

Additional Information About

Our Health Store Business Operation

     We provide additional information about our business operation and our efforts to provide responsible natural healthcare concepts education opportunities for local American adult citizens in other departments of this website. 

     When you take time to visit other departments, you can simply scroll down through those departments just to see what kind of information is available to you, whenever you want to spend some time reviewing that additional information. 

     Lon has included some very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts in those additional departments.  Consequently, you will be wise to take time to come back and review that healthcare concepts information whenever you can arrange time to review those additional departments.

Quick Review and Summary

We are an "Alternative Health" and

"Complementary Health"

Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts 

Education Company

     You have learned that we are in the natural healthcare and wellness concepts education business.  We specialize in helping "qualified visitors" learn advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be very important and very valuable toward their enjoyment of an improved healthy lifestyle and the enjoyment of long-term good natural health conditions.  

      Our copyrighted and proprietary advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts are truly a major breakthrough in natural healthcare and wellness management actions and protection actions concepts.

     We teach life-improving health concepts for all members of our patriotic A4J private education club.  These special natural healthcare and wellness concepts may be life-saving concepts for many A4J club members.

     This website has been modified in hundreds of ways to introduce natural healthcare and wellness concepts education to "qualified visitors."

     This website also provide a lot more natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) who qualify and choose to join our patriotic A4J private education club

     The first lesson in our six-lesson healthcare education services for A4J club members is presented "free to review" in our introductory website and this main natural healthcare and wellness concepts education website. A4J club members will have access to five additional lessons in our six-lessons A4J natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services.     

     Those five additional lessons are presented in security code protected departments that can be accessed only by A4J club members who have received the security codes from us that are required to access (enter into) each of those five special education departments.  They will also security code access to several bonus education departments at this main education website. 

     The first lesson of our six-lessons natural healthcare and wellness concepts education services is available "free to review" for "qualified visitors" to this website.

     This first lesson introduces very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that all "qualified visitors" need to review as quickly as possible (AQAP).  You are still reviewing part of this first lesson at this time.

     If an A4J club member family has some teenagers, we suggest that the parents authorize their teenagers to review and study this Home Department's very important education presentation.

    This main natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational website introduces a lot of "free to review" educational health concepts to "qualified visitors."

    This exceptionally important natural healthcare concepts education is not available anywhere else in the USA in this well-organized easy to review and easy to learn manner. 

     "Qualified visitors" can likely enjoy and benefit from this "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts education service for the rest of their life.

Approval of CQV Security Status 

     After we receive the completed CQV Application and Registration Paperwork, we will carefully review that information.   If everything checks out in a responsible manner (as explained previously), we will email the applicant our CQV Welcome letter and also send them some important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that can help them a lot during the coming months and years. 

     We will also email them information about joining our A4J Private Education Club.  After they achieve a CQV security status, they will be security status eligible to join our A4J Private Education Club.  They can voluntarily choose to pay the first-year annual A4J Club Membership Dues Fee and become a member of our A4J Private Education Club.

     The cost of the first-year membership dues is variable, based upon some specific economic factors for each person or each married couple.  These economic factors will be explained in the information that we email to each CQV security status applicant

     A4J Club Members will have access to our security code protected departments at this website, which includes access to the additional five lessons of our A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services, and they also receive access to our Bonus Education Departments.

     The security codes that each A4J club member use to access our security code protected departments at this website will enable access to natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can be incredibly important and valuable for each A4J club member.  

     Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) who have voluntarily paid the first-year annual club membership dues fee can join our A4J Private Education Club and have access to those special security codes.

     A4J Club membership also provides the remarkable opportunity to become an A4J affiliate - where generous affiliate awards can be earned by doing very easy advertising work for us (ABC of Health) - referring "apparently qualified" prospects to our introductory education website that is located at www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com/

     Each A4J affiliate will earn a generous affiliate award (finder's fee commission) for each new A4J club member that joins our A4J private education club due to that A4J affiliate's advertising work.

Security Code Protected Departments


     You can go to the top of this Home Department and select individually various Department links to see which Departments require security codes.  Those Departments cannot be accessed by anyone without entering the security codes that are required.

     You can use your TAB function or your Back Arrow function to return to the top of this Home Department after each Department entry attempt.  You will find that you cannot enter our protected access departments without the security codes that are required for entry of a protected Department. 

     It is important for you to understand that A4J club members are authorized to review all departments of this website that require the use of security codes

     CQV's that have received their approval Welcome Letter will be security qualified to join our A4J Private Education Club

     A4J Club Members will find it very interesting and very helpful to review our Bonus Education Departments (they also require our protective security codes for entry).     

Natural Healthcare Education

Can Be Powerful Education

     It has been said that "knowledge is power."   Lon and Janie Willoughby understand that natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge is some of the most beneficial and most important knowledge that you can acquire.  It can be very important for all competent responsible adults. 

     Choosing to actively learn natural healthcare and wellness concepts is a very important decision in life, and you better get this decision right or it can easily cost you your life, as it does tens of thousands of Americans who die prematurely each week.  

     Lon Willoughby estimates that more than 120,000 people die prematurely monthly in the United States of America.

     Unfortunately, most American adult citizens will not learn about this very important and valuable "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts education until someone invites them to visit our Introductory Education Website

www dot AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com

     Lon Willoughby has learned over the years that most American adult citizens apparently believe erroneously that they know about all they need to know about taking good care of their very complex body.   

     Lon carefully designed this Home department's  lengthy educational presentation to help selected "qualified visitors" overcome this mythical belief because that false belief enables a lot of sickness and disease suffering in the USA (for millions of Americans). 

     With his advanced level natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge, Lon is confident that those serious health problems can be reduced and minimized using our special six-lessons Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services.

     Lon Willoughby believes that If most American adults learned how to take good care of their natural health, we would not have an average 160,000+ premature deaths in the USA each month.

     That tragic recurring situation monthly shows that most American adults do not know nearly enough  about very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts. 

      Most American adults apparently think they know how to take good care of their body, but the average premature death rates monthly show that most American adults do not know how to do that in a practical, responsible, sensible, and competent manner. 

     Lon understands that most Americans do not know how to take good care of their complex body even though they are comfortable "believing" that they do know how to take good care of their body.  

     Look at the valid evidence of 40,000+ premature deaths weekly, week after week, and those terrible health conditions have been going weekly on for a long, long, long time.   What does that tell you about how little most Americans know about taking good care of their natural health?

    The "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts education presented at this website can help thousands of selected "qualified visitors" a lot.  However, our comprehensive additional five lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services can help our A4J Club Members much more - in their near future, and in an ongoing manner throughout the remainder of their lifetime!  

     This Home department's "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is the no-cost "free to review" easy way to begin learning about how to take much better care of your precious natural health.

     As a selected "qualified visitor" you have learned that this main healthcare concepts educational website presents additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that introduces briefly additional very important and very valuable Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts.

     Selected "qualified visitors" will then have an opportunity to try to qualify as a Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) - who will then have an opportunity to choose to voluntarily join our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club

     Potential Qualified Visitors (PQV's) can complete our protective "security evaluation process" and become a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) - as explained in our Healthcare Education and Cost Information Department.
     Very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts are presented in this Home Department, and in the additional education departments that are linked within this Home Department

     That very important natural healthcare concepts education is available to all "qualified visitors" "free to review" with the clear understanding that any use they make of the copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts introduced herein must comply responsibly with the conditions stated in our Copyright Information Department and also the conditions stated in our Terms of Use Department

      VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  It is very important for selected "qualified visitors" to understand that they must comply responsibly with those very important conditions if a selected "qualified visitor" chooses to use any of our "free to review" copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts to improve healthcare conditions for themselves, or any other immediate family members.

     It is also important to understand that our special six lessons A4J Educational Services have never been available anywhere for purchase before this current time in July 2023 - not even for politically powerful and/or very wealthy natural-born American adult citizens who are Christian-oriented and patriotic-minded toward America

     Lonnie and Janie Willoughby carefully developed  major breakthroughs in teaching Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts for education of our Americans 4 Justice Private Education Club Members

    Lon also developed the protective security methods and procedures explained herein to help ABC of Health ensure that only Americans 4 Justice Club Members will have access to our security coded education departments

Invite Selected Local American Citizens 

To Visit Our Introductory Website

      If you appreciate the very important and very valuable Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education that is presented "free to review" at our educational  websites, we encourage you to invite some of your local apparently "qualified visitor" contacts to visit our very special introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website

     You now have an important opportunity to help some local family members, relatives, friends, and other contacts search for and find our very important Introductory Educational Website.   

     This main Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts educational website can also help selected "qualified visitors" get introduced to additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts.  

     This main healthcare educational website may also help your local apparently "qualifiable visitor" contacts begin learning about natural healthcare and wellness concepts actions that they can take to help protect and possibly save their life from a premature death

Invite your local apparently "qualifiable visitor"

contacts to visit this website address

Helpful Overview Summary of

Our Natural Healthcare Services

     IMPORTANT NOTES:  The information presented below provide a quick summary of the very important and valuable natural healthcare education services that ABC of Health offers to "qualified visitors."

     Similar information is also presented in some other departments because key words are contained herein that help Internet Search Engines work better with our complex website.

     After you have reviewed this helpful summarized information one time, you can simply scroll down past these paragraphs when you visit other departments that contain similar introductory information.  

     Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Services:

 This main educational website introduces briefly very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are "free to review" for selected "qualified visitors" that can help them understands some ways to improve their lifestyles (but only if they also responsibly agree to comply with our Copyright Information Department Conditions and our Terms of Use Conditions).

     Our company also offers natural healthcare and wellness concepts consultations with Lon Willoughby by telephone for A4J Club Members (they live in the upstate area of South Carolina - within an approximate 60 miles radius of downtown Greenville).  (We have a very reasonable fee structure for these natural healthcare and wellness concepts consultation services.)  

     Lon Willoughby can conduct convenient consultations by telephone that may be very helpful to a A4J Club Member individual, or married couples, or families.  We suggest that all such consultations be conducted via a landline type telephone connection if possible (to avoid cell phone type radiation into the very sensitive head area for an extended period of minutes). 

     If there are teenage children in a family, and a landline telephone speakerphone connection is available for use, it may be important to include these older children in the family telephone consultation session. 

    Lon can structure the telephone consultation to also be very beneficial to teenage children, in addition to the consultation information that is provided for direct benefit to the parents.  (Depending upon the personal sensitivity of the healthcare information involved in the consultation session).

     Our telephone consultations with Lon can quickly inform A4J club members about how Lon can help them with specific healthcare issues.

     Telephone consultation services offer the advantages of being a fast and convenient way for new A4J club members to learn about some alternative health type natural healthcare concepts that can be directed to specific healthcare concerns and issues

     This very convenient consultation opportunity can enable new A4J club members to quickly obtain very valuable natural healthcare concepts information at a very reasonable cost.  

     The proprietary and copyrighted advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that we teach in our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services educate A4J club members about our very important and very valuable advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts.

     Lon and Janie Willoughby know how to teach these special natural healthcare concepts in a manner that is easy for club members to understand and easy to learn, and our natural healthcare and wellness concepts will be easy to use in achieving very important improvements in their personal lifestyle.

     These remarkable natural healthcare improvements can benefit A4J club members in very important ways.  They can enable club members to live more enjoyable lives that will likely have more productivity and achievements and more success than they would have likely had with their previous diet and lifestyle.

     Our very important and valuable six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Services are available only from our company because we own numerous copyrights that are presented in the advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts that we teach.

     We are the only company authorized to teach our healthcare education services because we must control the security evaluation of each applicant's qualifications for joining our A4J Private Education Club.

     This main ABC's of Health website educates our A4J club members about very important natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are involved with a broad variety of healthcare subjects such as: healthcare consultations, healthcare classes, healthcare concepts education programs, vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, nutraceuticals, probiotics, proteins, etc. 

     We can also present important information about air filters, air purifiers, water filters, bathing water filters, bath tub filters, shower filters, water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, CHI type exercisers, and quality built rebounder exercisers, and Far-infrared (FIR) portable Saunas.

     The relevant natural healthcare products and services listed above illustrate the broad range of important healthcare issues that our resident natural healthcare consultant and nutrition consultant and healthy lifestyle coach is knowledgeable about.  (Lon Willoughby)    

      Lon has acquired special natural healthcare concepts education and experience with many important health-promoting products and alternative health and "complementary health" type natural healthcare concepts and services.

     Natural healthcare actions are actions without using any pharmaceutical type drugs.

Helpful Information For You

     This Website is viewed best with Arial font - Medium Size (10). You may be able to select parameters on your browser by using View (set text size) and Tools (Internet Options - select Font and then select the Font Size).

     Our Contact ABC of Health Department provides a convenient email form that makes it easy to send a quick email communications to ABC of HealthPlease title your Subject line as suggested. 

+  +  +  +  + 

     If you are a selected "qualified visitor" with ABC of Health and you appreciate the very important and valuable copyrighted and proprietary natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are introduced for "free review" access at this website, it will be helpful to us if you will take a few minutes to visit our Comments and Reviews Department and tell us how our healthcare and wellness concepts information has been helpful to you.  

     We want to know how you feel about the first lesson in our six lessons healthcare educational services.  We really do like to hear from "qualified visitors."

     Important email information:  If you want to retain a copy of your email, just use your usual method of sending emails and send your email to:  You will then retain a copy of your email in your email sent folder; you can also send yourself a Cc copy (Carbon Copy of your email).

      Your email to us can simply express how you feel about our dedicated efforts to help "qualified visitors" get introduced to some very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that can help them take better care of their precious natural health and benefit from those vital natural healthcare actions for the rest of their life.  

     If you have been a customer or a client in our unique  Natural Healthcare and Wellness Store or our  Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Business, it will be helpful to us if you will take a few minutes to express your feelings about the way we have served your natural  healthcare concerns and interests - by using the convenient email form provided in our Comments and Reviews Department. 

    NOTE:  If you want to retain a copy of your email, please use the alternate email procedure that was explained above (use your personal email system).

    Your constructive comments about us can be very helpful to first-time selected "qualified visitors" who are trying to evaluate our credibility and trust-worthiness as a natural healthcare and wellness concepts educator. 

    WOW!!!  How did you get so lucky as to find this incredibly important website?  If a family member, or a friend, or a business associate invited you to visit this website, be sure to get in touch with them right after completing this First Lesson and let them know that you have completed the First Lesson of our exciting six lessons healthcare educational services 

    When you contact them, also let them know you truly appreciate their thoughtful help in suggesting that you visit our exceptionally important and very valuable introductory Advanced Natural Health Concepts educational website

Important Email Information

     When we respond to your email, our response may go into your "Junk File or Spam File" until you direct your email system to recognize our email as a good email and then move it into your Inbox. 

     It is very important to always check your "Junk email and Spam File" each time you check your email to help you avoid losing some good emails. 

     We check our Junk email and Spam File daily, and usually have some good emails that got sent to one of those files instead of being sent to our email Inbox 

    We understand that emails that get stored in our Junk email or Spam File will be deleted automatically after ten days of storage (if we have not taken actions to move any good emails into our email Inbox before the 10-day period expires for each individual email)

     When we find good emails in our Junk email File or Spam File, as we frequently do, we simple take action to move those files into our email inbox.

Additional Notes

     Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) may continue reviewing information that is below the three red horizontal lines down below.  Such as:
     Potential Certified Qualified Visitors (PCQV's) should email ABC of Health and requested our CQV Application and Registration forms.  After they mail the required completed forms and their identification documents back to ABC of Health, our office personnel will evaluate their submitted information.

     If they are approved as a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) or as an approved CQV married couple, our office personnel will mail them our CQV Welcome Letter that verifies their upgrade to a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) security status (for an individual, or a married couple, or a stable "living together couple").   

Suggestions For Selected "Qualified Visitors"

      Lon suggests that you go to the top of this Home Department and then use some of the Department links to see how our security protected departments work.

     Selected "qualified visitors" who are using a computer can use their Back Arrow Function to return to the top of this Home Department after each individual department entry attempt. 

     It is important to remember that many departments of this very large website can be accessed only by A4J Club Members (by using the current security codes).

    After we receive an applicant's completed CQV Application and Registration Paperwork, we will carefully review the information and if everything checks out in a responsible manner, we will email our CQV Welcome letter and also provide important information about joining our A4J Private Education Club 


     If you are trying to set up colored text for your smart phone or your tablet, the three-word link should be down below after the last line of type in this Department.  Select that special link command to instantly start your colored text viewing.

    Once you set this up for your viewing device, it will likely stay this way even when you move from one department to another - or move to another Website.

    It may stay this way even after you turn your device off and then restart it at a later time Enjoy colored text viewing throughout this very special educational website.  You now know how to start colored text viewing at any time.

      Selected "Qualified visitors" are authorized to scroll down quickly below the three red lines right after the picture below to get to the very bottom of this department and set up colored text viewing on a smart phone or a tablet as explained previously herein.  

     Select the three-word link located below the last line of type at the very bottom of this Home Department to activate colored text viewing.

     if you are already in colored text viewing mode, the three-word link will not be available for selection at the bottom of the text information in this department.  


      Potential Certified Qualified Visitors (PCQV) and Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) who have come this far have successfully completed the first lesson of our A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services.

     At this point, new A4J club members will have  completed 16.66% of their "quick-review visits" of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services.  These new A4J Club Members will be off to a very good start. 

     They will have responsibly reviewed all of the introductory education (Level One) that was essential to review before they began their Level 2 Education with our security code protected natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate education trade secrets.  (Very important healthcare education will be presented in Lesson Two - it contains very important corporate educational corporate trade secrets)   

     CQV's who have gone forward and joined our A4J Private Education Club can get excited about their next lesson in our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Services because our Home Extension 1 Department (Lesson 2) will present some very important natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts. 

     These special natural healthcare concepts have the potential to help each A4J Private Education Club Member a lot during the remaining years of their very likely extended lifetime longevity.

    You are near the end of this very important and very  valuable lengthy Home Department.  Only Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) who have gone forward and joined our A4J Private Education Club will be able to continue with the next "quick review visit" at our Home Extension 1 Department (Lesson # 2 of our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational  Services). 

     If you currently have a PCQV security status and are in the process of qualifying for a CQV security status, we recommend that you go ahead with your first "study visit" of this Home Department while you are completing our CQV Application Process.  

     As you know, the Login Code and Password Code are not needed to access this Home Department's lengthy "free to review" presentation (part of Lesson One of our six-lessons Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Services).

      A4J Club Members are authorized to visit several important departments that require security codes for access.  Club Members can enjoy going on a treasure hunt for valuable Bonus Education Departments in our security code protected departments(Security codes will be needed for access to our Bonus Education Departments.) 

     We have a lot of important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts to share with our A4J Club Members - so they can learn more about improving their personal lifestyle substantially.  They can enjoy a lifetime of better health conditions and enjoy many important natural healthcare and wellness benefits. 

     A4J Club Members can try using any of the Home Extension department links at the top of this Home Department when they want to see if they can enter into any of those departments

     They will need to use a Login Code and Password Code to enter into the five Home Extension Departments.

     A4J Club Members can also enter the security coded departments named Diabetes and Hypoglycemia and also  Lon's Motivation Department - both of these Bonus Education Departments are security code protected.   They present very important educational concepts.

     The advantages and benefits of being a member of our A4J Club are remarkable and tremendous.  This is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" that has never before been available to anyone in America at any price (prior to Monday, February 17, 2025 - the opening date of our Americans 4 Justice private education club).

    This is the end of this Home Department.  When you activate colored text viewing, you will immediately be returned to the beginning of this Home Department, and you can again review this department's presentation in color, or if you prefer, scroll down to the location where you were at before starting the activation of colored text viewing.  However, you may find it helpful to review this Home Department from the beginning, now that you have activated colored text viewing.